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The Lord Mayor Falls in Love with Me novel Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Over Sensitive

"You bastard, let me go..."

Joey threw off fiercely and turned around to give him a stinging slap.

Ben’s eyes were instantly bloodshot. He was about to speak some falsehood but he changed his mind. Then He gripped Joey’s hands gloomily and buckled them on top of her head, and then his right hand ripped Lin Joey’s clothes roughly. The buttons on Joey’s shirt fell to the ground, and her clothes were suddenly open.

"Let me go..."

Joey was angry and frightened. And today’s Ben is no longer the gentle one that he used to be.

"Just shout, you’d better shout loudly so that your parents can hear you."

Ben was determined that Joey won’t shout loudly. He pushed Joey’s bra over her breasts. Suddenly, Joey’s honey peach-shape breasts jumped and were exposed to the air. Ben lowered his head and kissed Joey’s breast. He held her breasts in his mouth, and tortured them by sucking, biting and gnawing.


Joey felt a great shame.

She tried to break away from Ben but failed. At that moment, she called to mind Allen, thinking of his gentle and caring every time when he kissed her body. The more she thought, the more she was disgusted with Ben.

However, her struggling and wriggling could only arouse more beastliness of Ben. Ben buckled Joey’s hands on top of her head with one of his hand, and thrust another hand into Joey’s skirt skillfully and found that her private part is already very wet.

Ben was shocked and stopped. His peach-blossom eyes stared at Joey coldly, “So soon to be wet, your body wasn't so sensitive before. The night before last you stayed out all night, so you are really no longer a virgin?”

Although Joey was always reluctant to break through the last hurdle with him before, she would half-heartedly allow him to touch her body when the feelings were deep and strong. So he was familiar to Joey’s body. In the past, Joey didn’t have emotional reaction until he touched her for seven or eight minutes, which made him to suspect that Joey was suffered from frigidity.

So he had not expected that Joey was so sensitive today that she was totally different from before.

Joey was blushed by Ben’s question and did not know how to answer it for a moment.

Indeed, after a day and night of crazily making love with Allen, her body became extremely sensitive. Even if Ben’s touch made her very angry and disgusted, her body did the most natural reaction.

The natural reaction of her body was what she didn't think of and couldn't control, and she almost died of shame because Ben spoke it out so close to the bone.

When Ben saw Joey’s blushed, angry and a little panicky expression, he immediately understood that his guess was true.

"You bitch, how dare you to go out to find another man while you already have one at home. Today I have to let you know how good I am."


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