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The Lycan's Queen novel Chapter 42

The Lycan’s Queen Book 2 – Chapter 4


I knew something was up when I entered this pack’s land. My lycan was on edge, which made me on edge.

That voice, I couldn’t get over that voice I heard.

As soon as that alpha hung up, I threw the phone across the room and clutched the edge of the desk.

It took everything to calm down and not lose control. I never had any issues with my lycan before this.

A part of me wanted to ask Adonis, but I decided against it; he was busy, and I was a grown man.

I could deal with this.

Once I was sure that my lycan was under control, I turned to the alpha.

“Sorry about your phone.”

“Don’t apologize, he gets on everyone’s nerves.” The alpha shook his head.

I nodded. “Let’s go.”

I was going to try and persuade my guards to stay here, but I knew better. (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)They wouldn’t leave me, and something in my head told me to take them along

It didn’t take long for us to get ready and leave.

I took this opportunity to walk across the unclaimed land. To me, it still seemed as though it was closer to this pack, but I still wanted to go to the other pack

Luckily, no one said anything as we entered the other pack’s territory. People bowed to me as I walked past.


Normally, I would have scowled because I hate it when people do that, but this time my mind was distracted.

Subconsciously, I found myself looking up at a single window. My heart ached and I was clueless as to why.

Tearing my gaze away from that single window proved to be more difficult than I anticipated, but I forced myself to look away.

My gaze connected with a man standing outside, who I presumed to be the

alpha. Already, my lycan was on edge.


Something about this man didn’t sit right with me or my lycan. His smirk, that arrogant look, and the way he looked at me. Like he wasn’t afraid.

My gaze focused on the alpha, who immediately stood up straighter and cleared his throat before addressing me.

“Your Majesty, it is an honor to have you here,” he said.

“Yes, I assume the way you hung up the phone meant you were nervous.” I glared.

He coughed, clearly caught by surprise, “This is my beta, Jordon.”

Clever. He had changed the topic.

Again, I found myself looking at this bastard, who made me angry for an unknown reason.

“So, an issue of unclaimed land has brought royalty to our pack?” Jordon asked.

“The violence that has come with the issue of the unclaimed land is the main reason I am here. Solving the issue will stop the violence, or so the king thinks,” I replied.

“So, the king sends his runaway brother and doesn’t come himself. Interesting.(This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)” Jordon had no shame.

His pack members tensed, and his own alpha elbowed him, but he seemed not to care.

“You will do well to remember who I am, pup. I might have run, but I am here now, and I am still the prince. Show me respect or mv lvcan will


force it out of you.”

I grit my teeth together.

My security tensed beside me, ready to eliminate the threat.

“He means no harm. Please come inside.” The alpha tried to defuse the tension and invited us in.

We gathered round what I assumed was their pack communal area.

“I want to say that this issue could have been resolved peacefully, without involving the royals,” the alpha stated.

Behind me, the other alpha scoffed, Please, spare me the rubbish. We have tried, you have responded with violence.”

I found my gaze on the alpha, who kept looking left and right as if he was afraid of something

Jordon looked calm and collected, but his alpha’s eyes led me to believe that something sketchy was going on here.

My mind shifted to that voice I heard on the phone. The cries and pleas made my blood boil as realization set in.

Someone was being abused in this pack. My tolerance for abuse was zero; there was no excuse.

Working as a detective back in England, I saw my fair share of murders due to sexual or physical abuse. Suicides because of verbal abuse.

Any sort of abuse in my book was a big fat no.

Not just me-Adonis had no tolerance for it either. Neither would Aarya, and something told me that she would have guessed the same thing as I did if she were here.

“It’s one alpha’s words against another’s. How do I figure out who is being truthful?” I directed my question to the alpha, who looked terrified.

“Something else is going on here, and I will figure it out. Don’t pretend like you don’t know what I heard at the end of our phone call.”

Bingo. I have my answer.

Chapter 42 1

I turned my attention back to the alpha. “Anything you want to tell me?”


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