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The Lycan's Queen novel Chapter 40

The Lycan’s Queen Book 2 – Chapter 2



It had been four months since the day I arrived.

Four fucking months.

I could have gone straight back to London as soon as everything was solved, but I just couldn’t. Every time I went to book a flight, something stopped me.

It was only yesterday I rang my boss and told him that I would send him an email with my resignation letter. He was shocked but understood.

Of course, he was under the impression that my father was dying, but that didn’t matter.

Riley left as soon as the drama was over. Adonis was sad to see our younger sister leave, but he knew she didn’t want to stay.

Aarya, my new sister.

Half the time, I wondered why she had called me. She was incredibly strong and brave and could have handled all this on her own. She more or less did that anyway.

Groaning, I got up and made my way to Adonis’s study.

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“Your Majesty, do you need anything?” a maid asked.

I still hated my stupid title but there was nothing I could do about it.(This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com) I just shook my head and rushed to my brother’s study.

“You need to have a kid,” I blurted out as soon as I walked in.

Adonis looked up and chuckled. “Uh-huh. I know why I am desperate to have a child, but you? Do you want to be an uncle that badly? Riley has a kid, you know.”


“Don’t play dumb. You know I can never renounce my royal title until you have a kid.” I sighed.

“Ah yes, you’re still second in line.” Adonis signed a document and placed it to the side.

“Wait, you said you want a kid? Why don’t you have one?” I asked.

“In case you haven’t noticed, I don’t have the human biology to carry a child,” Adonis deadpanned.

“I know that.” I rolled my eyes.

“Aarya isn’t ready for a child. She’s enjoying her life and I won’t tie her down,” Adonis replied.

“You’ve turned into a softy,” I laughed.

“Wait till you find your mate, Damien,” Adonis pointed out.

“Yeah, wonder when that will be… ” I trailed off.

“Don’t give up. Look at me! Aarya came into my life when I needed her the most. I know your mate will too.” Adonis smiled.

I wanted to believe my brother, but I was having a hard time doing so.

“Hey, we have a pack coming here tomorrow. They are having some territory issues. I want you to be with me,” Adonis said.

I nodded. I knew my brother was doing this to keep my mind off leaving, and I decided to humor him.

After all, I couldn’t imagine how he had felt when all his family just up and left when he became king. I guess I felt like I owed him.

“They’ll be arriving early in the morning. Be up and ready by nine,” Adonis told me.

Fuck’s sake.

Why can’t these alphas come at a decent time?

I just nodded and headed to my room.


I’m going to need sleep if I have to deal with big-headed alphas tomorrow…


As soon as my alarm went off, I groaned and hit snooze.

Dealing with big-headed alphas was not how I wanted to spend my day, but I had no choice.

Rolling out of bed, I got ready for the day.

There was no need to spend too much time choosing an outfit, not like I did anyway. I quickly put on a pair of dark jeans and a plain white T-shirt.

After fixing my hair, I left my room.

Adonis and Aarya were walking downstairs from their floor when they spotted me. Of course, Adonis looked every inch the king he was and Aarya…

The simplicity of her outfit did nothing to diminish that powerful aura surrounding her.

“Morning, sunshine.” Aarya smiled.

“Hmm… Too cheerful for me,” I replied.

Adonis laughed, “Come on brother. It should be fun, putting these big-headed alphas in their place.”

“Sure, if that’s how you want to spend your morning.(This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com) I’d much rather be in bed.” I rolled my eyes.

We made our way downstairs, Aarya in the middle with Adonis and I on either side of her.

Even though Aarya was more than capable of defending herself, I still felt an overwhelming need to protect her. So did my lycan.

“Your Majesty, they’re here,” a maid informed us.

Adonis nodded. “You know where to bring them.”


“Make sure they go through the security checks,” Aarya reminded the maid

The maid nodded and walked off. We made our way to a separate room where Adonis liked to conduct meetings

He was the opposite of Dad in that respect. Dad only had meetings in his study, whereas Adonis liked a room with a lot more space.

I remember him telling me that he wanted the alphas to feel like they could say anything, and the study was always so suffocating. I had to agree.

We all took our seats. Adonis and Aarya were sitting on their own sofa, while I sat on the armchair next to Adonis.

Oh, how badly I wanted this meeting to be over and it hadn’t even started.

A servant came in. “Your Majesties, Alpha Gibson and Beta Porter.”

We all stood as the alpha and beta walked in. Both bowed in respect before taking a seat opposite us.

“So, you need to discuss some territory issues. Am I correct?” Adonis asked, wasting no time in starting

He was always so busy, but at least he had Aarya to keep him company.

“Yes, Your Majesty, we have an issue with a pack continuously entering what we believe is our territory. They are causing lots of disturbance and threatening to kill us,” the alpha stated.

“Hmm…and how do you know this is your territory?” Adonis questioned.

“Well, it is actually unclaimed land. However, as it is closer to our pack’s land, it makes more sense that it is ours,” the beta now chipped in.

Aarya now made her presence known.

“But it is possible that it could also be the other pack’s land? And the reason they are saying that they’ll kill you is because they believe it is their land just as you believe it is yours?”

“Yes, but it is closer to our land,” the beta said, making the same argument egoin


Adonis looked at the alpha and beta before saying, “Do you have any proof? Any plans for the land? Any measurements?”

Both the alpha and beta shook their heads.

Chapter 40 1



I should have gone back to London when I had the chance.


This is why I hate being a royal.

Chapter 40 2

Adonis may have changed a lot of things since he took over, but one thing I knew he would never budge on was security.

The guards had their car behind mine. The address had already been plugged into my car’s sat-nav.

Only two hours away. Not bad.

What if I really do find my mate?

She would come back to the palace with me, but would she come back to London with me?

Do I want to go back to the place that had been my home for so long?

The hole in my heart was getting bigger each day. Thankfully, I wasn’t like Adonis. My lycan was fine.

For now.


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