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The Good Girl's Revenge novel Chapter 32

Parker was stunned for a moment before he realized that he had lost his composure. Then, he coughed softly and took a sip of the water in front of him to ease the awkwardness.

They talked about trivial things as if nothing had happened, and then Parker got a call that wanted him out. Tactfully, Meredith stood up and bid him farewell.

"I'll give you a ride." Parker took the car key and offered to take her home gentlemanly.

Meredith shook her head. "Don't bother. Have fun with your friends."

She didn't want him to know that she lived with Derek, which was hard to explain.

Seeing that she quickly packed up her things and left decisively after saying goodbye, he felt a little melancholy in his heart somehow. Meredith was neither humble nor arrogant, which was rare for a woman.

He was intrigued by her.

Meredith waited at the bus stop on the side of the road. After a while, a luxurious sports car stopped in front of her. "Get in. My friends can wait. How long are you going to wait like this?"

"I'm fine. The bus is coming soon. Go and have fun."

Despite her insistence, Parker got out of the car, grabbed Meredith's wrist, and tried to force her into the car. "I'm taught to send home a lady who treats me to dinner. Let's go. I'll send you..."


A sharp horn interrupted Parker

Parker frowned and looked up, only to see a sports car parked in front of him, which was even cooler than the one he was driving today.

It was a Rolls-Royce Phantom global limited edition, which may be sole in J City.

Meredith was also startled by the piercing sound. When she saw clearly who was driving the car, her heart gave a great bound.


How did he get here?

In Derek's eyes, Meredith's flustered expression came from her guilt.

He rolled down the window with a frigid face. "I'm sorry, sir. Your car seems to be parked in the wrong place."

When Parker saw Derek, he frowned, and a trace of displeasure flashed across his eyes. Derek shouldn't embarrass him in front of a lady.

Derek was no more than a nodding acquaintance whom he had met several times before, so the hostility didn't make sense.

"Quick. Let me give you a ride. We're in the other people's way."

Of course, Meredith couldn't get in the car. Derek's gaze lingered over her body like a knife which was to cut her through. "Thank you, but that's really unnecessary."

Derek watched the two in a tangle and remarked coldly, "Sir, you shouldn't force a lady who has already refused you."

Parker was a little angry. "I'll move the car first. Meredith, wait for me."

With that, Parker was to move the car away, but as his car just slid forward a little, Derek suddenly stepped hard on the gas pedal and the two cars collided slightly, scaring everyone present.

"Are you crazy?" Meredith was startled. Although it was just a small crash, the damage would cost a lot given that they were both luxury cars.

Obviously, Parker didn't expect this. He got out of the car and frowned as he looked at where his car got crashed. At this time, Derek said aloofly, "A car crash is a small thing, but hitting on the wrong person is a big deal."

Parker perceived that he was implying something. "What do you mean?"

Meredith's face turned pale. She didn't want Derek to say anything bad about her to Parker.

Parker was one of the few people who accepted her and encouraged her. She didn't want him to dislike her after hearing what Derek might say.

"You'd better leave now."

Subconsciously, Meredith tugged at the corner of Parker's shirt, hoping he wouldn't listen to what Derek would say.

"It means..." Derek saw Meredith's small movements and the worry on her face, which irritated him even more.

What was she worried about? Was she afraid that he would tell the truth and make the new moneybag she took efforts to find hate her again?

How shameless.

"Sir, an innocent woman might have a dirty mind. Just take my kind advice: don't be fooled by an innocent face and don't cherish an apple of Sodom."

Derek's voice was indifferent and melodious as usual, but to Meredith, it was as terrifying as the voice of the demon.

Parker didn't have to be very quick-minded to get his overtones, especially when he saw that Meredith's face darkened immediately.

Looking at Meredith's slightly trembling shoulders, Parker suddenly felt the urge to protect her. He shielded her behind him and said, "Thank you for your advice but I think the best way to know a person is not from others' words. Save your kindness for other people."

Derek looked at Meredith, who hid behind the man, and his eyes dimmed. "Is that so?"

Meredith could hear the smoldering anger in Derek's deliberately lowered voice. If she continued provoking him, he might say more unpleasant words.

Therefore, Meredith whispered to Parker, "Mr. Hill, just leave... Please!"

Parker naturally didn't want to leave, but when he looked back and met Meredith's pleading eyes, his heart softened. "Are you really okay?"

After Meredith nodded, Parker got into the car, holding back his anger.

However, the anger in Derek's heart was not quenched by Parker's leaving.

And he felt worse when he saw Meredith's gaze fixed on Parker's car that was getting further and further. He stepped hard on the gas pedal.


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