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The Lycan King novel Chapter 87


"Rise." He commanded and everyone stood up at once.

The fire had died out the second I had stepped out of it. I had a hitch that the spell included something that it will only die out once the people inside it do too. I wish?we?could have killed Mary and we would do it right this time around.

"The series of unfortunate events that have been happening since last night have happened because of one spiteful person who hates vampires??Mary. She was the one who lit the Pack house on fire and she was the one who lit this cottage on fire too."

There were murmurs of disbelief in the crowd.

That's when Papa walked up to us and stood besides me.

"Alpha Javier."

"It's him."

"He's back from the dead!"

"He's alive!"

Different murmurs rose in the crowd. But one thing remained common, the tears in the eyes of people and the mirth to have him back.

Papa raised his hand and the crowd silenced.

"Mary was the one who planned the attack because she hated the fact that I, a vampire was leading it." Papa started and shouts of rage broke into the crowd.

"Emmanuel locked me up in the dungeon for a decade and him along with his son Emilio, kept my daughter in captivity." Papa put his arm around me, hugging me to his side.

"But this fine young man here??Alpha Nikolai Volkov, rescued Ava and then rescued all of us from the tyranny of the Gonzalez'. I believe Alpha Nikolai will set the Montana Pack back on track and not only restore it to it's former glory, but make it better and greater than it has ever been." He finished.

"He is a rogue, Alph-Javier." A woman said, dread evident in her voice. "How do we trust them?"

"He walks in fire." Another man said. "What if a demon resides in him? What if??"

"Or maybe, God Sol resides in him." A woman stepped forward as she looked at Nik with devotion. I recognised her as one of the females we had helped escape the prison. "He helped us! He can't be bad!"

"Those are just assumptions! We can't trust theories! How do we trust them? How do we truly know he isn't worse than Emilio?" Every member of the pack grew more confused and fearful by the second.

"I know no demon or god. They walked in fire." A woman spoke up, her voice filled with fear. "That is just not natural. Not for a werewolf! We do not have affinity with natural elements like vampires."

My mind raced as I thought about ways to help pacify everyone and assure them that we are good people.

"Alpha Nikolai is a good man, Mama." I heard a boy say.

He dashed out of crowd and stood before Nikolai. He didn't look older than Adrian. "He helped me save Viktoria and the others from the dungeon. He also kept his promise of getting us all out of the burning prison." Then he turned towards the crowd. "Anyone who tries to hurt him will have to go through me!" He placed his little fists on his waist.

Two girls and two boys ran out and joined the little guy. "Us too!"

A carefree, amused smile grew on Nik's face as he looked at the little kids. Who were they?

"We stand by him." A couple dozen people bent down to their knees, submitting to us. These were the people whom we had saved from the dungeon.

Looking at them, another couple dozen people followed?? their family and friends. But the rest remained upright, looking at us with hostility.

Nik remained impassive as he inspected the crowd. "It is funny you all think you have a choice," he said, shocking me. "Avalyn and I are your Luna and Alpha. Whether you accept it or not, whether you like it or not. Those who object are free to challenge either of us for the position or leave the pack."

No one said a word as his deep voice dazed everyone with its power. Nik was a natural leader. His voice commanded attention and his eyes kept people rooted to their spot.

"I demand total submission and utmost respect from each and every one of you. What Avalyn and I say, goes. Without question, without hesitation. Each order, each command will be followed to it completion at that very second. Incompetency or tardiness will not be tolerated. Each of those will lead to a punishment we deem fit. I do not believe in putting people in cells, it is a waste of man power as well as space, nor do I believe in expulsion of wolves from the pack, they will be nothing but snitches who are hungry for revenge. The punishment will either be silver collar for a certain number of days or a certain number of lashes or death."

Even the air stilled as Nikolai spoke. No one made a single sound or a single move.

"The entire hierarchy of the pack is liquified from this very second. No one except the Alpha, Luna and my Beta Dimitri has the power to give out orders. I will select councilmen from the pack in time, but that will be exactly what they are??councilmen, and not people you will answer to, unless ordered otherwise. The revised notice of taxes and the new price of everything in the market will me mailed to everyone."

"The internet services up here are not... adequate." A man spoke up from the side.

"Technology is the only decent thing humans have created. Everyone will make good use of it, I will see to that too." Nikolai said with a growl.

"Trade with other packs as well as the human world will open up. We will, however?not?do any sort of business with Mystic Lupus Pack. Any wolf who does farming, does social work and does business will be will be given tax benefits. While importing is allowed, it is discouraged. Make your own things, your pack holds every resource you need."

"Each wolf is a warrior along with whatever they do to earn money. You will be paid for your services as a warrior, guard or parole. The higher your position, the higher your pay. The position will solely rely on your performance."

"Every morning at six sharp, every wolf over the age of eighteen will assemble at the training field to train for four hours. Men and woman. There is no age limit, you fight till the age you can walk. A pack is only as strong as it's weakest link. And I do?not?do weak." Nik's voice came out hard. "Everyone under eighteen will go to a supernatural school where you will be taught about us, not to a human school. In the evenings, kids of age five and above will train from four to seven. Adults who wish to train more are always welcome. I will handpick the person who will be the trainer."

"Until further notice, the money circulation in the pack will freeze, everyone's bank accounts will be frozen. My trusted men will visit each and every house and take away the black money. The bank accounts will be checked for illegal dealings, frauds, excess income from suspicions places. Everyone caught with the wrong kind of money will be given one chance to explain themselves. The money will be ceased and you will be given a punishment that will fit the crime you have committed."

"In under a week's time, all of these rules will be in full motion and all these tasks will be finished. Every single person over the age of sixteen will volunteer too make this work. Tomorrow, we will have a pack meeting again, here, at nine in the morning."

"Any objections?"

"You can't take away my money! However I earned it is my??"

In a flash, I saw a hole in the centre of that man's forehead and his limp body collapsed on the ground. With wide eyes, I looked around to see Symon pocket a gun.

"Any objections?" Nikolai demanded again.

No one dared to say a word. I could feel how scared they were. But there was respect too. Something that kept growing as Nikolai went ahead with his speech.

"Dismissed!" His hard voice commanded, breaking people out of their trance.

He then turned to look at me, his grey eyes impenetrable as he stared into my eyes, looking for what? I didn't know.

"Hey!" The boy standing in front of Nikolai demanded his attention.

Chapter 87. Revolution 1


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