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The Lycan King novel Chapter 9


"My full name is Avalyn Alvarez." She whispered and I took a deep breath. "Yes, my dad was Javier Alvarez, the Alpha of the Monta?a Pack before his Beta Emmanuel Gonz??lez and now his son Emilio Gonz??lez took over."

"When I was thirteen years old, Emmanuel killed my dad to become the Alpha, he was papa's Beta and my favourite uncle. He was very close to us, but his desire for more power led him to do it. I didn't know he killed him, nobody in the entire pack told me about it. They were all sworn to protect me and papa but no one helped him, no one told me the truth. Emmanuel, who had been treating me like his own daughter, told me that they were attacked at and papa didn't make it, I believed him." She said and her eyes filled with tears.

There was so much pain in her eyes that I felt my heart crack. I didn't say anything. I wanted to listen.

"After six months, our cook, Mrs. Maria told me the truth. She was like a mother to me, my real mother died giving birth to me. She said that I shouldn't tell anyone or it would put my life in danger but she wanted me to know the truth, she didn't want me to grow up thinking of the man who had killed my father was my second father. Someone heard our conversation and and told Emmanuel, he shot Mrs. Maria in front of my eyes." She sobbed. I kept caressing her hair, showing that I am there for her.

"After that, he started treating be badly, but that was just calling me names or pushing me around and making me do household chores. It actually got bad when Emilio came to stay at my house too, he was staying with his mother before that. His father was happy that his heir had come back to him so he gifted me to him. He was almost eighteen by then and I was just a thirteen year old kid. That was when he started 'training' me and made me into in personal slave. He called me his 'pet'. He had trapped and tortured me in my own home. My only fault was that I had started growing boobs and butt by that age and that was what started his attraction towards me. He first raped me on my sixteenth birthday." She was sobbing uncontrollably by now. A tear leaked from my eye and my hold on her tightened. I could've even begin to imagine the kind of pain she had lived through most of her life.

"Its okay, if you don't want continue, Love." I whispered. She didn't deserve it, no child should have gone through what she did.

"No, I want to tell you. I-I need to get it off my chest." She hiccupped. I nodded against her head.

"After that I wasn't allowed to wear clothes at home, my birthday gift was the collar and the leash, I was not allowed to take it off. You were the first one to take it of, you are my saviour." She kissed my neck, her tears not stopping. But she kept going. That's how strong she was.

"I-If I did something he didn't like, he wou-would punish me with floggers, crops, paddles, whips and even canes, never stopped even when I said the s-safe word." She said, sobbing hysterically by now.

Tears formed in my eyes as I listened to her, at what she had to go through at such a young age. She had no one of her own. I would feel her wolf crying for her human's pain. But she was so far away and my wolf and I could do nothing to soothe her pain.

"He used to bring his friends home to show me off, punish me in front of them, even let them beat me or fuck me or have me suck them off. I quickly learned that crying would earn me more punishments so I stopped crying, I became the the perfect submissive, so he didn't get much reasons to punish me but he would find some or the other fault and beat me anyway but it would be less when I behaved." My anger started surging but I kept a tight lid on it. This wasn't the time. This wasn't about me. It was about Ava, and she needs me. She needs me to just listen to her.

"I even started finding peace in submitting, just letting go of everything and not think about anything, doing as you are told?? it was the only constant in my life after papa died. And the pain was a constant too. That was my life till I was twenty one. Then I became too boring for him, because I finally became the perfect submissive. He sold me to that place and two weeks later, you bought me. I had no hope but you saved me. You are my saviour." Ava cried out the last part.

I held her tight and let her cry, let her mourn, she needed to let it all out. I kept whispering sweet words in her ears and kept wiping her tears. She cried herself to sleep in my arms.

I felt helpless again, I couldn't be there for her when she really needed me. But then I felt good that she trusted me to tell me the truth about everything, I understood her so much better now. But I still had one question.

"Is that why you don't have a wolf?" I asked her softly.

"I have a wolf, Master. But...it feels like she is very far away. I can never reach her. It's as if she doesn't want to come out. Maybe because she doesn't have a reason to." She whispered the last part.

It bothers me so much because an average werewolf shifted at the age of thirteen or fourteen and if you are late, then it is extremely unhealthy for you. It can kill your human side and most of the times, you can never shift back into a human and you loose your sanity and go wild. Not even the worst rogues are as crazy as wolves who have lost their humanity.

I slipped my hand under her knees and another around her waist, and picked her up. I carried her back to to our house. When I entered through the back window, I saw Sofiya and Vladimir sitting on the sofa.

"Is she okay?" She asked me worriedly, Vladimir looked concerned too.

"She will be." I said quietly, not wanting to disturb Ava. I climbed the stairs to our room and placed her on the bed.

She truly was an angel who had been through hell. She looked so peaceful right now, so much different than a few minutes before and I was going to do everything in my power so that she was at peace at all times. No one had ever made me feel as she did. No other woman calmed my wolf like she did. I felt at peace when I was with her. The feelings I had for these woman grew each day, each second I found out something new about her. She was my mate.

When I found out about what had actually happened, hot, raging and all-consuming fire coursed through me but I somehow managed to keep myself in check. I wanted Ava to tell me everything and not get scared of me.

"I will avenge you, Moya Lyubov." I vowed to her and kissed her forehead. I forced my legs to walk out of the room and let her rest.


"Is Avalyn okay?" Dimitri asked when I entered the meeting room. Everyone were already present here. Good.

"She will be." I replied with the same answer I gave to Sofiya and Vladimir.

"The reports on the spies in our lands?" I asked as I took my seat.

"No spies are caught Alpha, we think that they are laying low after the last incident. Natalia is doing a good job with her assignment too." Mikhail replied. I gave him a sharp nod as I took out my cigar and lit it. I really needed this after everything that went down today.


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