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The Lycan King novel Chapter 73


The slamming of the bedroom door broke me out of my sleep. And then a set of lips were on me.?

I relaxed and kissed him back eagerly when I realised it was just Nikolai. His hands were frantic as he touched, grabbed and squeezed my entire body. As if he was making sure that I was actually here.

He ripped my nighty apart and trailed open mouthed kisses down my neck. A loud moan left my mouth when he kissed my mark.

He left kisses between the valley of my breasts, squeezing them and then came back up.

My entire back arched off the bed when he suddenly slammed inside me. "Nikolai." I cried out.

His intensity was maddening. My entire body was in fire as he pumped into me with wild abandonment. Almost like he needed to bask in my warmth or he would loose himself. No scratch that, he?wanted?to loose himself. In me.

"Ya lyublyu tebya. Borginya, ya lyublyu tebya."?He kept chanting as he made mad, intense love to me.?I love you. Goddess, I love you.

That's when I realised that something is wrong.

I met his thrust for thrust until we were both sweaty and spent. Which was about ten times after. We were both panting and I couldn't get over what just happened. We had never done it these many times a row. I usually got tired after seven times. He had the stamina to go on all night long if he wanted to, but it got a little too much for me. I was slowly getting to his level but it was a time consuming process. This was normal for werewolves but I for some reason, my wolf got tired quickly now a days.

Nik started kissing me all over again and slowly started moving down my neck. I held his head and brought him up again so he was looking at me in the eye. "Sorry, are you sore? Did I hurt you?"

"No. But you look hurt. What happened, Nik?"

He sighed and rolled off me. And I rolled right on top of him. "What happened, Love? How did it go?"

"Nothing. It went just fine." He closed his eyes. I wrapped my arms around his large form and placed my head against his chest, over his heart. "Don't worry. Everything will work out. Just see."

His arms came around me. "There is only one thing we can do- wait."

"When will Max call?"

"Tomorrow." He replied.

"Sleep Nik." I murmured softly, my eyes already drooping. "Everything will be alright, I promise."?


When I woke up, the bed was cold which meant Nik left a long time ago. I quickly threw clothes on and padded outside, that's when I realised it was already eleven am. I got deja vu when I realised that the entire house was empty.

Where is everyone?

I tried to mind-link Nik but it was shut. I went in search of Tessa. I was very sore and I figured I could use a warm bath. I hardly had any because I was always in a rush because I needed to prepare for breakfast.

I went to the kitchen and found April making food.

"Can you give me something to eat?" I'll have one after food. I'm famished.

"Sure, give me a couple of minutes, Luna." She said and quickly made me egg toast and a cup of cold coffee.

"Thanks." I said as I quickly scarfed down my brunch.

"Send Tessa to my bedroom." I told her and got off the barstool and made my way up stairs. I decided to do some stretching before bath so I would loosen my muscles.

I went to my bedroom and shed my clothes before I heard a knock.

"Who is it?" I asked, knowing it was most probably Tessa.

"It's Tessa, Mistress."

"Come in." I called in and started with my stretching. I always found clothes very restricting while stretching. But that was probably because I had big boobs and a butt. Most of my underwear gave me a wedgie once I start stretching and I can never find a sports bra that was comfortable enough.

Tessa's eyes lowered and a blush rose on her cheeks when she saw I was naked. She will get used to it soon. I realised that she had brought in an entire cart with her, filled with glass bottles what had different oils in them.

"What is all of this?" I asked her.

"Alpha's orders. I'm supposed to give you a massage and then bathe you." She replied.

Nik is too sweet.

"Do you even know what to do?" I asked.

"I worked in a salon & spa shop before I was... taken. A lot of these things are new but I promise you that I? started studying about it the moment Alpha told me what I had to do. I will not make any mistakes or cause you any pain." She said earnestly.

"Okay then, go ahead." I nodded.

She quickly placed a sheet on top of the bed and placed the cart next to the bed.

"Please lie on the bed, Mistress. On your front." I did as she said and in a couple of seconds, she started massaging my back, breaking the friction with the oils and massaging them in my skin.

I then told her the truth. "I asked not because I fear that you will hurt me," her human hands couldn't technically hurt me enough to harm me, "I asked because I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."

A moan left my mouth when she applied pressure on my lower back. She focused on that part more.

"I love to serve you, Mistress. I have been with you only for two days and you have been more kind to me than anyone I have ever met. I owe you my life. Before you... I had lost the will to live." Vulnerability shone through her words.

"But we reunited to your sister Jessica." I said gently.

Her hands didn't falter for a second as she thoroughly massaged my back and then my butt. Her hands worked wonders. "She has turned one of?them, Mistress."

"Vampires?" I asked for confirmation. Rhazien would obviously want his mate to live with him forever. It only made sense. But just not to Tessa.

"Yes, Mistress. Is your back better or do you need me to massage it more?" She asked.

"It's perfect, thank you." My muscles felt very light.

"Could you please turn over?" She asked again. I turned over and picked my hand and placed it on her shoulder so I had support and started massaging my arms with concentration.


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