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The Lawyer’s Romance in Law novel Chapter 210

Chapter 210 The Feeling of Heartache

As Elias listened to his son's words, his chest tightened as if a hand reached into his chest and gripped his heart, causing aching pain.

It turned out that Aiden had suffered so much grievance in kindergarten. But at that time, he didn't know anything and couldn't do anything.

This little guy must've been very disappointed in me, his birth father, in many moments, huh? No wonder he doesn't want a father and thinks a father is useless…

At that, Elias' eyes turned red-rimmed with oncoming tears. He lowered his head slightly and let out a sigh, his eyes filled with aching tenderness.

"I'm sorry. I promise such things will never happen again. Please forgive me for only showing up now, for missing your life for the past four years. I really… I really didn't mean it." He sincerely repented to a three-year-old.

Even though Aiden was just a child, it didn't mean he should be brushed off casually. One shouldn't think a child could be easily fooled and that their feelings didn't matter. Elias could genuinely sense the trauma he had toward his birth father, and he believed the little guy had likely heard even nastier words in school; he just didn't bring them up.

Just how useless am I to let Aiden suffer such humiliation in school, to let him be blatantly called a b*stard?! Elias mused. If only I had been curious enough to learn about Amanda's situation and searched for her whereabouts seriously, I would've learned about Aiden one way or the other. But… I didn't…

Aiden gazed with wide eyes at Elias' sincere expression and contemplated for a long while before finally saying, "Hmm… okay then. I'll believe you for now, but now, I'm hungry. I want to eat."

With that, the little munchkin returned to his food. Meals were no joking matter to him, and Amanda never had to worry when it came to eating. He was always a well-behaved child who ate his meals without any fuss.

A chuckle escaped Elias as he picked up his cutleries. But instead of eating, he grabbed some shrimp and placed them on the plate. With patience, he peeled the shrimp and then fed them to Aiden, who graciously opened wide and ate them all.

The dinner ended up quite pleasant. After finishing their meal, Elias spent some time playing with Aiden. Although there was still a hint of awkwardness between father and son, it was much better than before. It was definitely an improvement over their previous avoidance.

Later, Elias received a phone call that required his immediate attention. It seemed to be an important matter. So, Amanda escorted him downstairs, taking advantage of the moonlit night for a leisurely stroll.

Under the moonlit sky, the silhouette of this handsome couple walked without uttering a word, their backs resembling a beautiful oil painting.

Finally, Elias broke the silence. "Are you still planning to go abroad? Do you want to take Aiden with you?"

Amanda was taken aback. What is he trying to say?

"Well… Now that Grandpa has passed, no one can control us anymore," he continued. "If you really want to live abroad, I won't stop you. After hearing what Aiden said about the mistreatment he endured at kindergarten, I agree that a change of environment would make him feel better."

He paused for a moment when he mentioned 'Grandpa.' It was an address he never wanted to bring up again.

Now, the Winters Family was under his control. No one could oppose him anymore. Hence, if Amanda wanted to leave now, no one would stop her either.

Amanda's heart skipped a beat. Why did Elias suddenly change so quickly? Before, he was desperate to keep me from leaving, wanting to keep Aiden and me in Cludan, but now he's voluntarily suggesting that we go abroad.

"Do you think we're a bother?" She couldn't help asking. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't upset. After all, it sounded like Elias was chasing her away.

Stumped that Amanda would react that way, Elias explained solemnly, "No, of course, I want you and Aiden to stay. That way, I can see Aiden whenever I want. But I also respect your wishes. If you're not happy staying here, there's no need to force it."


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