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The One He Claimed by Cooper novel Chapter 141

Chapter 141: Calvin
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Chapter 141: Calvin
As I walk back to my pack, helping Jasper, one of my warriors who suffered a pretty significant injury, I feel the exhaustion setting in again. I haven’t slept in days. My daughter seems to be upset that her father isn’t around and has been moving on- stop inside my stomach, pushing on me uncomfortably as if she’s searching for him.
I’d been riding the adrenaline high of killing Alaric but now that it’s done, I feel as if my body is shutting down. However, I don’t have that luxury. I’m an Alpha. My pack needs me and Alaric’s pack members who chose to follow me need me. I didn’t even realize that he’s standing there until I hear his voice.
“Amelia, what the f***k? You went to war and didn’t tell me?” I look up into the angry and fearful eyes of my mate. He’s looking me over, assessing my injuries.
“You were too far away, Calvin, and I didn’t need you,” I say, feeling much too tired to deal with his tirade.
“And neither of you thought to call me?” he snarls at Hunter and Dutton, making something snap inside me.
“Don’t you dare!” I snarl, releasing Jasper and stepping up to my mate. He may be taller than I am, but I step right up into his face. He’s basically challenging me in front of my pack, and I won’t allow it. He put us in this position. He doesn’t get to conveniently change his mind now that his bed is cold, and he
Chapter 141: Calvin
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realizes he made a mistake. This pack needs their Alpha. They need me. I won’t allow him to come in here and make me look weak.
“Don’t you dare blame them. As the Alpha of this pack, I did what was needed to kill the man who killed my parents. I requested assistance from those I’m in an alliance with, Alpha Calvin, so that MY pack could defeat their enemy. Do not come onto my pack lands and question me,” I growl at him.
I watch the surprise overtake the anger for a moment before he takes in my frustration. I don’t need him coming here and making more problems for me, I already have enough problems.
“If you had answered my calls, we could have talked about this,” he says, more calmly, although I can still feel him seething through the bond.
“I was rather preoccupied planning my revenge,” I say, not backing down.
He grabs my wrist, pulling up the head that I’m still holding to look at it. “And it appears that you and your allies, were victorious,” he says, looking from Alaric’s head, to Hunter and Dutton as he growls out the last part.
“You would be correct.”
“Perhaps we could talk about this after we’ve showered and preferably after I’ve fed my mate,” Hunter says diplomatically as he steps up.
turn away from Calvin, realizing he hasn’t let go of my wrist. I don’t try to pull away from him, his touch is going a long way to easing the ache inside me. I send a mind link to the omegas to
Chapter 141, Calvin
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begin making a large breakfast and letting them know we need showers for multiple warriors.
‘In addition, we have some new members that may or may not be joining the pack. Until I know for sure, we need a place to house them,’ I say in the mind link, including Betas Matthew and Caroline into the conversation.
‘I’ll take care of the new members and find showers for everyone. The pack hospital is filling up quickly, but we have showers there that can be used by multiple individuals at once,’ Beta Caroline says.
“The pack hospital. We have a wall of showers there where you can shower off quickly. I’ll have food coming out by the time you get back,” I tell Hunter and Dutton, knowing they’ll send their warriors over there to shower as well.
“How full is your hospital?” Hunter asks me.
“Filling up quickly. Some of my warriors have some nasty injuries, but nothing that will keep them overnight. At least not that I know of so far.”
“I’m sending mine home, Amelia, but I’ll stay to make sure everything is settled before I head back,” Dutton says, and In feel Calvin’s surprise at the familiarity that Dutton is speaking to me. I’ve grown accustomed to it in the last several days as we’ ve planned our attack.
“Thank you, Dutton. I’d say you should head back to your mates, but there is that matter of signing our new alliance,” I say, smiling at him.
He nods his head in acknowledgement, before turning to give
Chapter 141, Calvin
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orders to his warriors.
“I’ll be sending some of my injured warriors to Dutton’s pack, Amelia, but if you have room, it might be easier for both of you if I split my warriors between your hospitals,” Hunter says.
“Whatever you need, Hunter. And of course, I have our alliance agreement ready to sign as well,” I say, noticing that my warriors are paying attention. They saw me stand up to Calvin and now they’re seeing that I’m signing alliances with two strong Alphas. Alphas that my father was also in alliance with. Hunter was right, this will go a long way to making the pack feel settled. I can already feel it starting. Alaric’s death was huge, but now, the leading part of being an Alpha begins.
“Amelia, if you’re in agreement, I can help get Alaric’s pack members settled while you go shower,” Sophie says. I appreciate my sister so much right now. Well, I appreciate everyone right now, except for Calvin. Everyone else seems to realize that the pack needs assistance, while he’s just waiting to talk to me.
“That would be great, Sophie, thank you. I need to get this armor off and wash away Alaric’s muck. Although you do as well,” I say, realizing that she’s also covered in his blood. “I have some clothes you can change into.”
“That would be great. But you fought, I didn’t. You go shower and change, and when you’re back, I’ll go,” she says.
“And when I’m back, you’ll eat something,” Hunter says, kissing her head and nodding to me before heading to the pack hospital to shower. Sophie takes his hand and looks at me.
“Is my room still available?”
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Chapter 141: Calvin
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“It is,” I tell her.
“Shower there, Hunter. You know which one?” she asks him.
“I do,” he says, smiling down at her and kissing her again. It makes my heart ache seeing how much he loves her, but I push those thoughts aside.
I turn to Beta Matthew. “We’ll need shorts…”
“I’m on it. What do you want me to do with this?” he asks, gesturing to Alaric’s head.
“Put it on a pike and set it at the borders facing Aiden’s pack. I want everyone to know what happens to Alphas that attack THIS pack,” I growl and the warriors around me cheer.
I look over my pack members, making sure that no one who is too severely injured is still out here, before turning to head inside. I need to get this armor off. I can feel it weighing down my already tired body.
I feel Calvin following behind me, but he doesn’t say anything. However, the moment we’re on the stairs and away from the rest of the pack, he scoops me into his arms.
“You’re dead on your feet, Amelia. Even if I couldn’t feel it through our bond, I can see it all over your face. How long has it been since you slept?” he asks me quietly.
“How many days since you left?” ask and feel him flinch.
“Too many,” he says. “Which room is yours?”
Chapter 141 Calvin
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“I kept my old room,” I say, pointing to it.
He walks me into my bedroom, looking around at my space here. I had come in and removed every bit of the little girl I had once been, leaving the space stark and bare.
I don’t know what Calvin thinks of the space, but he stays quiet, walking into the bathroom and setting me on the counter before turning on the shower.
“How badly are you injured?” he asks, not looking at me.
“I’m not sure,” I say honestly.
“You could have gotten our pup killed,” he says, and I feel the flare of anger mixed with fear through the bond.
“This armor was my mother’s. I found it in her closet, tucked away. It was meant to protect a pregnant woman,” I say to him.
“You aren’t a pregnant woman, you’re my mate,” he growls, turning back to look at me.
“I’m also an Alpha now,” I say, pulling the armor off of my shoulders and breathing a sigh of relief as one weight is removed. Unfortunately, it’s the lightest of the weights that I’m currently carrying on my shoulders.
“We need to talk,” he says, his eyes blazing, still with anger, but now desire is flaring there too as he watches me get undressed.
“Yes, I guess we do. We need to figure out if and what kind of future we have together, Calvin. But right now, I need to take care of my pack,” I say, stepping around him and getting in the shower.
Chapter 141 Calvin
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I close my eyes and let the hot water slide over my sore body. My daughter, who has acted like the energizer bunny since her father left, is suddenly quiet in my stomach. I reach my hand up to rub her, to make sure that she’s okay, when I feel strong, warm, familiar hands on my stomach.
I open my eyes and look at Calvin who is standing naked in the shower with me. “What are you doing?”
“You are taking care of the pack. could feel it the moment I arrived. But who is taking care of you, Amelia? Who is looking out for you?” he asks gently.
I feel hot tears prick my eyes. No one. That’s the answer. My mate left me, and I’ve had no one to help support me through the roughest days of my life. This time since my parents’ death has been even harder for me than the days after mating with Calvin. I’d felt alone then, but his pack had been so happy to have me that it had gone a long way to helping me not feel lonely.
Here, my pack may love me, but I’m their Alpha. I’ve realized that there’s a loneliness that comes with that level of responsibility. Beta Matthew and Beta Caroline are great, but at night when I get in bed, it’s just me and my thoughts.
He pulls me into his arms, and I lose the battle of my tears. “Oh Amelia, I’ve screwed up. I don’t know how to fix this, but I want to try. I’m so sorry I left you.”
Tnod, wrapping my arms around him and releasing the hurt and pain that I’ve been holding on to since the day he walked away from me.


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