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The One He Claimed by Cooper novel Chapter 114

Chapter 114: Hell’s Angel
I’ve never felt rage, anger, and most of all protectiveness, like I feel right now. These people have come into my pack, my home, and are trying to take my family, my life from me. If I could shift, Hedda would have ripped these a**holes to shreds.
Since I can’t, Kinsley and I have been fighting hard. She’s a good, strong fighter, and a great Beta. We’ve both been fighting the G**as that comes after me, but the Beta is the problem. I’ m so thankful for those couple of sessions where Hunter had the other warriors attack us while we were fighting. If he hadn’t, I’m sure the Beta would have gotten to me by now.
I’m doing well until I feel the bond to one of my pack members, one of the women fighting inside the packhouse, snap. She’s gone and that moment of distraction is all the Beta needs to grab me and begin ripping me away from Kinsley. At the same time, I see that one of the safe rooms is about to be breached and I scream for my mate in the mind link.
I hear Kinsley scream my name, but I’m fighting this a***hole who thinks he can drag me to his Alpha, take me away from my Alpha, my mate, so I can be forced into a mate bond with a man I would never choose to be mine. There’s no way I’m letting that happen.
A shot rings out through the packhouse, and I turn briefly to see
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Brooklyn standing in the opening of the safe room, her smoking gun in hand. She looks like a fierce avenging angel standing there, especially when she challenges the G***a to come for her. He makes the mistake of doing it.
The Beta growls, yanking me again to get moving. I slash at him, adding to the multiple g*s I’**e already given him, but it’s the bullet to his shoulder that makes him jerk and finally stop.
He looks at his shoulder, then at Brooklyn as if he can’t believe she shot him. But now it’s my turn to take advantage of his distraction.
Hedda snarls, and with all my remaining strength, I pull my arms back and slam my claws into the Beta’s midsection. I have the satisfaction of watching his eyes go wide in shock as he looks down at me.
“No one will ever take me away from my mate,” I snarl before ripping his insides out. Hot blood splatters all over me, mixing with my own. I’ve sustained several injuries, but none were meant to kill me. Hunter was right, Joshua wanted me for himself.
“KINSLEY!” I hear Lucas shout as he races past me to catch her before her head hits the floor. Her stomach has been ripped open and I see Brooklyn push her way out of the safe room opening and begin shouting orders to those around her so she can begin sewing Kinsley up.
“Women in the packhouse! Protect your Beta! Protect Brooklyn! Protect the breached safe room!” I shout into the room. The fighting is starting to die down, but there are still attacking wolves in here.
Chapter 114: Hell’s Angel
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I stand guard in front of Kinsley, shutting out Lucas’ pleas for Kinsley to stay alive. I need to focus on protecting her. I hear a scuffle right outside the packhouse and I stand, ready to fight, my claws extended, my feet spread wide, daring whoever enters to come after one of my family.
Instead of an attacking wolf, it’s Shaw, still holding the throat of the wolf he just killed in his mouth. When he sees me, he drops it and shifts, watching me closely I’m not sure what he sees on my face, but through the bond I feel shock, pride, love, and desire.
“Is it done?” I ask him, my voice coming out in a growl.
He looks down at the eviscerated Beta at my feet.
“Joshua is dead. There’s still fighting, but I came when you called,” he says, snarling and slicking through an attacking wolf that comes too close to me.
I turn, looking around, all that’s left inside are the dead and dying bodies of the attacking pack. “We need to finish this, we need to get these people to the pack hospital,” I say, seeing the severe injuries of our pack members.
When I turn back, Hunter’s eyes are unfocused. When they refocus, he looks over at Lucas.
“Dr. Caspian is on his way,” he says. Lucas nods without turning away from Kinsley.
“Who is able to continue fighting?” I ask loudly to the room.
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Several people step up, including Leah and Brutus. All of them stare at me.
“Alpha, do you need me outside?” he asks Hunter.
“No, I’ll go back out. You help guard the hospital,” he says.
Dr. Caspian come rushing in. “Doctor,” I say, stopping him. “You do whatever it takes to save my Beta and her pup,” I growl.
Again, I’m not sure what he sees on my face, but he looks at me a moment before nodding and rushing forward.
I make sure that the fighters inside the packhouse are either helping the wounded to the hospital, putting themselves in front of the breached safe room, or are too wounded to fight.
“I need to get back out there. I’ll send the other doctors. Brutus, you’re in charge of organizing the protection team at the pack hospital until I can get there,” Hunter says before turning to me and looking over my body. “How much of this blood is yours?”
“I’m not sure,” I tell him honestly.
“I need you to get to the pack hospital too then.”
“Not until it’s done. Until then, I’m here, protecting our pack,” I say fiercely. I have no intention of arguing and Hunter needs to get back outside and end this.
We hear a howl of retreat, both of our heads jerking toward the sound.
“GO!” I shout to Hunter. He quicky pulls me to him and kisses me hard.
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“Take care of my mate and get your a** to the pack hospital,” he says, before leaping away from me and shifting.
“You take care of my mate too!” I shout, before turning back.
Brutus is already taking charge of getting the warriors set up inside and at the pack hospital. Dr. Caspian has Kinsley on a stretcher of sorts and while they are moving her, Brooklyn is somehow still stitching up her stomach. I can’t believe how much she’s already done in the short time that Hunter was here. Lucas is holding Kinsley’s hand and continuing to talk to her while they move her.
I turn, seeing several of my she-wolves, some omegas, some young warriors, standing and looking at me. “You’re all staying?” ask, looking them over quickly. “None of you is too injured to continue?”
“No offense, Luna, but you look worse than all of us put together,” one of the women says, her lips twitching.
I look down and realize that I must be a gruesome sight. There doesn’t seem to be a part of me that isn’t covered in blood. I know it’s on my face and I can feel it coating my hair.
Hunter comes rushing back inside with Penny beside him. “Sophie, I need you outside. Penny can take over in here,” he
Penny rushes in, looking me over as everyone else has. I really must look frightful.
Hunter shifts and Shaw nudges me to get on his back. I do and he quickly begins running out into the pack lands. Blood and dead bodies are littering our pack lands. There are still small
Chapter 114: Hell’s Angel
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pockets of fighting going on, but how our fighters are outnumbering the attackers and mostly, warriors who are able are starting to help those who are seriously injured get to the pack hospital.
Because most of the fighting is done, I realize what the problem is before we get to him. Thorin is standing protectively over an unconscious Margot. There are a group of warriors loosely surrounding him as he snarls and snaps at them.
‘Hunter, is she dead?’ I ask, worried that Ezra and his wolf will have gone feral.
‘I don’t know. He won’t let anyone near him, not even me. I’m hoping that he’ll let you check her, even though you look like something the devil dragged up from hell,’ he says.
I carefully slide off of Shaw’s back, glancing at Margot, then focusing on Thorin.
I take several slow steps toward him. “Thorin, it’s me, Luna Sophie. Let me check Margot. If she’s alive, she needs to be treated and monitored in the pack hospital. You’ve done an excellent job of protecting her, now let us save her.”
He lifts his nose in the air and sniffs. He growls again, but it’s less ferocious.
I take another couple of steps forward, lifting my hand in a gesture of peace, letting him sniff me.
“I know I smell like war and blood that isn’t mine, but underneath, it’s me. Let me through Thorin. Your actions may be killing her,” I say, gently.
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That more than anything seems to impact him. He steps back and I carefully walk to Margot, keeping Thorin in my peripheral vision. I have no doubt that Hunter will attack him if he tries to attack me, but I’d rather not sustain any more injuries today. Hedda is already working hard to heal me and keep our pup safe.
As I get closer, I hear her heartbeat. It’s faint, but it’s there. I put my fingers to her throat and feel the blood, shallowly flowing through her body.
“She’s alive,” I announce, turning to Thorin. “Give Ezra control, Thorin. We can’t help her if you won’t let anyone near her. Give him control,” I say, forcefully.
He growls at me, standing his ground and in his eyes, I can see that he’s fighting Ezra, his need to protect this mate
overpowering all sense.
Hedda pushes forward, and we put all of our Alpha command into our words. “Give Ezra control, NOW, Thorin.”
I’m not sure Hedda is strong enough to have pushed the shift, but between her and Ezra fighting to regain control, Thorin falls to the ground, and I hear the bones begin snapping as Ezra shifts back. I turn, quickly looking down at Margot as Ezra rushes over, picking her up in his arms.
“Thank you, Luna.”
“Get to the hospital, quickly,” I tell him.
He turns and begins running off, just as Hunter scoops me up into his arms.
Chapter 114: Hell’s Ange!
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“Well done, Luna. Time for you to get to the pack hospital too. I need to wash you off and see how much of this is yours and I want Dr. Caspian to listen to our pup and make sure he’s safe as well.
“He is,” I say, knowing Hedda is taking care of our pup. I lay my head against Hunter’s shoulder. The adrenaline of the fight and the day is catching up to me and feel exhausted.
“I’ve got you my love,” he says softly. I know he’s still talking to and listening in to multiple conversations around the pack, making sure that everyone is okay and that the fighting is over, but he makes sure that I know that he’s here to watch over me. I snuggle into his chest. I know there is so much work that still needs to be done, and I should be helping, but I’m exhausted and I can’t keep my eyes open.
I’m asleep before he gets me to the pack hospital.


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