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The Luna Trials by Marissa Gilbert novel Chapter 25

25. Gilded Armour

Savvy clenched her lips so tight that they formed a thin white line.

“Can you imagine how great it would be if Kai ended up marrying a witch?” Kyle snorted loudly while typing something on his laptop. “We will be able to mock the North for the rest of our lives for having a Witch Queen! This is just precious!”

“You Lycans and your love for the same species!” Zara gave him a mocking eye roll.

“If you want me to help him end up with Mavis, just tell me!” Kyle winked at her, and the bird shifter’s face changed at once.

“Anyone but that botch!” The girl crossed her hands on her chest. “With her on the throne, you will have a war at your doorstep in no time!”

“Yeah, she doesn’t seem particularly charming!” Kyle agreed and looked at his childhood friend. “Savannah, what do you think? Mavis or Salome?”

His smile dropped when he saw her pale face. He knew her too well to not understand that something was going on.

“What is it?” “Is it that piece of sh-t Zack screwing someone again?” He asked her bluntly without beating around the bush.

“Show me the pictures,” Savannah ignored the question. “Sav, you look a bit pale,” Zara walked towards her with a concerned look. “Are you sure…

“Show me the pictures!” the princess demanded, and her assistant got out her phone, swiping her fingers across the glossy screen a few times. Then she handed her the device, and Savannah saw Kai walking in the garden with Salome attached to his hand. The two of them were

glancing at each other and grinning like two happy children, and Savvy felt nauseous from seeing them like this.

She started scrolling. Picture after picture of what looked like a proper date. Then, a new notification came, and she clicked on it without thinking twice, opening the most recent photo. Kai pressed Salome’s hand to his lips while giving her a playful gaze. The gaze she knew too well. The gaze she thought he only gifted her with.

Savannah’s heart clenched painfully. She had already done this. She had already been through this. Betrayal was not new to her, but why did it hurt so much again?

“What the hell, Sav?” She didn’t even notice that Kyle was already standing next to her. She knew that her eyes were getting watery. The tears she would never let fall were burning her eyes, and she blinked them away quickly. She was crying for her fated mate for one day! The Northern King would not be getting such honour. They were no one to each other after all.

“I am fine!” She forced a smile, but her friends didn’t buy it. Kyle was watching her intently with his brows furrowed. Nevertheless, it was Zara who said the words loud and clear, “You like the King.” The silence in the room was heavy.

“What?” Kyle let out à nervous laugh, but then his eyes locked with Savannah’s for a few seconds before she turned away.

“Oh, no!” He shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair. “No, no, no! Savvy, you can’t!”

“And I will not!” She practically yelled at him, and the trio got silent. Until Kyle interrupted again.

“How?” He looked at his childhood friend questioningly. “When?!” “It’s a long story!” Savannah sighed, bitterness lacing her words.

“We have time,” Zara moved a chair for the princess to sit on and settled on the next one. Kyle returned to where he left his laptop, but it was the last thing on his mind now.

Savvy contemplated just telling them everything and being done with it. “Forget it” She shrugged her shoulders. “It’s not a big deal.”

“I’ve spent years in the Red Harem, Savvy,” Zara tilted her head slightly. “I know the look on your face far too well. I saw it in the mirror and on every other girl’s face. But the thing is that you brought us here for a reason, and I hope that it means you can trust us. If you can’t share this with me, I will understand. But at least let Kyle know everything. It’s essential now.”

Zara prepared to leave, but Savvy took her hand and squeezed it slightly. “No, stay,” she smiled. “I trust you both.”

She saw their concerned glances and, taking a deep breath, told them everything, not withholding even the most minor details.

The room got quiet again when she was done. “Before you say anything,” the princess warned them, “I know I am pathetic. First Zack, now


“There is nothing pathetic about you,” Zara assured her. “Zack was your mate, and Kai, well, he is charming.”

“Asthole,” Kyle interjected, tapping his fingers on the cover of his laptop. “He is an as-hole who arranged all this to avoid marrying you, Sav. That’s…”

“I know.” She had to agree with him. “Consider it all forgotten. We are back to plan one. I am winning and leaving.”

“Good,” Kyle nodded eagerly and opened his laptop back. “In the meantime, the Truthteller has something to say about this date!”

“No,” Savvy rushed to stop him. “Please, don’t.”

“Fine!” he grunted and shut his laptop. “But only because you asked! And don’t start me on that other guy and his gifts! What the hell is that supposed to mean?!”

Zara watched the two of them thoughtfully and raised her brow when Savvy went to the wardrobe and got a luxurious gown out.

“I think I’ll wear this one for the interviews,” she chewed on her lip, throwing a quick glance at her assistant, who had a hard time holding back a little smirk that desperately tried to escape her.

“Isn’t this too much?” Kyle rubbed the back of his neck. He always supported all her crazy actions, but when it came to her outfits, he always sided with Gideon and Reid, wishing for her to


dress like a good little nun.


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