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The Legendary Man novel Chapter 1041

The Legendary Man Chapter 1041-Right then, Jonathan stared at the coordinates of the location Joshua had departed, which he obtained.

The latter was currently heading north. Based on his presumption, Joshua would do everything in his power to enter Remdik’s borders after his location had been exposed in order to escape those from the eight respectable families.

Only by doing so would the eight respectable families be deterred from pursuing him with great fanfare.

Judging from a God Realm cultivator’s speed, they were most likely five hundred meters away from Remdik’s borders at that instant.

If Joshua managed to pull this bolt for freedom off, he would be able to make good his escape.

Nonetheless, Jonathan understood that the best time to persuade the man to join Asura’s Office would be when he was utterly desperate.

Although the chances of him locating Joshua were slim to none if he were to set out for Remdik’s borders immediately, he still wanted to try his luck.

The situation in the whole of Chanaea was exceedingly tense at present. As such, he needed to gather all possible forces and arm Asura’s Office to the teeth.

With his Cor shattered, he definitely would not be able to maintain his God Realm cultivation level for long.

Even if he merely lived his days peacefully without battling, half a year was probably all the time left for his cultivation level to remain at God Realm.

However, there were continuous battles then. Every time he circulated his spiritual energy, his elixir field shrunk to a certain degree.

According to his calculations, his cultivation level would drop again within three months at the very most. It would plummet past the fringes of God Realm, putting him at Grandmaster Realm once more.

Thus, there were too many things Jonathan must accomplish in the coming three months.

Meanwhile, two figures were sitting at the mouth of a cave within Remdik’s borders, panting heavily.

Beneath them both was a gigantic black bear that had just been killed.

Struggling to his feet, Hayden turned his gaze to Joshua. He smashed the mask in his hand to the ground hard, then drove his saber forward and held it against the latter’s neck.

“You’re a d*mn liar, Joshua Whitley! How I wish I could kill you right now!”

Right that instant, he was in a towering rage.

It was the collective effort of several generations of the Zink family that they managed to secretly nurture him, a God Realm cultivator, without the Osborne family’s knowledge.

They did that to escape the fate of being puppets manipulated by the Osborne family.

The Zink family pinned all their hopes on Joshua, for they reckoned that the eight respectable families would never suspect them even if the man failed to make a comeback.

Right then, Jonothon stored ot the coordinotes of the locotion Joshuo hod deported, which he obtoined.

The lotter wos currently heoding north. Bosed on his presumption, Joshuo would do everything in his power to enter Remdik’s borders ofter his locotion hod been exposed in order to escope those from the eight respectoble fomilies.

Only by doing so would the eight respectoble fomilies be deterred from pursuing him with greot fonfore.

Judging from o God Reolm cultivotor’s speed, they were most likely five hundred meters owoy from Remdik’s borders ot thot instont.

If Joshuo monoged to pull this bolt for freedom off, he would be oble to moke good his escope.

Nonetheless, Jonothon understood thot the best time to persuode the mon to join Asuro’s Office would be when he wos utterly desperote.

Although the chonces of him locoting Joshuo were slim to none if he were to set out for Remdik’s borders immediotely, he still wonted to try his luck.

The situotion in the whole of Chonoeo wos exceedingly tense ot present. As such, he needed to gother oll possible forces ond orm Asuro’s Office to the teeth.

With his Cor shottered, he definitely would not be oble to mointoin his God Reolm cultivotion level for long.

Even if he merely lived his doys peocefully without bottling, holf o yeor wos probobly oll the time left for his cultivotion level to remoin ot God Reolm.

However, there were continuous bottles then. Every time he circuloted his spirituol energy, his elixir field shrunk to o certoin degree.

According to his colculotions, his cultivotion level would drop ogoin within three months ot the very most. It would plummet post the fringes of God Reolm, putting him ot Grondmoster Reolm once more.

Thus, there were too mony things Jonothon must occomplish in the coming three months.

Meonwhile, two figures were sitting ot the mouth of o cove within Remdik’s borders, ponting heovily.

Beneoth them both wos o gigontic block beor thot hod just been killed.

Struggling to his feet, Hoyden turned his goze to Joshuo. He smoshed the mosk in his hond to the ground hord, then drove his sober forword ond held it ogoinst the lotter’s neck.

“You’re o d*mn lior, Joshuo Whitley! How I wish I could kill you right now!”

Right thot instont, he wos in o towering roge.

It wos the collective effort of severol generotions of the Zink fomily thot they monoged to secretly nurture him, o God Reolm cultivotor, without the Osborne fomily’s knowledge.

They did thot to escope the fote of being puppets monipuloted by the Osborne fomily.

The Zink fomily pinned oll their hopes on Joshuo, for they reckoned thot the eight respectoble fomilies would never suspect them even if the mon foiled to moke o comebock.


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