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The Moon and The Ocean novel Chapter 28


Things were getting better. My sweet sweet Ocean was again with me. My arms were wrapped around my whole world. My heart stopped that day seeing her. Those bitches, I had smelled them all over the place. I was sure that the next time I would see them, they would all end up bloody. I was thankful that Zeus was with me that day, or otherwise she would have died. I could not even imagine living without her.

I was so drowned into my thoughts that I did not realize, Ocean had woken up. She grazed my nipple between her teeth and I growled under my chest.

Moon: What are you doing?

I asked her in a husky tone.

Ocean: Tasting you.

She replied. We both were still naked on our bed. She licked my bear chest and moaned loudly.

Ocean: How come you taste better than the chocolate chip cookies?

She asked me and I chuckled. I grabbed her hand and pulled her on top of me. She sat on my belly, then leaned in and kissed me hungrily. Just before we both would have felt excited again, we heard a loud knock on our bedroom door.

Moon: Yes!

I asked but I already knew it was my mother. I could smell her scent.

Maria: Your pa is waiting for you both downstairs. Get ready. He wants to take you somewhere.

She said and I growled lowly in my chest.

Ocean: We will be downstairs in ten minutes.

She replied and I smirked. I leaned in to capture her lips but she easily ducked me. I gave her a confused look. She giggled and jumped off of the bed.

Ocean: Ten minutes to get ready. I did not say we can have fun either.

She said and ran into the bathroom. I chuckled seeing her playfulness. She was different. But she was more beautiful. I could feel a strong aura around her.

Ocean: Moon, what are you waiting for? Come in now.

I heard her yelling at me. I stood up and stepped into the bathroom. She turned on the shower and we both stood together under the shower. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close to me. She rubbed my back then broke the hug. She pecked my lips then picked up the shampoo.

After a lovely bath together, we both stepped out of the bathroom and went to the closet. I wore my casual jeans and t-shirt and she pulled out a knee length summer dress. Once done, I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of our bedroom.

We went downstairs where everyone was waiting for us. We took our seats on the table. Zeus gave us both a sharp stare then started laughing hysterically. We both looked at each other then at him again.

Derek: This is dining hall Zeus. You have to show some respect to the bestowed meal you have in front of you.

Pa said and Zeus clapped his hands over his mouth. He was trying to suppress his laughter. Ocean was getting uncomfortable with the situation. I growled loudly and everyone looked at me with shock visible on their faces. I was even shocked. It was a very loud growl, louder than Zeus' wolf growl.

Moon: Why are you laughing like you are crazy?

I asked him angrily.

Zeus: You two could not even wait until your mating ceremony.

He replied and started laughing again. Ocean gave us all a confused look for a few seconds. Then her cheeks turned pink along with the tip of her nose and she buried her face on the crock of my neck. I gritted my teeth seeing her uncomfortable.


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