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The Good Girl's Revenge novel Chapter 181

After Violet calmed Chloe down, she called Derek back and asked him to spend some time with Chloe to improve their relationship.

Derek looked at the expectations in the eyes of the three of them and agreed.

Chloe's heart was filled with joy. It was the same as that day, and she wanted to have Derek accompany her.

After Derek agreed, he talked to her absent-mindedly. There was no longer that kind of talk between the two of them in which they could chat with each other without reserve, so the topic became more and more boring.

Derek only felt that the aftereffect of staying up late last night had come. If it was just that he didn't sleep last night, he might have been able to stay awake now. But in order not to think of Meredith and not let her disturb his thoughts, he had been forcing himself to immerse himself in work almost all night.

Even an iron man would find it difficult to endure such fatigue, so his eyelids became heavier and heavier, and his speed of replying became much slower.

Chloe noticed that Derek had slowly closed his eyes. Her eyes fell on the dark patch under the man's eyes, and her heart ached.

It seemed that he was very tired yesterday, but Chloe was very happy to have Derek sleep beside her. Did this mean that he was not so resistant to her?

As she thought about it, she gently picked up a pillow, carefully placed it on the man's back, and carefully looked at Derek's face.

Compared to his previous youthful and high-spirited appearance, Derek now had a bit more mature man's charm. Even such a scene of falling asleep because of tiredness had an irresistible attraction.

Chloe looked at his lips. Derek's lips were a little dry, but the shape of the thin lips was still so perfect. She seemed to be bewitched and guided by something, and she moved closer unconsciously.

Just as she was about to kiss him, the man's lips moved, spitting out a name she never wanted to hear in her life.


Chloe froze. She looked at Derek in disbelief. She couldn't believe her ears.

He was still thinking about that woman in his sleep...

Thinking about it, Chloe seemed to be bewildered and couldn't help but look around Derek for traces of that woman.

Soon, she saw a few scratches on the man's arm. They were clearly scratched by a woman.

At that moment, Chloe really wanted to wake him up hysterically and ask him why...

Could she be worse than a woman who went to jail? Why would he rather have Meredith than her?

However, Chloe held back. She knew that Derek had more guilt than love for her now. She had no right to squander his guilt.

Chloe took a few deep breaths and took a look at Derek. She didn't disturb the man's sleep, but she nestled beside Derek with a heavy heart.

After a while, Violet came back. Seeing the scene, she was relieved. It seemed that Chloe was still special to Derek. If they continued to get along with each other like this, he would soon forget that woman, Meredith.

Thinking about it, Violet left with satisfaction.

Asher looked at the harmonious and beautiful scene. He felt sad, but also somewhat gratified.

Perhaps Chloe would be satisfied and happy in this way. And then, he would content with his lot and he would always protect her like this.


Derek slept for about an hour, and his fatigue gradually dissipated. Only then did the man open his eyes and realize that he had fallen asleep in the ward. He couldn't help but frown.

It seemed that he had been a little lax with himself recently.

Just as he was about to get up, Derek saw that Chloe was sleeping on his lap. Looking at her quiet sleeping face, the man couldn't bear to wake her up. After all, she was a patient, so let her be.


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