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The Good Girl's Revenge novel Chapter 206

Chloe also smiled. Of course, she didn't say what she really thought.

When Derek and she got engaged and the two of them held a ceremony, she would never let go easily. Although it was despicable, ...

She had no other choice.

After settling the matter with Chloe, Derek told Violet and left the hospital.

Because he had been abroad for a while, there was a lot of work waiting for him to deal with, and he needed to get rid of them quickly.


After Meredith took care of her mother, it was already dark. Damian took her home. "Miss Mason, there will be security guards outside to protect you. I live downstairs. If you need anything, call me anytime."

Meredith nodded. Although she didn't think it was necessary to make such a fuss, Derek was worried that the Masons would be desperate to get someone to harass her, so he specifically asked Damian to stay and protect her with a group of people he trusted.

"I see. You guys have a good rest. I'll go upstairs."

Meredith went up to the second floor. The lights in the villa were turned on by the servants, but she was the only one on the second floor. Although it was bright, the room seemed more empty.

Without that figure, Meredith felt her heart was empty.

She wondered how he was doing at home and if the company's problems had been solved.

It turned out that she missed the man in her heart and that she thought of him every minute.

Perhaps this was love. Meredith decided not to be disappointed. She caressed her abdomen, which was now very obvious. After another month, when the results of the paternity test came out, perhaps everything would develop in the direction she wanted.

Meredith rested for a while. Not long after, the maid asked her to go down for dinner.

Meredith had no appetite, but when she thought that the baby in her belly could not go hungry, she went down, tired.

However, when she sat at the table, she saw there was a lot of food on the huge table, but she was the only one enjoying it. She felt so lonely.

"Where's Damian?" Meredith thought that Damian was here too, so she wanted to ask him to come over and have dinner together.

"Damian is in the room. Do you want me to get him?"

Hearing that, Meredith thought for a moment. "No. I'll go and find him. Go and do your work."

With that, Meredith walked over and found Damian's room. Just as she was about to knock on the door, she heard Damian talking to someone.

"I'm sorry, madam. I'm on a business trip abroad now. I'm afraid you need to ask someone else to deal with the engagement ceremony."

After Violet set the engagement time with Chloe's parents, she planed to let Damian take care of it.

After all, he had been with Derek for a long time and knew his preferences better. She didn't expect Damian to go abroad.

In this way, she would have to ask a different person to do this.

When Meredith heard the word "engagement" outside, she suddenly felt a little confused and uneasy. The engagement ceremony?

Who was getting engaged? Derek?

However, she tried not to let her imagination run wild and knocked on the door. "Damian, are you there? It's dinner time."

Damian was shocked. He didn't expect Meredith to be outside and didn't know whether she heard his words. It would be bad if she knew about the boss's engagement.

"Miss Mason, you can get someone to call me. You're pregnant now, so it's not convenient to move around."


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