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The Good Girl's Revenge novel Chapter 69

Mr. Xavier did not regret the decision to bring Meredith out, whether Derek woke up on his own or was really awakened by her fate.

For the sake of her waking Derek up, he would not make things difficult for her anymore. When Meredith left, he could give her a sum of money and arrange an unimportant job for her.

However, he would never allow such a woman to have anything to do with the heir he had carefully trained for more than twenty years.

"Derek, I'm like sunset and haven't got much time left. You're the rising sun. Xavier Group will be yours in the future. Don't let me down."

Mr. Xavier said earnestly, "Now that your situation has stabilized, I heard that Chloe is about to graduate. In that case, go and get the divorce done when you have time. It's not appropriate to keep Meredith in the Xaviers."

Derek didn't say anything. Divorce was the first thing he wanted to do back then. He even made things difficult for Meredith just to make her bring up divorce first, but now...

Hearing the Old Master agree to their divorce suddenly, he was not as happy as he thought.

"I'll keep that in mind." Derek nodded.

The Old Master glanced at him and did not force him to make any more decisions. Derek was arrogant. If he pressed Derek too hard, things might go south.

The following days were peaceful.

Perhaps it was because of what Meredith had said that time, and those of the Masons didn't bother her anymore, making her work and life a lot easier.

Following behind Damian every day, learning things she didn't know, also gave her a sense of satisfaction that she hadn't felt for a long time.

If she could learn the skills she needed to survive, she would be able to support herself, her mother, and she would not have to depend on others.

"Meredith, come over here." Meredith was doing the form that Damian had taught her on the computer when he called her, "I have something for you."

Derek was going to attend a banquet this afternoon. But it was actually a meeting in the form of a banquet.

Derek also happened to have an ongoing plan to talk about, but Damian found that he had just left an important thing behind. He was busy, so he had to let Meredith go.

After Meredith heard this, she thought it wasn't really a big deal, but the thought of going to such a gathering of ladies and gentlemen made her a little timid.

Meredith had been there before. But later she had been framed time and time again by Ava. So every time she appeared in the public, she was always looked at by all kinds of unfriendly eyes. Over time, she gradually stopped attending this kind of party.

This also led to her narrow circle of friends. Apart from Julius, whom she had known since she was a child, she had very few friends.

"Will I be able to pull it off? I don't want to let you down" Meredith hesitated.

"It's just a small matter. What are you afraid of? You said you wanted to be a business woman on your own, then you must take the first step." Damian patted her on the shoulder and encouraged her.

Meredith nodded, and he was right. If she stayed in her own little world, she would never improve.


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