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The Lycan's Queen novel Chapter 41

The Lycan’s Queen Book 2 – Chapter 3



One thing I had always wanted to be was a teacher. I adored kids, and being a teacher was my ultimate life goal.

Growing up, my parents never discouraged that idea but pushed me to work toward my dreams.

My mom was a dentist and my dad worked at an accounting firm. My younger brother and I always had an amazing childhood. Our parents loved us, and we loved them.

I remember when I turned seventeen, my mom sat me down and had a serious conversation with me about wolves.

We lived with werewolves: they went to our schools, ate at the same restaurants. Most of the time, they just seemed like regular human beings, but I knew they were not.

The topic of werewolves was something that always fascinated me, and I used to read so many books about them. It was in one of these books that I came across lycans.

Lycans weren’t talked about as much because they were considered to be royalty. The king himself was a lycan.(This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com) It was very rare for a human to meet a lycan

The king dealt with humans who were in positions of high power to ensure everything was running smoothly.

Despite all of that, I knew that lots of humans were dying for a chance to meet a lycan. I was one of them.

In all honesty, lycans entranced me more than werewolves did. The topic of mates would always make me swoon.

To me, it sounded like a fairytale, and what girl didn’t like fairy tales?


Mom warned me that if a werewolf or lycan claimed me as their mate, you did not disagree. In my head, I never would have imagined that.

Being a mate to a lycan was something I often dreamed about.

I remembered the day.

It was just a regular day. My little brother was playing with his friends, Mom was cooking, and dad was chatting to mom to keep her company.

I was watching TV when mom asked me to call my little brother in.

I opened the door to shout for my brother, but words never left my mouth as a pack of werewolves walked past our row of houses.

One werewolf was already looking at me, and he said something to his other pack members, causing them to stop and look at me too.

He claimed me as his mate. Mom and Dad came out but didn’t say anything. My neighbors and school friends all stood outside and watched.

They looked as he took me away from my family, they looked as I cried because I wanted to say goodbye but he didn’t let me,(This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)and they looked as my parents cried out for me, but all in vain.



“Elodie, where are you? I’m fucking hungry,” the familiar voice growled.

Sighing, I turned to the little wolf who I was teaching. “Go now, I’ll call you later.”

I watched as he scurried off with his books and pencils and I left to find my mate.

Two years ago, I believed mates were the best thing, that it would be like a fairy tale. That was the mind of a naïve teenager.

“What would you like to eat?” I made my presence known.

“Fucking finally. Where were you? I want an egg and bacon sandwich,” my mate, Jordon, said.


“I’ll get right on that.” I prayed he wouldn’t ask me that question again.

He grabbed my hand. “Where were you? You better not be teaching those pups again, you know I hate it.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat, “No, I wasn’t.”

My ability to lie had gotten better, but my heart still raced every time Jordon glared at me.

Thankfully he let my hand go and I rushed into the kitchen to make his sandwich

I always thought a mate’s touch was meant to send shivers down your spine, to evoke powerful emotions.

I never got that with Jordon, never. From the first time he touched me to now, all I got was fear.

The first time I asked him why I didn’t get those sparks, he told me harshly, “You’re a human, you don’t feel what we feel.”

I never asked him again because I thought he was right.

After all, I am just a human and he is a werewolf.

Recently, a bigger part of me was refusing to believe all the excuses Jordon had told me in the past. But I was still too scared to leave or attempt to leave.

Sighing, I focused on making the sandwich before he got angry. Another female entered the kitchen, but she didn’t even look at me; no one did.

Children never judged me; instead they were eager to learn and I was eager for the distraction.

Chapter 41 1


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