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The One He Claimed by Cooper novel Chapter 112

Chapter 112: Battle Part II
When the call to battle had gone up, I’d been in Caspian’s arms, in his bed. We had both leaped out of bed, but he’d grabbed me, told me to be safe and kissed me with much less reserve than he’d ever kissed me before.
“I love you. I want you to know that, just in case…”
I had put my hand on his mouth.
“Tell me after and then we’ll talk about you marking me,” I had said and watched his eyes widen. He’d taken precious moments to kiss me again, fiercely and possessively before turning, shifting, and racing off to battle.
I’d thought about it while I laid in his arms. I know I still have a lot to get over after what Owen did to me, but he’s dead now, and Cas isn’t anything like Owen. I deserve to be happy and so does Caspian. We haven’t known each other long, but war makes you realize important things, makes you realize what is important. And there are two people in this world I can’t live without, my mother and my mate.
I know Brutus will do everything in his power to keep my mother safe, so I have to hope that giving Caspian something to live for will keep him alive as well. That’s my hope anyway, as I rush to the packhouse and begin checking off my roster as the people assigned to my safe room enter.
Chapter 112, Battle Part II
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When my mom rushes up, I hug her tightly, telling her I love her just before Beta Kinsley arrives to check on the status of my room. We get the last three people in just after Luna Sophie tells us that the packhouse has been breached.
I look at my mother one last time, hoping that I can convey with my eyes that I love her, and I need her to be alive when I open these doors again.
After I close the doors, I turn around to make sure that everyone is settled. There is muffled crying in the room with young mothers cooing at their pups, trying to help them calm. We can hear the sounds of fighting outside and periodically, we all jerk when we hear the sound of something banging against our safe room door.
I’m not sure how long it’s been when we hear the sound of something battering against our door. Some of the people in the room cry out, some begin crying as the sound is repeated over and over. Someone is breaking into our safe room.
I stand, moving in front of everyone. “Stay calm,” I say, taking a deep breath like Caspian taught me to do when there’s a trauma. ‘You can’t help someone else if you’re panicked, Brooke,’ he’d said to me.
Luna Sophie put her faith in me to be the Lead in this room. There will be wolves who need my help when this war is over. I need to stay alive, and I need to protect those in this room who are with me.
I stare at the door as I pull the gun from where I had tucked it in the back of my pants. I hear the gasps of the women behind me, but I stay focused on the door as it begins to give, the screeching sound of claws cutting through steel makes me
Chapter 112
Battle Part II
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want to cover my ears.
I quickly look down, making sure my gun is loaded, and that the safety is off before holding it facing down in front of me. I spread my legs apart, steadying myself and taking another deep breath.
When I see the claws puncture through the steel, I raise the gun, ignoring the screams from behind me. All of my attention is on the door and the person or persons who are trying to get inside and kill these people, my pack, my family.
When the steel rips apart, I wait. I remember a calm falling over me when I shot my father. I knew what I was doing was the right thing, I was protecting my mother. And now, I’m protecting my pack.
So, when the steel of the door is pulled open and I see the wolf’ s face, I don’t hesitate, I shoot the gun, the silver bullet hitting him right between his eyes.
The sound ricochets around the room, making my ears ring, making it impossible for me to hear anything. However, the wolf behind the one I shot shifts, looking down at his friend and then at me. I don’t need to hear him to know that he just called me a f**g b**h.
“Come at me. I dare you,” I snarl at him.
When he takes a step, I don’t hesitate to fire again.
Ezra POV
Chapter 112 Battle Part!
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My entire focus is on Joshua in this fight. I need him out of Margot’s life. I know that if anyone else gets to him, they’ll kill him and that may very well kill her.
I found her this morning when the howls went up, telling her to stay by my side in the battle. Reyna isn’t at full strength yet, and we didn’t have a chance to practice in her wolf form, but she’s strong and surprisingly, she does as I ask and stays by my side.
However, when I see Joshua’s wolf attacking Hunter, I leap, needing to be the one to take him out. I know Hunter will kill him without a second thought.
When Thorin rips Joshua’s wolf off Shaw, he stands, snarling, his head lowered facing off against the other Alpha. I watch as the other wolf’s nose twitches, probably smelling Margot’s scent on me. Good, now he’ll focus on trying to kill me. I may be older than Joshua by a couple of years, but that just means I have more experience.
From somewhere behind me, I hear the howls of new wolves, Carter’s pack has arrived. I don’t let it distract me, but I see that Joshua makes a m**l note but doesn’t seem surprised. I’m guessing that means that we were right, Robin’s and Dutton’s packs will be attacked too. I hope they’re ready.
I leap at Joshua, needing to end this quickly so he doesn’t get killed. I refuse to allow Margot to die. Thorin grabs him by the scruff of his neck tossing him aside before leaping on him again. He’s fast and quickly moves out the way before Thorin can sink his teeth into his leg.
Thorin spins around snarling viciously as Joshua leaps at us his teeth snapping at our throat. Thorin drops to the ground, letting Joshua leap over us, but lifts his head, finally getting hold of the
Chapter 112, Battle Part II
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wolf’s back leg, snapping it in two.
He howls in pain before yanking his leg out of Thorin’s mouth and turning to face us again. One leg down, three to go. I wasn’t joking when I told Margot that I’d remove his arms and legs and keep him alive. I’ll put him on a f** IV drip for the rest of his life if that’s what it takes to keep her safe.
Now that he’s wounded, the rest should be easier. However, he surprises me when he pulls the shift, standing up on one leg and glaring down at me.
“You can’t have her. She’s mine,” he snarls at me.
Ishift, standing to face him. “She rejected you because you’re a s**t mate and a s**t Alpha.”
He laughs. “Killing me will only kill her. I never accepted her rejection,” he says smugly.
“I have no intention of killing you. I can make sure that you live a long life as a vegetable in my pack hospital,” I snarl and smile at the shock on his face.
“And you’re so arrogant, that it never occurred to you that I would be the one to kill you,” I hear Margot’s soft say. I’d been so focused on Joshua that I hadn’t seen her come up behind him, and there is so much blood and saliva all around that I couldn’t smell her scent over the fighting.
Her arm is wrapped around Joshua from the back, her claws extending into his throat. He growls in frustration that she has him in a vulnerable position where he can’t move, or he risks death.
Chapter 112: Battle Part II
“You’re such a f**g b**h! You are nothing. You couldn’t even give me a pup,” he says.
She chuckles, leaning in to get close to his ear. “Oh Joshua. I never gave you a pup because I refused to bring a child into a world where you were their father” she says. I see the same shock on his face that I feel. She kept herself from getting pregnant?
“Goodbye,” she says, but this time, she’s looking at me.
“NO!” I scream and as if in slow motion, I see her claws clench, slicing into Joshua’s throat before ripping it out. He falls aside as Margot screams, clutching her chest with her b**dy hand. I race forward, catching her before she hits the ground.
“I’m sorry,” she says to me, and I can feel her life slipping away.
“No. I’m sorry. I told you I refused to lose another mate in this lifetime, and I meant it. This isn’t how I wanted to mark you. We’ Il figure it out. I promise, we’ll figure it out. I’m sorry,” I say watching her eyes go wide before I pull her head to the side and sink my teeth into her marking spot.
She screams, but I don’t let go, holding her in the middle of a b**dy battlefield, pumping my venom into her body, refusing to let her die.


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