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The One He Claimed by Cooper novel Chapter 140

Chapter 140: The Battle 


Soapy,Amelia says and hugs me as I walk up. That, at least, is still my sister. Hunter wants you behind the warriors.” 

I know and I won’t fight him on that. Where will you be?” 

Up front, with my warriors.I look at her and unlike most warriors who go into the fight, she’s wearing armor and carrying a sword

I found it in mom’s closet,she says softly

It suits you,I say to her. She smiles and checks the time

We need to get into position.” 

I nod and Penny and Jaime flank me as we move to the back of the warriors

Several warriors nod their heads in greeting. There’s an 

anxiousness in the air, but also determination. Alaric killed their Alpha and therefore their Luna. The pack wants blood, and theyre about to get it

It’s eerily silent as we wait for the signal to go. I see Amelia raise her sword in the air, letting everyone know to be ready and the moment it slices through the air, a whistling sound following its descent, the pack leaps

More than half of them shift, and we all run hard to get to the 




Chapter 140, The Battle 

border of Alaric’s pack. Just before the frontline of Amelia’s pack breaches the border, the howls of alarm go up and the battle begins

It takes several moments before the battle gets to us and when it does, it’s light, most of Alaric’s warriors getting attacked by our warriors. Not only that, but they also have to divide their warriors into three areas since Dutton is attacking on one side and Hunter on another

No one gets close to me, Penny and Jaime make sure of it and while I’m jostled around and pulled between the two while they protect me and keep me out of harm’s way, it isn’t until the warriors in front of us stop and stand aside that I know that Alaric has been captured

When I step forward, I feel Hunter’s relief that I’m safe. I can feel his eyes looking me over for any signs of injury

What I see first is Amelia, standing in front of Alaric who is on his knees. Her chest is heaving from her own fighting. Hunter and Dutton, both covered in blood and guts, each have one of Alaric’s arms and are holding him down on the ground

I walk up on Amelia’s left side. We’re both righthanded and that will be the hand that we use to give him the killing blow. When I step up, I realize that my sister is also covered in blood, some of it is hers. I’m not sure how badly she’s injured, but she’s not showing any weakness at all

Alpha Alaric, you have committed crimes against my pack. You did knowingly, and without cause, attack and murder my father, the Alpha, in cold blood. His death caused the death of my mother and the Luna of the pack. For your crimes, I sentence you to death,Amelia says, her strong voice ringing out over the 



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You Abha a dead if you believed in his ways, I will make sure that you folow him to death. If you want a new thea new chance to make your lives better

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This will be your one and only opportunity. Come to my pack and attempt to cause problems or betray me or my pack members, and I will kill you. The choice is yours,she says reaching out to grab Alaric’s head

Bury the dead. I don’t want their stink drifting into our pack lands,she says to her warriors, beginning to walk back to her pack

Yes, Alpha.” 

I will have breakfast prepared for all who fought for me and all who want to join my pack,she says, turning to look at everyone before her eyes finally fall on mine

It’s done.” 

I nod, and as she walks away, I move to Hunter’s side, needing his comfort

Are you hurt? Are you injured in any way?he asks, worry filling his tone as he looks me over

No, but you are. How bad is it?I ask him, looking him over

Not bad. I was mostly worried about you.” 

Our new Gammas kept me very safe,I tell him, smiling proudly at them. They, however, especially Jaime, have quite a few scratches and bite marks on them. I’m guessing that Jaime was doing his best to protect me and Penny


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