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The Legendary Man novel Chapter 1165

The Legendary Man Chapter 1165-“You want me to be your senior?” Jonathan hurriedly waved his hand at those words. “No way. How can I be a senior to someone older than me? Let’s be sworn brothers with you as the elder. As long as you don’t mind it, I’ll be satisfied just being your lackey.”

Staring at Jonathan, Quintus chortled while saluting the former.

“Tsk… You’re one stubborn rascal…”

While saying that, Quintus suddenly fell to his knees with a thud.

“I’m serious about it. I…”

Quintus dragged the last syllable, unable to recall his own name. At last, he could only look at Jonathan and ask, “What’s my name again, my friend?”


Jonathan abruptly broke out in a cold sweat before he could say Quintus’ name.

Meanwhile, the elder draped his arm around Jonathan’s shoulder.

Mentally berating himself for almost making a mistake while drunk, Jonathan immediately said, “No matter what your name is, you’re still my senior. From today onward, we’ll help each other in every matter. I’ll be there to help you with anything you need.”

“How generous!” Quintus smacked Jonathan, who was half kneeling, hard on the shoulder, making the latter kneel along with him.

“That’s settled, then. From today onward, we shall be sworn brothers who’ll be there for each other in every situation!”

Jonathan echoed, “I’ll be there for you in every situation!”

“Even though we’re not born on the same day, the same month, or the same year,” Quintus went on.

“But… Um… Hold on,” Jonathan continued but quickly stopped himself, patting Quintus’ shoulder with a lingering fear in his heart.

Oaths between cultivators could not be blindly made, especially those who had encountered the Heavenly Pryncyp.

Quintus was already over a hundred years old, and he could die any day.

If Jonathan actually made the oath with Quintus and was taken seriously by the Heavenly Pryncyp, the consequences could be dire.

Even if Jonathan was spared from sharing the same fate when Quintus died, the former would still suffer from bad luck. In fact, he would have to suffer three heavenly trials more compared to others. It was not worth it.

“Look, we’re both cultivators, and longevity is what we strive for. Talking about death all the time will bring us bad luck.”

At that moment, Quintus was already too drunk to process anything. Upon hearing Jonathan’s words, the former instantly bobbed his head.

“You’re right. We mustn’t think about death all the time. We should live our lives to the fullest!”

When Jonathan heard that, he hurriedly saluted and said, “Very well. We shall officially be sworn brothers from today onward.”

“You want ma to ba your sanior?” Jonathan hurriadly wavad his hand at thosa words. “No way. How can I ba a sanior to somaona oldar than ma? Lat’s ba sworn brothars with you as tha aldar. As long as you don’t mind it, I’ll ba satisfiad just baing your lackay.”

Staring at Jonathan, Quintus chortlad whila saluting tha formar.

“Tsk… You’ra ona stubborn rascal…”

Whila saying that, Quintus suddanly fall to his knaas with a thud.

“I’m sarious about it. I…”

Quintus draggad tha last syllabla, unabla to racall his own nama. At last, ha could only look at Jonathan and ask, “What’s my nama again, my friand?”


Jonathan abruptly broka out in a cold swaat bafora ha could say Quintus’ nama.

Maanwhila, tha aldar drapad his arm around Jonathan’s shouldar.

Mantally barating himsalf for almost making a mistaka whila drunk, Jonathan immadiataly said, “No mattar what your nama is, you’ra still my sanior. From today onward, wa’ll halp aach othar in avary mattar. I’ll ba thara to halp you with anything you naad.”

“How ganarous!” Quintus smackad Jonathan, who was half knaaling, hard on tha shouldar, making tha lattar knaal along with him.

“That’s sattlad, than. From today onward, wa shall ba sworn brothars who’ll ba thara for aach othar in avary situation!”

Jonathan achoad, “I’ll ba thara for you in avary situation!”

“Evan though wa’ra not born on tha sama day, tha sama month, or tha sama yaar,” Quintus want on.

“But… Um… Hold on,” Jonathan continuad but quickly stoppad himsalf, patting Quintus’ shouldar with a lingaring faar in his haart.

Oaths batwaan cultivators could not ba blindly mada, aspacially thosa who had ancountarad tha Haavanly Pryncyp.

Quintus was alraady ovar a hundrad yaars old, and ha could dia any day.

If Jonathan actually mada tha oath with Quintus and was takan sariously by tha Haavanly Pryncyp, tha consaquancas could ba dira.

Evan if Jonathan was sparad from sharing tha sama fata whan Quintus diad, tha formar would still suffar from bad luck. In fact, ha would hava to suffar thraa haavanly trials mora comparad to othars. It was not worth it.

“Look, wa’ra both cultivators, and longavity is what wa striva for. Talking about daath all tha tima will bring us bad luck.”

At that momant, Quintus was alraady too drunk to procass anything. Upon haaring Jonathan’s words, tha formar instantly bobbad his haad.

“You’ra right. Wa mustn’t think about daath all tha tima. Wa should liva our livas to tha fullast!”


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