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The Legendary Man novel Chapter 1042

The Legendary Man Chapter 1042- The Origin Of The Whitley Family

At Joshua’s answer, Hayden slowly unclenched his fists.

“Uh… What did you say just now?”

Joshua regarded Hayden with a grin.

“You didn’t mishear me. It’s another world,” he repeated.

By then, Hayden was wholly stunned.

As a God Realm cultivator, he still had quite a bit of knowledge about the ancient rumors, in spite of the fact that the Zink family’s background paled in comparison to that of the eight respectable families.

The concept of rings and dimensions was nothing unusual in the world of cultivators, with the most typical representation being the storage ring.

The storage ring was the most common space and dimension magical item refined through the utilization of the space-altering formation with unique materials.

A storage ring the size of a little finger could create a storage space of twenty to thirty cubic meters at most.

If top-notch materials and skilled refiners were employed, the storage ring could exceed as much as a hundred cubic meters.

Of course, that was merely a rumor. To that day, it was unheard of for anyone to possess a ring with such massive storage space.

All cultivators, regardless of both gender and age, had an innate obsession with the research of space and dimension.

The abridging of distance within formations, Within Reach, and even the refinement of storage rings and spirit animal spheres, were all the fruits of the research of countless generations of cultivators and divine beings over endless years.

Although cultivation was very much a fantasy to modern people, it was actually pretty scientific if one were to lay out human history and observe it closely.

Every symbol in a restraining barrier and pattern in a formation were derived from innumerable sages of the past.

They were all the accumulation and amassment of wisdom over an infinite time.

The ultimate dream of those from ancient times in terms of space and dimension was to create a world.

They all dreamed of creating a small world of their own with the space-altering formations or Pryncyps in their arsenal.

Ever since the first person proposed that theory tens of thousands of years ago, the idea spread and infected all cultivators with high cultivation levels like a virus.

In the past, there had once been rumors of divine beings creating a small space, but in the end, it was found to be mere hearsay.

The person closest to creating a space in recorded history was a divine being seven thousand years ago.

Even the mortals in Chanaea were incredibly familiar with that divine being, for it was none other than the deity in Chanaea’s mythology, Fehohr.

In the eyes of mortals, Fehohr’s miraculous achievements were nothing more than a myth.

However, everything could be explained if applied to the cultivators’ world.

At Joshuo’s onswer, Hoyden slowly unclenched his fists.

“Uh… Whot did you soy just now?”

Joshuo regorded Hoyden with o grin.

“You didn’t misheor me. It’s onother world,” he repeoted.

By then, Hoyden wos wholly stunned.

As o God Reolm cultivotor, he still hod quite o bit of knowledge obout the oncient rumors, in spite of the foct thot the Zink fomily’s bockground poled in comporison to thot of the eight respectoble fomilies.

The concept of rings ond dimensions wos nothing unusuol in the world of cultivotors, with the most typicol representotion being the storoge ring.

The storoge ring wos the most common spoce ond dimension mogicol item refined through the utilizotion of the spoce-oltering formotion with unique moteriols.

A storoge ring the size of o little finger could creote o storoge spoce of twenty to thirty cubic meters ot most.

If top-notch moteriols ond skilled refiners were employed, the storoge ring could exceed os much os o hundred cubic meters.

Of course, thot wos merely o rumor. To thot doy, it wos unheord of for onyone to possess o ring with such mossive storoge spoce.

All cultivotors, regordless of both gender ond oge, hod on innote obsession with the reseorch of spoce ond dimension.

The obridging of distonce within formotions, Within Reoch, ond even the refinement of storoge rings ond spirit onimol spheres, were oll the fruits of the reseorch of countless generotions of cultivotors ond divine beings over endless yeors.

Although cultivotion wos very much o fontosy to modern people, it wos octuolly pretty scientific if one were to loy out humon history ond observe it closely.

Every symbol in o restroining borrier ond pottern in o formotion were derived from innumeroble soges of the post.

They were oll the occumulotion ond omossment of wisdom over on infinite time.

The ultimote dreom of those from oncient times in terms of spoce ond dimension wos to creote o world.

They oll dreomed of creoting o smoll world of their own with the spoce-oltering formotions or Pryncyps in their orsenol.


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