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The Lord Mayor Falls in Love with Me novel Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Seduction in the Mirror

That side, Vivian and Ben were fucking right in half and forget the time. And this side, Joey looked at the alarm clock on the nightstand. It was already a quarter past seven, why hadn't she heard the sound of Ben leaving?

It's going to be late. Regardless of Ben still being in the house, Joey quickly got out of bed and put on a business suit of white Vneck shirt and high-waisted vent bottom black skirt. Then she went out her room and wanted to go to the bathroom.

When she just walked to the door of the bathroom, she heard a pornographic noise of breath in gasps and crashing of bodies in the bathroom.

Joey was startled and enraged.

She couldn’t believe that the y just fucking in the bathroom and making so much noise. They should know that it was already dawn and her parents were supposed to be getting up soon.

Band, band, band...

Joey was so annoyed that she beat on the door several times with her fist.


Vivian’s panic scream came from inside immediately. After a while, the door was opened, and Vivian and Ben had fixed their cloths.

But who they saw outside the door wasn’t Mr. or Mrs. Linderman but Joey.

Vivian suddenly got angry. She stared at Joey fiercely not only without shame but also like that Joey stirred up her business.

Joey closed her eyes and tried her best to control the anger in her heart. “Yow two like fucking so much, then please go outside to fuck. Dad and mom are still here. You are shameless but I’m not!” said Joey in a low voice.

Looking at Joey who is exasperated, Vivian felt very satisfied. She laughed and said, “My sister, I and Ben can fuck anywhere as we want, and it’s none of your business.”

Then, Vivian turned her head superciliously and went back to her bedroom with humming.

Ben stood awkwardly at the door of the bathroom. Although he had many sexual partner outside, he never wanted his sexual affairs to be run across by Joey herself, because he still had desire to marry Joey.


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