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The Luna Trials by Marissa Gilbert novel Chapter 69

Chapter 69

It was the first time Savannah had visited the northern castle since the fire, and the sight saddened her to the core of her soul. The

scent of smoke that was still present hit her nostrils, and when she saw the blackened walls stripped of curtains and other decorations,

she clenched her fists, trying to control her fury. The royal lycan wished to be freed and bestow her vengeance on the ones responsible for

all of this.

Savvy had grown to love this castle and the history it held; she loved noticing little details she had missed previously every time she

paid attention to a painting or to a carving. And now most of it was gone, leaving a little empty spot inside of her.

For the first time, she realised that this place was her home now and that her enemies had entered it and tried to wipe it off the face

of the earth, destroying everything and everyone she loved in the process.

just a little That’s it.

A on her hand tightened as he pulled her closer and whispered, “No wouses, Sak de est rése

This castle has stood through worse times, trust me.”

She rested her head against his chest just for a moment, breathing in his scent to calm down. “I just hate that it happened on our

can’t let them win after everything.”

watch. W

“We won’t,” he assured her, lacing his fingers in her hair. “We are the ones already winning.”

He took her into the main hall, and she let out a sigh of relief when she saw all her friends inside. A little part of her was still afraid

that all this was a dream. They were discussing their war plans around an interactive table, moving the maps as they carefully planned


strategies, and hadn’t even noticed the Northern King and his Queen at first. Until one set of familiar eyes locked with Savvy’s.

“Rei She threw herself into the Western Beta’s arms. “I didn’t know you were here!”

4 emerged behind her, and she instantly knew that it was Kai’s reaction to her hugging another man. She ignored it though.

This was something he would have to get used to because Reid wasn’t a threat to him and he was family.

“I’m not technically here,” her friend laughed, patting her head as if she was still a child. Reid was like a father figure to her. When

her parents died, and Gideon was busy with his Lycan King duties, this man was the one to step in and raise her and Kyle. Unfortunately,

during those days, they couldn’t trust too many people and the Beta had to act as a babysitter as well.

“You are not?” Savannah knitted her brows, puzzled slightly.

“He is not,” Gideon smirked. “Right now, he’s trying to rule the western Kingdom in my stead because I’m dead. So sad-“He

grimaced and she chuckled in response to that.

“Poor you,” Savvy rolled her eyes, but it was just a cover-up because her eyes started stinging from the tears forming in them. The memory of losing her sibling was still fresh in her mind and she was so happy that she got to tease him like that again.

“What’s this on your neck?” Gideon grasped her hand and his sister closer to inspect her brand new and shiny North Star mark. It was still gleaming softly when the light grazed over it. “Did you mark my sister?” the Western King growled, nostrils flaring and eyes

shining golden for a moment until he suppressed it.

“Yes, I did,” Kai responded calmly and moved Savannah away from her brother, wrapping his hands around her to demonstrate their

closeness to everyone. “What did you think I was going to do with my mate?”

“I still can’t believe the Moon Goddess punished her that much!” Gideon grumbled, but no one took it seriously because the next thing he did was place his palms onto their shoulders and whisper with a wicked grin, “Hurt my sister and I will arrange her next marriage

in a heartbeat and make sure she gets half of your Kingdom in the process.”

“Gideon,” Riannon reproached her husband as she strolled towards them with a bright smile, “leave them alone. Look how happy they are!” She then turned all her attention to the beaming couple and her eyes studied their marks as well. “They are very beautiful,”

she said honestly. “Just as marks of Divine Wolves should be.”

“Divine Wolves?” Savannah’s eyes grew wide.

“When the gods bless us, they give us a particle of their divine power,” Riannon informed them. “Any special ability we have

afterwards comes from it. This is what being blessed truly means, and the way our marks looks is a sign of how we can recognise other

Divine Wolves.”

“How do you know all this?” Kai was impressed by the western Queen’s knowledge. “Was it a vision?”

“When my wolf asks the Moon Goddess a question, sometimes she answers. After I found out that you have been blessed too, this was what we asked. It’s different from my visions, though. Because they come when they please and don’t depend on my wishes. But the powers develop slowly. The particles of divine power we receive grow or die-It depends on the person who received them and the intention of the god who blessed them. It can go either way.”

“That explains why you and Kai have special marks,” Savannah chimed in. “But why do Gideon and me? We aren’t the blessed wolves, but our marks are the same as yours.”

“That’s because we’re mates, of course,” Ria smiled gently, and her eyes found her husband. “A mating bond is a special connection. between two souls. When one of the mates gets hurt, their mate feels it. When one mate feels happy, so does the other one. It works the same. When one of the mates becomes a divine wolf, so does the other, Mates share everything, including divine blessings, because it’s spiritual and given to a soul, not a body. And a mark is a reflection of that spiritual bond.”

“If I understand it correctly, Gideon sees the future too now?” Kai looked at his old rival, arching his brow curiously.

“Not really,” the Western Lycan King admitted. “But some things are different for me now.”

“Like what?” The northerner wondered, scratching his beard that needed some trimming desperately, but he chose not to waste his time on that this morning and stole a few extra minutes to spend with his Queen.

“The return from the third form,” Savannah whispered, but in a room full of wolves, everyone heard her. It was so logical. Since she was little, she had the worst control of her third form, Compared to Gideon, her control of the beast was weak. It wasn’t good, it wasn’t bad. It was just how things were. For as long as she could remember, she was trained not to let her beast out because everyone knew that

it was possible the Princess wouldn’t be able to get back to her human form. The royal transformation could cost her too much and mostly, it was not worth it, considering she was a good enough fighter in her second form. But just one day ago, she was ready to sacrifice herself for her friends when she shifted into her third form in Bjorn’s castle. Savannah knew there would be no return from that. There

wasn’t supposed to be a return from that…

Yet here she was.

Because of him.

She glanced at Kai, and he squeezed her palm. A simple motion, but with such a deep meaning behind it. He received Fenrir’s blessing, and the same Wolf God made them mates. He connected their souls with the help of the mysterious bead at the best of times, thus, helping Savvy to turn back the moment she saw her mate in the woods. The same thing happened to her brother a few months ago. He stayed in his third form for longer than it was safe during a brutal battle, and they almost lost him that day. However, Riannon found him on the battlefield and as if by some miracle, Gideon came back. They never connected the dots back then, but now it was clear.

as day. The royal curse was broken by divine wolf mates.

And that meant one thing – they were given an ultimate weapon in the upcoming war.

They wished they could talk about all this more, but unfortunately, they had more pressing matters at hand. The bears would

retaliate one way or another. No one had any illusions about resolving this matter peacefully.

Savannah and Kai joined the rest of the team at the table and started going through what had been planned so far. A few hours later, all of them were exhausted, but they knew that so much more had to be done still. Somewhere into the eighth hour of their

strategizing, the doors burst open and in came Chloe and Claude.

The TV presenters looked troubled and everyone knew that the news wouldn’t be good.


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