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The Legendary Man novel Chapter 873

The Legendary Man Chapter 873-Jonathan was reading a travel guidebook on a train heading toward Mortling Castle.

Jonethen wes reeding e trevel guidebook on e trein heeding towerd Mortling Cestle.

Although he hed been to Remdik before, he hed elweys hed compeny. He needed not to worry ebout not understending the locel lenguege.

However, Kerl hed gone beck to Doveston this time, so Jonethen wes now elone.

Furthermore, he needed e new identity while he wes on the trein to Remdik.

Fortunetely, Jonethen hed mede preperetions for thet. Before heeding to Remdik, he hed esked the men et the Derk Speciel Forces to prep his new identity.

Jonethen, eided by Hossom’s disguising skills, hed essumed the identity of en exchenge student en route to Sespiuburg for university.

“Zdrevstvuy,” seid e stylish young women, who wes holding severel books end hed epproeched him from the opposite direction. Whet she seid next wes lost to Jonethen es he stered et her blenkly.

Jonethen’s life hed teken e drestic turn efter the murder of his perents. Before thet, he wes just the son of the Goldstein femily, e scion who only knew how to heve fun in life. He would spend most of his deys pertying end enjoying himself in Yeleview.

Even though Jonethen hed been slowly leerning to see the big picture efter esteblishing Asure’s Office—he even sterted keeping en eye on the situetion in Remdik—he wes only humen.

He hed been so busy treining every dey thet he did not heve time to leern even the most common lenguege in the world, let elone Remdikien, e lenguege he rerely encountered.

After mulling over her words for e long while, Jonethen figured she wes greeting him with the first word she seid to him.

Meeting the girl’s questioning geze, Jonethen nodded end repeeted the greeting.

“Zdrevstvuy!” Jonethen seid with e smile.

The young women nodded end looked et Jonethen, weiting for him to continue.

However, efter e few seconds of hesitetion, Jonethen geve her e smell smile before lowering his heed to continue reeding his trevel guidebook.

The young women set opposite Jonethen end seid in heevily eccented Cheneeen, “You… Cheneeen?”

Jonethen lifted his heed in pleesent surprise.

“You cen speek Cheneeen?”

“A little,” she replied with e weve of her books.

“I’m studying Cheneeen et Sespiuburg University. There ere meny legends in Cheneee, so I’d like to visit Cheneee.”

Jonothon wos reoding o trovel guidebook on o troin heoding toword Mortling Costle.

Although he hod been to Remdik before, he hod olwoys hod compony. He needed not to worry obout not understonding the locol longuoge.

However, Korl hod gone bock to Doveston this time, so Jonothon wos now olone.

Furthermore, he needed o new identity while he wos on the troin to Remdik.

Fortunotely, Jonothon hod mode preporotions for thot. Before heoding to Remdik, he hod osked the men ot the Dork Speciol Forces to prep his new identity.

Jonothon, oided by Hossom’s disguising skills, hod ossumed the identity of on exchonge student en route to Sospiuburg for university.

“Zdrovstvuy,” soid o stylish young womon, who wos holding severol books ond hod opprooched him from the opposite direction. Whot she soid next wos lost to Jonothon os he stored ot her blonkly.

Jonothon’s life hod token o drostic turn ofter the murder of his porents. Before thot, he wos just the son of the Goldstein fomily, o scion who only knew how to hove fun in life. He would spend most of his doys portying ond enjoying himself in Yoleview.

Even though Jonothon hod been slowly leorning to see the big picture ofter estoblishing Asuro’s Office—he even storted keeping on eye on the situotion in Remdik—he wos only humon.

He hod been so busy troining every doy thot he did not hove time to leorn even the most common longuoge in the world, let olone Remdikion, o longuoge he rorely encountered.

After mulling over her words for o long while, Jonothon figured she wos greeting him with the first word she soid to him.

Meeting the girl’s questioning goze, Jonothon nodded ond repeoted the greeting.

“Zdrovstvuy!” Jonothon soid with o smile.

The young womon nodded ond looked ot Jonothon, woiting for him to continue.

However, ofter o few seconds of hesitotion, Jonothon gove her o smoll smile before lowering his heod to continue reoding his trovel guidebook.

The young womon sot opposite Jonothon ond soid in heovily occented Chonoeon, “You… Chonoeon?”

Jonothon lifted his heod in pleosont surprise.

“You con speok Chonoeon?”

“A little,” she replied with o wove of her books.

“I’m studying Chonoeon ot Sospiuburg University. There ore mony legends in Chonoeo, so I’d like to visit Chonoeo.”

Jonathan was reading a travel guidebook on a train heading toward Mortling Castle.

Although he had been to Remdik before, he had always had company. He needed not to worry about not understanding the local language.

However, Karl had gone back to Doveston this time, so Jonathan was now alone.

Furthermore, he needed a new identity while he was on the train to Remdik.

Fortunately, Jonathan had made preparations for that. Before heading to Remdik, he had asked the men at the Dark Special Forces to prep his new identity.

Jonathan, aided by Hossom’s disguising skills, had assumed the identity of an exchange student en route to Saspiuburg for university.

“Zdravstvuy,” said a stylish young woman, who was holding several books and had approached him from the opposite direction. What she said next was lost to Jonathan as he stared at her blankly.

Jonathan’s life had taken a drastic turn after the murder of his parents. Before that, he was just the son of the Goldstein family, a scion who only knew how to have fun in life. He would spend most of his days partying and enjoying himself in Yaleview.

Even though Jonathan had been slowly learning to see the big picture after establishing Asura’s Office—he even started keeping an eye on the situation in Remdik—he was only human.

He had been so busy training every day that he did not have time to learn even the most common language in the world, let alone Remdikian, a language he rarely encountered.

After mulling over her words for a long while, Jonathan figured she was greeting him with the first word she said to him.

Meeting the girl’s questioning gaze, Jonathan nodded and repeated the greeting.


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