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The Lycan King novel Chapter 61


My eyes fluttered open and I saw a blurry figure in front of me.

"Ava!" Nik said and rushed to my side. I opened my eyes and smiled lazily at him. I had a good sleep. My thoughts are still not coherent.

"What time is it?" I mumbled and rolled around. I haven't slept in, in so long.

"Nine am." He relied. All the mornings events registered in my mind. Nik's weird behaviour, the morning glories, Max's exorcism. Oh god. I need to get up. I need to check up on him. "It's the next day Ava. You've been asleep for almost thirty hours now." His face was blank but his eyes were filled with worry and the small crease between his brows meant he was stressed too.

"I feel good now." I replied, the laziness evident in my tone. "A bit hungry." I got off the bed and realised I was in my pyjama shorts and a tshirt of Nik's.

Smiling at the thought of him changing me in my sleep, I walked to him and pecked his cheek.

"Let's go get you some breakfast." He caressed my cheek with his thumb.

My eyes widened. "You'll make breakfast?" Does he even know how to cook?

His eyes softened. "Ya, I'll make you breakfast."

We both walked to the kitchen, me more energetically at the thought of him making me something. This will be a first for both of us. Usually it was me who cooked breakfast for him every morning, now it will be him cooking breakfast for me.

I settled on one of the high stools and placed my elbows on the counter, my hands supporting my chin.

"Do you need anything, Alpha, Luna?" Irina quickly came in.

"No. You can leave," Nik dismissed her before turning to me.

"What do you like for breakfast?" A tint of pink covered his cheeks. His skin was tanned so it wasn't very visible but I caught it. Is he embarrassed to cook?

I bit my lip. Yes, he is my mate but he is still an Alpha.?My?Alpha. He shouldn't have to cook for me. For anyone, really. "Maybe I should just make it myself of ask Irina—"

"No." He said immediately. "I'm not embarrassed to cook for you. I'm embarrassed to not know my mate's favourite breakfast dish."


A small smile appeared on my lips. He is so adorable. "I like a cup of cold coffee and egg toast or pancakes. But let's just do cold coffee and waffles today?" Those were easy. And we had a ready waffle mix anyways. Something told me that Nik using the stove would be a recipe for disaster.

"Sure. You'll have to walk me through, Love. I don't know shit about cooking." He snorted.

"Fine..." so we spent the rest of the morning like that. With me telling him what to do and him moving around the kitchen in a pink apron with red hearts on it. It was a sight to see. It couldn't crack the eggs just right, which resulted in five eggs splattered on the counter and on the floor.

His ego took a hit when I took over and cracked the eggs in a single shot. It was funny to see him grumble, cursing the 'damn fucking asshat eggs'. He whisked the final batter and then poured some in the waffle makers.

The cold coffee was easy so I didn't have to guide him much and he made a couple of more waffles on the side.

"Nutella?" He asked. He removed the nutella jar after I nodded and smeared it over the last waffle. After he was done, he shifted them on a clean plate and placed it in front of me along with the cup of cold coffee.

"This is more work than training. I can't believe you do this everyday." He released a breath.

I chuckled. "Thank you." And then sipped the cold coffee. It was better than what I usually make somehow. The waffles too. But I think it was because Nik made it for me. Everything is better when he is involved.

"I would like to say anytime, but I really don't want to lie." He chuckled. "So I'll just say sometimes."

"I'm okay with that." I smiled as I devoured my breakfast. It had taken him almost an hour and a half to make it and I was proud of him.

"Now?that's?a sight to see." Dimitri entered, a flash going off from his cell phone. He clicked a picture of Nik in the apron.

I choked back a laugh at Nik's expression. "You fucking dick! Delete it." He growled, chasing Dimitri around the kitchen. It was so nice to see Nik actually living his life like this. He has too much on his plate. Sometimes, he needs to sit back and relax with his family. Everyone here clearly loves him. He doesn't remember that often enough.

I laughed at the brothers as I got off the stool and placed my plate in the sink.

"Avalyn! Save me from the big bad Alpha." Dimitri clutched my shoulders, hiding behind me as Nik stood was in front of me. I'm sure it's a funny sight. I'm five four and both the men are a good few inches over six. A good head taller than me. I fail to see how I will be able to protect Dimitri from Nik.

"If anyone sees that picture the—"

"You know we are bound by blood right? She will protect me. You can't kill me." Dimitri smirked.

"But I can still do a fist construction of your face if you don't take your hands off her." He grumbled.

"Oops." Dimitri took his hands from my shoulders and laughed. "Twenty five fucking years and I finally catch you in a?compromising?position. No way in hell I'm giving up this picture."

A smile tugged on Nik's face. "Max is here. We can team up against you, as always. Don't forget about that."

Dimitri's smile faltered. "I can take him."

"We will see about that." Max entered the kitchen. Only in boxers. I covered my face with my hands and my cheeks heated up.

"Wear some clothes you dumbass." Nik growled, pulling me in his chest and covering my face.

"I'll faint if I don't have blood right now." Max grumbled. "Where are the fucking slaves?" He groaned.

"Irina!" Nik snapped and Irina scrambled in the kitchen.

"Here." I saw Nat throw a pair of shorts towards Max.

Nik released me which meant he was decent now. Max had his fangs in Irina's neck and Dimitri was hugging Nat. I hugged her after they broke off.

"How are you doing?" I asked her.

"Better than before." She replied, smiling softly as she eyed Max. "Thank you so much, Avalyn. I don't think I'll ever be able to repay my debt to you."

"No debts here, Nat. We are family." The greatest gift all of these guys have given me is my just being here. Being family. And that's something I won't ever be able to repay.

She only smiled at that.

"And next time something happens, I want you to contact me immediately. You didn't have to suffer for one whole week." Nik frowned and then hugged her too.

"Thanks. Andrei offered but I didn't want to take you from your responsibilities." She shrugged.

"There won't be a next time." Max pulled Nat towards him and hugged her from behind, kissing her hair.

"Are you okay now?" I asked him.

"I feel fine. Just woke up. You?" He asked.

"I feel fine and I just woke up too." I smiled at him.

He just gave me wide smile in return and then looked at everyone else. "How that I've regained my strength, I've got some serious making up to do." He announced winking at us. His smile widened as he picked Natalia up and easily put her over her shoulder, as if she weight nothing more than a pillow.

"Max!" She squealed and then slapped his ass which resulted in her receiving two hard slaps on the ass as Max exited the kitchen.

He paused at the doorway. "Avalyn?" He turned his head to look at me.

My eyebrows raised in question.

"Thank you." He said after a beat, respect clear in his words.

I gave him a nod. The respect was mutual. Max is strong—to go through all that he had been through. And he is a good man.

After Max and Nat left, Dimitri winked and threw a flying kiss towards Nik who was still wearing the with apron little hearts and then continued making flirty expressions.

In a second, Nik threw the apron on the floor. "I want this burned," he pointed at the apron and then he pointed at Dimitri's face, "and I'm going to have nightmares about that," which made Dimitri pout.

Nik rolled his eyes at Dimitri's dramatics and held my hand, tugging me outside.

"Are you feeling better now?" He asked me.

"Yes. Very." I smiled at him. "I wanted to ask you, what happened at the balcony?" He had told me 'punishments are supposed be something you don't enjoy, Love' and then looked like he was deeply troubled. I just know that something is not right.

I know there is something bothering him. And I need to know what.

His eyes hardened at that and the light air around him disappeared, replaced by stress.

"Nothing you should be worried about right now." He replied, his body rigid.

"We talked about you not hiding things from me anymore." My eyes lowered. I thought we were past that, that he understood where I'm coming from.

"I just need you to trust me, Avalyn. I will tell you when the time is right." He placed a finger below my chin, motioning me to look up at him.

I'm hurt. I thought that I'm stronger now. And he could see it. I won't crumble under pressure. I can deal with anything thrown my way. And I need him to believe in me.

"Trust goes both ways, Nik. And you don't trust me." I bit my lip.

His hold on my chin tightened and he tipped my head up. "Look at me." He silently commanded.

My eyes snapped at his.

"Look me in the eye and repeat what you just said." His grey eyes glittered.

I couldn't say it.

I know it's not true.

He trusts me. I know he does.

"Just as I thought." His voice was ice cold. "Don't ever say that I don't trust you."

I managed to give him a short nod.

"All you need to know is that I will tell you when the time is right." His voice softened. "Just let this go. Please."

"Alright." I conceded. If he needs time, I will give him time.

"I love you." He whispered. "Always remember that."


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