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The Good Girl's Revenge novel Chapter 204

Derek was a little confused, but it was just a few hairs, and it wasn't worth asking.

"How is auntie now?"

Derek looked at Amelia, who was lying on the bed. The doctor had already made a new treatment plan for her, but she still needed time to slowly recover.

He didn't seem to be able to stay with Meredith until Amelia woke up. There were still a lot of things waiting for him to deal with at home.

"It's okay now. She's not conscious, but her body is much better than before."

Meredith looked at her mother lying on the bed. At least, she would be taken good care of now.

Derek nodded and was about to say something when the phone rang. Meredith caught a glimpse of the Xaviers's number and broke free from the man's arms. "Go and answer it."

the Xaviers never liked her, and she wasn't interested in what they said. Derek nodded and walked out.

Only then did Meredith find a clean bag and put in the hair that had just been plucked from Derek.

She decided to do a paternity test to prove the identity of their child. After all these things abroad, she found that she was increasingly inseparable from this man.

And Derek didn't seem to be just flirting with her, so she was willing to take the risk.

Since Derek didn't believe it, she could use evidence to convince him.


Derek went out and the Old Master's voice came over the phone. "Derek, what happened to the Masons? How did it become that Ava framed Meredith?"

Mr. Xavier had never believed that Meredith was framed. Now that he saw the news, he realized that there might be some misunderstanding.

"As you can see, Meredith was wronged. She was not the culprit at all. Ava was."

Derek said, feeling a little anxious. "So, grandpa, I..."

"Stop talking."

How could Mr. Xavier not know what he was thinking? He knew Derek was going to ask them to accept Meredith again.

"You are abroad now. Are you with her?"

"Yes, I'm helping her solve her mother's problem."

"Then give her a sum of money to settle her mother down so that we can make it up to her. As for the rest, don't even think about it!"

Mr. Xavier made a decision.

He didn't want to get involved in the Masons. Even though Meredith seemed innocent, it couldn't change the fact that she was trying to get revenge on her family by seducing Derek.

What's more, now that the Masons was in a mess and its reputation was completely tarnished, wasn't it making trouble for themselves to get involved at this time?

Mr. Xavier valued peace and didn't want to get into trouble, not to mention that Meredith was pregnant with someone else's child, and he couldn't accept the fact the Xaviers raising other people's children.

"Grandpa..." Derek did not expect his grandpa's attitude to be so resolute. He thought that Meredith would be able to be recognized naturally by clearing Meredith's name, but now...

Things were far from as simple as he thought.


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