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The Heiress’ Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call (Wynter Quinnell) novel Chapter 185

Chapter 185 Offending the SecretaryGeneral 

Wynter glanced at the uniformed officers and Instantly realized that something was amiss. As far as standard procedures were concerned, the officers should have made some inquiries first

Instead, they had demanded that she leave with them immediately

Much like the middleaged lady, these officers had a vendetta against Wynter

Officers, we’ve never prescribed anyone any medication. The livestreaming channel has all the records we need to prove this!Margaret argued anxiously as she shielded Wynter

One of the officers growled impatiently, Don’t touch me. If you get in the way of our investigation, then 

we’re taking you with us

Who gave you two the right to prescribe treatments through livestreaming?” 

The verdict was out before Wynter or Margaret could even plead their case. If things went badly, the Empathy Clinic would be done for

Wynter gave Margaret a look to silently comfort her. She then turned to the officers and said, Officers, I’m going to need to see your badges and body cameras.” 

The officers froze. Most people would have balked at the sight of their uniforms. They certainly wouldn’t dare to ask to see the officersbadges

One of the officers snorted. Why should we show our badges to an insignificant streamer like you?” 

Wynter pointed out in amusement, Civilians have a right to verify an officer’s ID during an investigation. Also, officers on duty are obligated to show their badges at the civilian’s request

Your body cameras should be turned on throughout the investigation too. You know these are basics


The livestreaming channel was silent for two seconds. After that, the comments flooded in

She’s awesome! I can’t believe she talked back to the police officers!” 

I don’t think they’re real cops. They don’t have serial numbers.” 

She’s right about the body cameras, though. Those cops are shady!” 

I don’t have to go anywhere with you if you refuse to turn on your body cameras,Wynter added bluntly

The two officers exchanged a look and clenched their fists. The person who had hired them failed to mention how difficult Wynter would be or that she was wellversed with the law

The viewersskepticism was starting to show through the comments. Wanda panicked at the sight of this and very nearly barged into Wynter’s house to finish the job herself

Fortunately for Wanda, the middleaged lady was quite the splendid actress. She plopped down onto the floor and wailed, My poor grandson! This streamer thinks she can bully poor folks like us just because 

She has money

Officers; you must bring justice to my grandson 

The officers Went along with the lady’s act and grabbed Wynter’s arm. See what you did to ruin an innocent person’s life? Save your arguments for the interrogations later, missy!” 

Officers, take me if you must! My granddaughter never prescribed anything to anyone!Margaret pleaded. In her panic, she accidentally bumped into the phone

ff 100

The livestreaming channel suddenly went black. The audio had been cut off 

The administrator of the livestreaming platform was frantic as he called his assistant

Dalton was currently on a private jet bound for Griswald and could not be reached. The administrator couldn’t let anything happen to Wynter

If he did, he wouldn’t be able to explain himself to Dalton once the latter arrived in Griswald


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