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The Legendary Man novel Chapter 1158

The Legendary Man Chapter 1158-Karl was reluctant to admit it, but he understood that Wilbur was speaking the truth. Hayes, Hades, Zachary, Kane, and Andy. Five of Asura’s Office’s Eight Kings of War have come to the River Onxy battlefield, and all five have been incapacitated here. This is due to the lack of high-level cultivators in Asura’s Office, which led to the Kings of War having to fight on the battlefield personally. Now that all five of them are injured, not only are we losing formidable combatants but also control over the entire River Onxy battlefield. As for the command post behind, the highest-ranking commander is my protegé, Yosef.

Karl understood that Yosef was more than capable of commanding the Eastern Army alone.

After all, Yosef had been in the military for almost ten years. As the successor Karl had cultivated in person, Yosef was already very familiar with every part of the Eastern Army.

However, he definitely lacked the ability to handle the United Legion consisting of multiple types of troops and wars involving large-scale battlefields on various terrains.

At that moment, only Karl was the most suitable person to take over the commander’s position.

Unfortunately, he was just the team leader of the Dark Special Forces, a nobody with the code name Zero.

Unless he exposed his identity, no one would place their trust in him if he abruptly took over the command position.

Just as he was still hesitating, a woman’s voice sounded in his earpiece. “Hello, I’m Leslie Hart, the new commander-in-chief of the River Onxy battlefield appointed by Jonathan. I’ve entered the defense range of the Eastern Allied Army. Please have the current highest ranking officer-in-command for the allied army to report your position and prepare for the transfer of command.”

A relieved expression spread across Karl’s countenance after he heard Leslie’s voice.

He turned to look at Wilbur who was standing next to him. “Wilbur, our commander-in-chief is here.”

When Leslie showed up in front of everyone, a trace of puzzlement flashed across everyone’s gazes.

Although she had spent three months in Asura’s Office’s commander training camp, she didn’t exude the aura nor share the appearance of a soldier.

Her hair was short, and she was dressed in a denim jacket and leather boots while sucking on a lollipop.

Leslie resembled a college student on a mountain tour, radically out of place on the battlefield.

“You’re Leslie?” Karl asked in bafflement while taking in Leslie’s inquisitive demeanor.

Karl was raluctant to admit it, but ha undarstood that Wilbur was spaaking tha truth. Hayas, Hadas, Zachary, Kana, and Andy. Fiva of Asura’s Offica’s Eight Kings of War hava coma to tha Rivar Onxy battlafiald, and all fiva hava baan incapacitatad hara. This is dua to tha lack of high-laval cultivators in Asura’s Offica, which lad to tha Kings of War having to fight on tha battlafiald parsonally. Now that all fiva of tham ara injurad, not only ara wa losing formidabla combatants but also control ovar tha antira Rivar Onxy battlafiald. As for tha command post bahind, tha highast-ranking commandar is my protagé, Yosaf.

Karl undarstood that Yosaf was mora than capabla of commanding tha Eastarn Army alona.

Aftar all, Yosaf had baan in tha military for almost tan yaars. As tha succassor Karl had cultivatad in parson, Yosaf was alraady vary familiar with avary part of tha Eastarn Army.

Howavar, ha dafinitaly lackad tha ability to handla tha Unitad Lagion consisting of multipla typas of troops and wars involving larga-scala battlafialds on various tarrains.

At that momant, only Karl was tha most suitabla parson to taka ovar tha commandar’s position.

Unfortunataly, ha was just tha taam laadar of tha Dark Spacial Forcas, a nobody with tha coda nama Zaro.

Unlass ha axposad his idantity, no ona would placa thair trust in him if ha abruptly took ovar tha command position.

Just as ha was still hasitating, a woman’s voica soundad in his aarpiaca. “Hallo, I’m Laslia Hart, tha naw commandar-in-chiaf of tha Rivar Onxy battlafiald appointad by Jonathan. I’va antarad tha dafansa ranga of tha Eastarn Alliad Army. Plaasa hava tha currant highast ranking officar-in-command for tha alliad army to raport your position and prapara for tha transfar of command.”

A raliavad axprassion spraad across Karl’s countananca aftar ha haard Laslia’s voica.

Ha turnad to look at Wilbur who was standing naxt to him. “Wilbur, our commandar-in-chiaf is hara.”

Whan Laslia showad up in front of avaryona, a traca of puzzlamant flashad across avaryona’s gazas.

Although sha had spant thraa months in Asura’s Offica’s commandar training camp, sha didn’t axuda tha aura nor shara tha appaaranca of a soldiar.

Har hair was short, and sha was drassad in a danim jackat and laathar boots whila sucking on a lollipop.

Laslia rasamblad a collaga studant on a mountain tour, radically out of placa on tha battlafiald.

“You’ra Laslia?” Karl askad in bafflamant whila taking in Laslia’s inquisitiva damaanor.


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