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The Luna Trials by Marissa Gilbert novel Chapter 24

“No promises!” Savvy snorted, and her new self-proclaimed friend giggled as well.

“Seriously,” the blonde sighed, “I tried talking to everyone here and other than you, Petra is the least blood-thirsty one. Can we agree to be on the same side at least until the final trial?”

“Are you sure we are going to stay here that long?” a chuckle escaped the princess. “Do you even remember that we are the least desirable contenders here?”

“We are the most underestimated ones!” Astrid corrected her with a smirk. “Something tells me, you are getting far in this contest. And I am not a quitter either!”

“Feisty little southerner!” Savvy giggled. “Fine! I like the idea. Now, spill. What is the next challenge?”

“Interviews,” Astrid replied, looking around cautiously. “Emma just arrived and saw that the twin’s filming crew came right before her.”

“Maybe they are just going to film everything as usual,” Savannah suggested.

“Unlikely.” Astrid shook her head as the three of them climbed up the stairs. “She saw folders with our names, and they discussed questions as they waited for the security check. We don’t know any specifics.”

“Too bad!” Savvy chuckled.

“And what information do you have to thank Astrid’s kindness?” Emma grunted behind


“Em, please!” her friend begged and looked at Savvy apologetically. “I know who will be the twin’s main target,” the princess winked at her two companions. “Something we don’t know!” The brunette did not seem impressed by her humour.

“Doesn’t matter,” Astrid intervened. “If Savvy happened to know something, she would tell me too.”

“You are too kind!” Emma mumbled, but both of them heard that. “Don’t worry,” Savannah smiled, “if I have a chance, I will repay .... everything.”

They said their goodbyes, and Savvy got into her bedroom. She considered getting a shower, but Kai’s jacket was still on her, and she liked its scent. Besides, she was so exhausted she simply didn’t have the strength for anything anymore. So, she quickly slid out of the clothes, casually throwing the jacket right next to the bed and then wrapped herself in sheets.

The forest scent gently surrounded her, making Athena purr in her mind as the two of them drifted off to sleep almost immediately.




Savvy woke up and stretched in her bed with a smile on her face. She decided to take a bath and soak in it a bit since she didn’t get to it after the events of the previous day. What happened yesterday left her perplexed and puzzled. It was difficult figuring everything out in this strange place. She was used to political games; however, back in her kingdom, at least she knew who she could trust. She had her brother Gideon, who always had her best interest in mind. She had Reid, his Beta, who was also like an older brother to her and was always spoiling her more than anyone else. She also had her warrior friends. She knew that each of them was ready to die for their princess.


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