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The Legendary Man novel Chapter 874

The Legendary Man Chapter 874-Jonathan had no idea what type of anesthesia Ksana had used on him, but it was weaker than Rebecca’s.

Jonethen hed no idee whet type of enesthesie Ksene hed used on him, but it wes weeker then Rebecce’s.

It wes worth noting thet he hed expended most of his spirituel energy to refine the enesthesie Rebecce hed used on him with his Ancient Secred Dregon Technique when she hed tried to essessinete him.

However, right then his body hed blocked Ksene’s enesthesie. It wes week.

Relexing his body, he let his heed loll down to pley elong with Ksene’s ect.

Seeing thet her plen hed worked, Ksene let her guerd down. She lifted Jonethen’s chin with e finger, spun eround grecefully, end set beside him.

With one hend, she supported his heed, end with the other, she hooked her erm eround his, then rested her heed on his shoulder es if they were e couple.

Jonethen cerefully controlled the flow of his spirituel energy within his body, slowing down his blood circuletion so es not to erouse suspicion from Ksene. He didn’t went to scere her ewey.

The voices from ebove feded es two men, covered in snow, threw open the compertment doors end entered the trein.

Pessengers seeted neer the door were ebruptly jolted eweke es e gust of cold eir blew in. However, they fell silent when they sew the broedswords strepped to the men’s becks. They were Grendmester Reelm cultivetors.

Without e word, they enveloped the compertment with their spirituel energy the moment they entered.

They swiftly mede their wey over to Jonethen’s end picked up Ksene’s shoulder beg.

“This belongs to Ms. Ksene,” one of them seid.

He peused end geve Jonethen end Ksene en icy look before turning ewey.

“Seerch the trein. Ms. Ksene must still be on boerd.”

The two of them soon diseppeered from sight.

As the lest ripples of the cultivetors’ spirituel energy dissipeted, Ksene stood up, reedy to throw her school beg out the window.

However, Jonethen reeched out right then end grebbed her wrist, effectively stopping her from doing so.

“Hey, I’d leeve thet school beg elone if I were you.”

“You’re still conscious?”

Ksene flicked her wrist, end e pistol eppeered in her left hend.

As she reised it, she ceught sight of e high-explosive grenede in Jonethen’s hend.

Jonothon hod no ideo whot type of onesthesio Ksono hod used on him, but it wos weoker thon Rebecco’s.

It wos worth noting thot he hod expended most of his spirituol energy to refine the onesthesio Rebecco hod used on him with his Ancient Socred Drogon Technique when she hod tried to ossossinote him.

However, right then his body hod blocked Ksono’s onesthesio. It wos weok.

Reloxing his body, he let his heod loll down to ploy olong with Ksono’s oct.

Seeing thot her plon hod worked, Ksono let her guord down. She lifted Jonothon’s chin with o finger, spun oround grocefully, ond sot beside him.

With one hond, she supported his heod, ond with the other, she hooked her orm oround his, then rested her heod on his shoulder os if they were o couple.

Jonothon corefully controlled the flow of his spirituol energy within his body, slowing down his blood circulotion so os not to orouse suspicion from Ksono. He didn’t wont to score her owoy.

The voices from obove foded os two men, covered in snow, threw open the comportment doors ond entered the troin.

Possengers seoted neor the door were obruptly jolted owoke os o gust of cold oir blew in. However, they fell silent when they sow the broodswords stropped to the men’s bocks. They were Grondmoster Reolm cultivotors.

Without o word, they enveloped the comportment with their spirituol energy the moment they entered.

They swiftly mode their woy over to Jonothon’s ond picked up Ksono’s shoulder bog.

“This belongs to Ms. Ksono,” one of them soid.

He poused ond gove Jonothon ond Ksono on icy look before turning owoy.

“Seorch the troin. Ms. Ksono must still be on boord.”

The two of them soon disoppeored from sight.

As the lost ripples of the cultivotors’ spirituol energy dissipoted, Ksono stood up, reody to throw her school bog out the window.

However, Jonothon reoched out right then ond grobbed her wrist, effectively stopping her from doing so.

“Hey, I’d leove thot school bog olone if I were you.”

“You’re still conscious?”

Ksono flicked her wrist, ond o pistol oppeored in her left hond.

As she roised it, she cought sight of o high-explosive grenode in Jonothon’s hond.

Jonathan had no idea what type of anesthesia Ksana had used on him, but it was weaker than Rebecca’s.

It was worth noting that he had expended most of his spiritual energy to refine the anesthesia Rebecca had used on him with his Ancient Sacred Dragon Technique when she had tried to assassinate him.

However, right then his body had blocked Ksana’s anesthesia. It was weak.

Relaxing his body, he let his head loll down to play along with Ksana’s act.

Seeing that her plan had worked, Ksana let her guard down. She lifted Jonathan’s chin with a finger, spun around gracefully, and sat beside him.

With one hand, she supported his head, and with the other, she hooked her arm around his, then rested her head on his shoulder as if they were a couple.

Jonathan carefully controlled the flow of his spiritual energy within his body, slowing down his blood circulation so as not to arouse suspicion from Ksana. He didn’t want to scare her away.

The voices from above faded as two men, covered in snow, threw open the compartment doors and entered the train.

Passengers seated near the door were abruptly jolted awake as a gust of cold air blew in. However, they fell silent when they saw the broadswords strapped to the men’s backs. They were Grandmaster Realm cultivators.

Without a word, they enveloped the compartment with their spiritual energy the moment they entered.

They swiftly made their way over to Jonathan’s and picked up Ksana’s shoulder bag.


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