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The Good Girl's Revenge novel Chapter 155

How much did Meredith suffer when he didn't know?

"Not anymore."

Derek grabbed Meredith's hand and gently kissed her fair fingertips. His movements were so gentle that they made Meredith feel like she was taken good care of.

"It's all in the past, it should be... It's in the past..."

Meredith muttered, looking at the man in front of her, she always had an unreal feeling.

It was already unbelievable enough for someone like Derek to do this to her. She didn't know if she wanted to continue to fall into his tenderness.

The feeling of being protected was too tempting, like a poppy, and it was hard to stop after tasting it once.

"It's over. Trust me." Derek knew that there was uncertainty in Meredith's heart, so he gave her a promise without hesitation.

Meredith smiled. At this moment, she didn't want to think so much. She didn't want to think about the Xaviers, Chloe, and many more. She just wanted to sink into the tenderness that Derek had given her, even if it could be very short.

Derek was a little lost in his thoughts. Meredith in his mind rarely smiled. Perhaps because she had too much on her mind, there was always a hint of gloom in her eyes. Only then did he remember that the woman in front of him was only twenty-three years old, just graduated from college.

"You have a beautiful smile. You should smile more in the future."

Derek said, gently pinning a strand of hair that had fallen off Meredith's cheek.

Meredith did not answer, but she didn't resist. She snuggled up in the man's warm and generous arms and felt the reassuring warmth.

A moment later, she seemed to remember something. "By the way, Leo... Did he admit it?"

Just now, Derek said he was going to find Leo. So, was there any progress?

"..." Derek didn't expect her to ask this." We need to wait."

"He won't tell the truth?" Meredith clenched her fists, a flash of anger in her eyes.

Leo undermined others for his own benefit, and didn't not treat others as human beings. How to get Leo to tell the truth was indeed a problem.

"I'll get him to say it as soon as possible."

Derek obviously hated Leo to the extreme. But if Leo did not tell the truth, he could not bend Leo into a confession either. That would be of no use even if he got a confession, and would not restore Meredith's innocence at all.

"I... Can we go see him tomorrow?" Meredith thought about it and said.

At least, she wanted to know how things were going.

Derek looked into her serious eyes and understood how much she valued it. "You take care of yourself. I'll take you there."

After receiving Derek's promise, Meredith felt much more at ease. Then the man put medicine on her leg one by one, and then carried her to the bed big enough.

Derek's hot body pressed against Meredith's back, and his penis was also pressed tightly behind her, making Meredith nervous and unable to sleep at all.

In her mind, she suddenly remembered that the nurse had told her today that she should be careful not to have intercourse so often.

Sensing her thoughts, Derek took a deep breath. "Go to sleep. You won't do anything."


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