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The One He Claimed by Cooper novel Chapter 113

Chapter 113. The Packhouse
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Chapter 113: The Packhouse
It’s quickly apparent that Joshua brought both his and Elias’ pack warriors to this war. The packhouse is quickly swarmed with wolves and men fighting to get to our weakest members. This isn’t just a battle to get Sophie, it’s a battle to decimate our pack, my family.
I know Sophie is worried about the women who aren’t fighters who are outside the safe rooms, women like Leah, but we don’t have long to worry before we’re in the middle of our own battle. I don’t know who is outside fighting besides Alpha Joshua, but they sent a Beta and two G***s inside to get Sophie.
Our young mothers who are warriors are fantastic, holding their own easily, but those three, in particular, set their sights on Sophie and because I’m with her, me as well. If we could shift, this wouldn’t even be a fight, but they must sense that I, too, am pregnant since I’m not shifting and they seem to decide that they don’t just want Sophie, but me as well. Like hell am I ever going to let someone take me from my mate or kill my pup.
Sophie’s a d*** good fighter, better than I am, probably because she’s an Alpha. As a Beta, I’m a good fighter, a strong fighter, but I’m not as good as she is. However, you come into my house, threaten my family and my pup, I’ll go f**g
berserker on your a**
‘We both will,’ Sybil, my wolf, snarls in my head. ‘No one hurts our pup.’
Chapter 113: The Packhouse
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So, Sophie and I stay back-to-back, just like Hunter and Lucas taught us. The G**s are the ones who face off with us and the Beta is working to try and get Sophie. Between the two of us, we’re holding our own pretty well. I know I’ve taken some hits; I can feel the blood dripping down my legs and the G**a in front of me has stayed in wolf form, making it harder for me to fight him. We’re all stronger in wolf form.
He’s just made a fatal error, and exposed himself too much to me, and I swipe, feeling my claws sink into his soft throat when I feel Sophie being jerked away from me.
I turn, seeing that the Beta was able to grab her, the Ga**a still nipping at her to try and overpower her.
“Sophie!” I scream.
Lucas and I had created a word that if I got into trouble, I was to scream so that he’d know that we needed help.
‘FIRE!’ I scream in the mind link. No one else may think twice about the call, but Lucas will know. It’s not something that would alert the pack during a war but it would tell Lucas that I was in trouble and needed help.
I turn, focusing my attention on the Ga***a as the Beta begins dragging Sophie toward the back doors. As I begin fighting with this Ga**a, I see that the safe room doors that are closest to us are being breached. My heart sinks. We’re losing. We’re going to lose and I’m going to lose everything that I’ve worked so hard to achieve.
I see some of the warriors realize that Sophie is being dragged off even though she’s still fighting against the Beta. None of us -can get to her, myself included since I’m still focused on the
Chapter 113: The Packhouse
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G**a in front of me, but my moment of distraction, at looking at the safe room door, costs me. The G**a rakes his claws across my stomach, leaving b**y g**es behind.
“NO!” I scream, just as a shot rings out through the packhouse. The G**a turns, seeing his fellow warrior lying dead on the ground. He shifts, snarling at Brooklyn who is standing in the opening of the breached safe room, the gun in her hand still smoking.
“Come at me. I dare you,” she says, her voice steady and confident, the gun in her hand unwavering. When the G** takes a step, she doesn’t hesitate to kill him too.
I turn, needing to focus on protecting Sophie, but then I turn back to Brooklyn.
“Protect Sophie!” I say to her. She begins looking around trying to find where she is, and I point. Brooklyn aims her gun, and fires again. She doesn’t kill the Beta, but the bullet, the silver bullet, lodges into his shoulder.
“What the f**k!” he roars and just like with me, his moment of distraction is all Sophie needs. Her claws slam into his stomach, slicing him open as she grips his internal o**ns.
“How dare you come into my pack, my home, and try to hurt my family,” she snarls. I watch his eyes go wide before she rips his insides out, leaving a trail of blood and guts hanging from her hands. The Beta’s mouth opens and closes before he falls to the floor.
At least I think he falls to the floor. I feel my own body jolt, pain shooting up from my knees, as I realize that I just collapsed to the floor, my head becoming light. I wrap my arms around my
Chapter 113: The Packhouse
288 Vouchers
stomach, needing to protect my pup. I can feel that my stomach is soaked with blood.
From somewhere far away, I hear someone calling to me, but I’ m too lightheaded to respond before I collapse into
Brutus POV
I stayed as close as I could to the packhouse, wanting to be near Leah in case she needed me. She’s not a fighter, and she’s definitely not a killer. It’s why I told her how she could maim these warriors without killing them. I’m not sure she would be able to deliver the killing blow, and I wouldn’t want her to. I love her sweet innocence, and I don’t want her to lose that because some Alpha decided to be p**d because he was a bad mate, and his Luna left him.
So, I stay close, needing to be here for her.
There are many more fighters attacking us than I expected. I know that Alpha Joshua took over his father-in-law’s pack, and I’ m guessing he’s brought every warrior from both packs with him to attack.
I keep my mind link open with Leah as I begin fighting. I’m a big man, and Argus is a big wolf, so we usually have the upper hand in a fight. I’m not surprised when the attacking warriors begin coming at me two at a time, but that’s how Alpha Hunter has always trained me, as if I was an Alpha and would have to fight more than one wolf at a time.
I keep killing, but they just keep coming. I know I’m covered in
Chapter 113: The Packhouse
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blood and guts when I hear the sound that makes my heart nearly stop beating. Leah’s cry of pain.
With renewed energy, Argus begins slashing through the warriors around us, fighting to get to his mate who needs us. When we finally make our way inside the packhouse, I’m shocked to see how many warriors made it through. Every one of the teams of fighters that are in the packhouse are taking on more than two wolves and when look, I can see that Leah has been backed against a wall by two wolves, her partner dead on the floor.
I have a moment of pride to see how many wolves and men are lying on the floor, dying from punctures to their lungs and throats, just like I taught her. Then, Argus sees red, and leaps at wolves who are attacking our mate. He pulls one away, putting himself between Leah and this wolf. Both wolves turn on me as I’d hoped they would and Argus moves back until Leah grabs his tail, letting us know that she’s okay.
They come at him and Argus fights hard, protecting his mate. He’s willing to die for her, but these two wolves are nothing.
When the shot rings out in the packhouse, the sound hurts my ears, making Argus shake his head, trying to refocus.
“BROOKLYN!” Leah screams and feel her move away from me.
“Protect Sophie!” I hear Beta Kinsley shout as we push Leah back against the wall. Argus nearly rips one of the wolves in half, terrified that he’ll get to Leah, before turning our attention to what’s happening in the direction that Beta Kinsley shouted.
I can see that Luna Sophie is being dragged by someone and she’s struggling hard, but she’s injured and weaker than she
Chapter 113: The Packhouse
usually is.
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I’m about to go to her when I hear Leah’s shout of warning behind me. The second wolf leaps at me, going for my throat. Argus moves to block, shoving his head down to protect his throat.
“NO!” Leah shouts and just before the wolf snaps his teeth on us, the wolf yelps in pain. At the same moment, a third shot rings out through the packhouse, and I hear Beta Lucas shout to his mate, snarling viciously as he begins tearing through. attacking wolves to get to her.
I look quickly, seeing Alpha Hunter rushing to Sophie who is staring at a dead warrior at her feet and Beta Lucas who just catches his mate before her head hits the floor. Even from here, I can see that her injuries are serious.
I turn and see my mate, panting, blood covering her hands and body, her claws still embedded in the wolf that she attacked to save my life.
I shift quickly, ripping the head off the wolf who is howling in pain before pulling Leah to me and holding her tightly.
“You’re not dying either,” she says ferociously, as she holds me.
I smile, holding her more tightly.
“No, I’m not,” I tell her before taking her hand and leading her over to where the others are.
Luna Sophie and Hunter stand by and watch as Brooklyn rushes to Beta Kinsley’s side, ordering others to get her what she needs as she quickly begins stitching her up, trying to save her life.


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