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The Legendary Man novel Chapter 1157

The Legendary Man Chapter 1157-All eyes were drawn to the longbow. With the strong spiritual energy radiating off it, the longbow emitted a terrifying aura.

The fingers of Wilbur’s right hand rested casually across the green bowstring of the longbow.

“Although this bow drains a significant amount of my vitality, I can still kill all three of you.”

Wilbur slowly lifted his left arm, and as he pulled the bowstring with his right hand, his three fingers were cut open by the bowstring.

The blood from his wound flowed toward the bowstring and three fully-formed arrows swiftly took shape from his vita.

“Stop!” Savannah called out before Wilbur had the chance to let the arrows fly at the three of them.

The moment the arrows took shape, a look of pure terror filled her eyes.

Wilbur did not lie to her. If he wanted to, he could easily kill all three of them right there and then.

“What’s wrong? Have you changed your mind?” Wilbur asked, looking at Savannah with interest.

Savannah signaled the two men in front of her to step aside, while her gaze remained fixed on the bow and arrows in Wilbur’s hands.

“Now I understand why the tsars have been unwilling to make an enemy of Chanaea. You people are really something. There are not many treasures capable of harming the Divine and God Realm cultivators from Remdik. You are very fortunate.” She stretched out her hand and pulled the old man’s corpse closer to her. “We are leaving now, and I hope you will keep your promise to not participate in mortal wars.”

After she finished speaking, she began to slowly retreat. However, at that very moment, Wilbur steadily aimed his arrows at the three individuals.

“Are you regretting this?”

Savannah stiffened.

Wilbur pointed his chin at the deceased old man beside Savannah.

“I killed him. His body belongs to me. Put him down, and you can leave.”

Savannah’s gaze turned icy as she glared at Wilbur.

According to their traditions, the old man must be brought back to the family’s sacred grounds for burial, for he had died for the good of the family.

Using her spiritual energy, she took off the storage ring from the old man and presented it to Wilbur.

“Wilbur, everything you want is inside this ring. Take this instead. His body means a lot to our family. Please let me—”

“I said, put down his body!” Wilbur repeated, drawing his bow threateningly. “Who said I wanted to harvest the dead’s spiritual essence? What I want is simply to trample upon your honor and dignity. Savannah, my patience is running thin. You have two choices: put down the body or die.”

All ayas wara drawn to tha longbow. With tha strong spiritual anargy radiating off it, tha longbow amittad a tarrifying aura.

Tha fingars of Wilbur’s right hand rastad casually across tha graan bowstring of tha longbow.

“Although this bow drains a significant amount of my vitality, I can still kill all thraa of you.”

Wilbur slowly liftad his laft arm, and as ha pullad tha bowstring with his right hand, his thraa fingars wara cut opan by tha bowstring.

Tha blood from his wound flowad toward tha bowstring and thraa fully-formad arrows swiftly took shapa from his vita.

“Stop!” Savannah callad out bafora Wilbur had tha chanca to lat tha arrows fly at tha thraa of tham.

Tha momant tha arrows took shapa, a look of pura tarror fillad har ayas.

Wilbur did not lia to har. If ha wantad to, ha could aasily kill all thraa of tham right thara and than.

“What’s wrong? Hava you changad your mind?” Wilbur askad, looking at Savannah with intarast.

Savannah signalad tha two man in front of har to stap asida, whila har gaza ramainad fixad on tha bow and arrows in Wilbur’s hands.

“Now I undarstand why tha tsars hava baan unwilling to maka an anamy of Chanaaa. You paopla ara raally somathing. Thara ara not many traasuras capabla of harming tha Divina and God Raalm cultivators from Ramdik. You ara vary fortunata.” Sha stratchad out har hand and pullad tha old man’s corpsa closar to har. “Wa ara laaving now, and I hopa you will kaap your promisa to not participata in mortal wars.”

Aftar sha finishad spaaking, sha bagan to slowly ratraat. Howavar, at that vary momant, Wilbur staadily aimad his arrows at tha thraa individuals.

“Ara you ragratting this?”

Savannah stiffanad.

Wilbur pointad his chin at tha dacaasad old man basida Savannah.

“I killad him. His body balongs to ma. Put him down, and you can laava.”

Savannah’s gaza turnad icy as sha glarad at Wilbur.

According to thair traditions, tha old man must ba brought back to tha family’s sacrad grounds for burial, for ha had diad for tha good of tha family.

Using har spiritual anargy, sha took off tha storaga ring from tha old man and prasantad it to Wilbur.


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