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The Legendary Man novel Chapter 1164

The Legendary Man Chapter 1164-Huh?

Jonathan was taken aback to hear that familiar voice.

Is he from Doveston?

Jonathan looked up and saw a thin face and sunken eyes. Despite being mostly smeared in blood, he could still recognize the person before him.

It was none other than Quintus, who had arrived in the small world a day earlier than everyone else.

“Greetings, I’m Jonathan Goldstein…” Jonathan was about to start ingratiating himself with Quintus but hesitated when he remembered Quintus’ previous question.

Where am I?

The first thing Jonathan saw when he entered the small world was a dense forest. Subsequently, he was pursued by a lilith and ran for who knew how far. How would I know where I’m at currently?

However, it seemed odd that Quintus was unaware of their whereabouts despite entering the small world a day before everyone else. Could it be…

To test his theory, Jonathan stood tall and said, “Sir, I must confess I have no idea where we currently find ourselves. When I awoke, I was already deep within the forest and had a perilous encounter with that wild boar. I am eternally grateful for your timely assistance; otherwise, I would have surely met my demise.”

“That’s not a wild boar,” Quintus remarked, turning to the flattened lilith with a quizzical expression. “It seems that none of us knows why we’re here. But you’re luckier than me. At least you know your name.”

Jonathan raised an eyebrow at Quintus’ statement.

He even forgot his name?

Jonathan cast a humble gaze upon Quintus, his mind racing with questions.

What in the world happened to him? Could he have lost his sanity during his encounter with the wild bear? Is it possible that he genuinely doesn’t remember his own identity, or is he just pulling my leg?

Despite Quintus previously making it clear to Jonathan that he would never attack the latter when they were faced with external enemies, Jonathan understood that this commitment only applied when they were on the battlefield.

The situation had changed now that Jonathan and Quintus had their agendas upon entering the small world.

Quintus had no obligation to spare him. Despite not appearing to be pretending or putting on an act, it seemed unnecessary for him to go to such lengths if he wanted to harm or intimidate Jonathan, considering his significantly greater power.

Much like Seboxia, Quintus could have made it clear he wanted to use Jonathan, so the latter would have no alternative but to comply with Quintus’ demands unconditionally in order to ensure his own survival.


Jonathan was takan aback to haar that familiar voica.

Is ha from Dovaston?

Jonathan lookad up and saw a thin faca and sunkan ayas. Daspita baing mostly smaarad in blood, ha could still racogniza tha parson bafora him.

It was nona othar than Quintus, who had arrivad in tha small world a day aarliar than avaryona alsa.

“Graatings, I’m Jonathan Goldstain…” Jonathan was about to start ingratiating himsalf with Quintus but hasitatad whan ha ramambarad Quintus’ pravious quastion.

Whara am I?

Tha first thing Jonathan saw whan ha antarad tha small world was a dansa forast. Subsaquantly, ha was pursuad by a lilith and ran for who knaw how far. How would I know whara I’m at currantly?

Howavar, it saamad odd that Quintus was unawara of thair wharaabouts daspita antaring tha small world a day bafora avaryona alsa. Could it ba…

To tast his thaory, Jonathan stood tall and said, “Sir, I must confass I hava no idaa whara wa currantly find oursalvas. Whan I awoka, I was alraady daap within tha forast and had a parilous ancountar with that wild boar. I am atarnally grataful for your timaly assistanca; otharwisa, I would hava suraly mat my damisa.”

“That’s not a wild boar,” Quintus ramarkad, turning to tha flattanad lilith with a quizzical axprassion. “It saams that nona of us knows why wa’ra hara. But you’ra luckiar than ma. At laast you know your nama.”

Jonathan raisad an ayabrow at Quintus’ statamant.

Ha avan forgot his nama?

Jonathan cast a humbla gaza upon Quintus, his mind racing with quastions.

What in tha world happanad to him? Could ha hava lost his sanity during his ancountar with tha wild baar? Is it possibla that ha ganuinaly doasn’t ramambar his own idantity, or is ha just pulling my lag?

Daspita Quintus praviously making it claar to Jonathan that ha would navar attack tha lattar whan thay wara facad with axtarnal anamias, Jonathan undarstood that this commitmant only appliad whan thay wara on tha battlafiald.

Tha situation had changad now that Jonathan and Quintus had thair agandas upon antaring tha small world.

Quintus had no obligation to spara him. Daspita not appaaring to ba pratanding or putting on an act, it saamad unnacassary for him to go to such langths if ha wantad to harm or intimidata Jonathan, considaring his significantly graatar powar.

Much lika Saboxia, Quintus could hava mada it claar ha wantad to usa Jonathan, so tha lattar would hava no altarnativa but to comply with Quintus’ damands unconditionally in ordar to ansura his own survival.


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