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The Lycan King novel Chapter 22


Today was the day of the court hearing. I was ready at eight in the morning and the hearing started at nine thirty sharp. Andrei was with me the entire time and I had not seen Nikolai since the morning. I knew he was very busy but I was feeling very nervous and I needed him to be with me.

"Don't worry Avalyn, Alpha is the one who will carry out the ceremony and I have no doubt that you will do good." He smiled at me. We were on our way to the building where it would take place.

"He is a fair Alpha, I will be presented like a rogue in front of him and I have to prove that I am better now, right?" I asked him.

"Not necessarily. It's different every time. But that was what happened the last time." He replied and took a left turn.

We came to a stop at the end of the street and I was gawking at the mansion in front of me. It was almost twice the size of the one we stayed in.

"Impressive, I know. You should check out the interior."Andrei smiled and opened my door.

"Thank you. Who stays here anyways?" I asked.

"The Alpha was supposed to stay here but Nikolai prefers staying by the bay and likes his own space which we don't get in the town so we shifted there." He shrugged.

All I could do was gawk at the mansion. Castle was the right word. It was made for royalty. He really was the king. The interior was even better with the vintage vibe. There were big chandeliers and the had splashed of golden red and royal purple everywhere. To say it was extravagant was putting it lightly. I have never seen anything like it. And I liked the place.?

"I'll have to leave you here. I have ordered the guards to keep an eye on you. You will be safe. Just come in through those doors when your name is called." Andrei told me as he pointed towards a set of double doors guarded by two men.

I nodded at him. He left quickly after that. I looked around to see that there was one huge scary looking man, who looked at me and I quickly averted my eyes. Then I saw one little girl, one boy and my heart filled with sadness for them, the girl looked like she was three and the boy about ten years old. They were clearly siblings. They belonged in a pack with their family. Then there was a man with a scar down his face. Lastly, there was a pregnant woman and my eyes widened. She shouldn't have to be here. Where was her family?

"Emily Withorn." The guard called out. The pregnant girl stood up and walked through the double doors.

"John Mayors." The guard called out and the huge man stood up and walked in.

"Avalyn Alvarez." The guard called me in next. I stood up from my seat and entered the court room.

My gaze fell on Master, sitting on the throne, looking at me with those piercing grey eyes, his expression was cold and impassive but his eyes spoke volumes. He looked every inch of the Alpha he was. A step below him was Dimitri, Vladimir, Mikhail and Andrei. And then a step below them were everyone else. There was a red carpet in the middle and the pack members were sitting on either side of it.

I was guided towards my seat where I sat down. After me came the man with the scar and the siblings after him.

"Good morning everyone. We have gathered here today for the yearly court hearing. Without further ado, lets get started." Andrei announced.

"Rogues, step forward." Andrei announced and we did as we were told. We were guided by the guards to stand in the middle of the carpeted aisle.

"State your reason to leave your pack." Andrei told.

"I slept with the Alpha and got pregnant but he didn't want to mark me. He met his mate recently and she didn't want me around so she forced me to leave the pack." Emily said.

"I got kicked out of the pack because I killed one twat who was harassing my mate. The Alpha didn't allow my mate to leave with me because he didn't want a female to be a rogue. I promised my mate that I would be back for her though." John said.

"The new Alpha killed my father who was the former Alpha and kept me captive. I was rescued recently." I told the watered down version of the truth.

"The alpha has a stick up his ass and I wanted my freedom so I left the pack." Peter, the guy with the scar said.

It was the kid's turn now. "W-we ran away," Adrian said as he clenched Vanessa, his little sister's hand. They both looked terrified but the boy was stepping up for his sister. "The Alpha was a bad man." He nodded.

"All of you will be given a situation and that will decide your fate, you can join the Rogue Pack. You all can take your seats." Vladimir said as he got up.

I returned back to the chair I was sat on before and waited. For some reason, the time slowed down as I looked in Master's eyes. He was already staring at me. I could feel that he believed in me, he knew I would be able to do the task I was given.

Vladimir walked to Emily and whispered something in her ear and then placed his palm her head. Then did the same with John.

"L??sku alebo strach." He whispered in my ear and placed him palm on top of my head.

Then he did the same with Peter and then Adrian and Vanessa. He flicked his fingers and suddenly my eyes closed.

A light blue eyed lady in white dress and pale blond - almost white hair appeared in front of me. She looked so beautiful, so peaceful that I wanted to go and hug her. But I didn't want to taint her by touching her.

"I am you Avalyn." She gave me a soft smile.

"How is that possible?" I asked her, but my voice sounded so far away.

"Believe in something and it's possible, my child." She replied. The smile was still there on her face, calming me.

It didn't make sense, but somehow I understood what she was trying to tell me.

"You have to save Nikolai, Avalyn."

"Lead them all to victory."

"Brighten the darkness."

"The time is coming."

Then she faded away, slowly and then all at once.

I opened my eyes and saw that everyone was looking at me with wide eyes. For some reason, it didn't bother me at all. I felt more peace than I had ever felt in my entire life. I had no idea who that woman was but she was a blessing to me.


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