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The Playboy Alpha is my Mate novel Chapter 2


Michael pov

“Sarah Jeffrey.” I heard my receptionist call the next one in. I was not in a good mood. None of the newcomers was even worth a try. I wanted to hire a good PA so that he or she could lend a hand with the paperwork. But none of those who had come for the interview had a good qualification.


Most of them were females and almost all of them seemed to be focused on one thing. Being my sex partner in the office. I mean, I wouldn’t mind that but that doesn’t mean I would let my company go down the drain. I want to hire someone who was at least eager to learn my business. But I had not seen that in any of them.


I groaned and started to massage my forehead, trying to relieve my aching head. I kept my eyes squeezed shut. I honestly have had enough of these she wolves trying to be my sex buddy. Yeah, I love having sex with them. But it’s high time that they get through their thick heads that I was not interested in claiming any of them. I may have fun with them, but my bed was for my Luna. Only for the one destined for me. My mate.


Suddenly the most alluring scent hit my nostrils. My eyes sprung open and my attention turned towards the door where Cheryl was holding it partly open. I had always loved the smell of vanilla and chocolate. I sniffed the air, trying to inhale the scent as much as I could. The scent seemed to take the stress away from me, making me feel light and free.


Mate. Mate.


I heard the continuous chant of my wolf in my head. Mate. My mate is here! But why haven’t I heard about a Sarah Jeffrey before? I couldn’t care less. If her scent could take my stress and worry away like that, I wouldn’t want to be away from her at any cost. I kept staring at the door, eager and excited. My wolf was going crazy in my head. I wanted to hush him so that I could focus on my mate, who was about to enter the office.


A timid girl with dark brown hair and entered the room. Her wavy hair was pulled up in a high ponytail. Her fair skin and lightly glossed lips only perfected her ethereal beauty. A soft shy smile decorated her lips and I noticed how she kept her gaze lowered all the time. Unlike the ranked, proud she wolves of my pack.


No wonder I had never heard about her. Sarah Jeffrey was a rank less wolf. One of the lowest. The ones that I had avoided at all cost. I may have flirted with almost all the ranked ones. But never one of the rankless ones. I know and accept the fact that they too are part of the pack. But how the hell was I mated to one? This was such a huge insult!


Ever since I had turned eighteen I had hit on most of the ranked she wolves, hiding a little ray of hope that I would find my mate in the process. But in vain. Holding back the urge to grit my teeth at her I straightened myself and took a deep breath.


“You may leave Cheryl.”


I looked at my mate, who seemed to be refusing to look me in the eye.


“Hmm... Sarah Jeffrey. Look up!” I ordered, unable to hold back my desire to make eye contact with her.


When her deep brown eyes met with mine, I felt as though the wind was knocked out of my lungs.


“Mate!” I couldn’t hold back the growl that erupted from my chest.


I saw clearly how her face contorted in utter shock and confusion. Her deep brown eyes quickly laced with uncertainty and worry.


Ha! You’re not the only one who is disappointed, mate. I thought as I slowly stood from my seat.


“So you’re my mate,” I murmured.


Apparently, this little she wolf was nervous as hell. Such a weakling. Fate had played a cruel joke on me by pairing me with this waste of space. I snatched the file in her hand and was surprised to realise that she actually had done pretty well in her school. She even had the desire to learn about business, which was perfect. Exactly what I was looking for.


I eyed the little wolf, who was anxious to be in my presence.


“Impressive. You have an excellent school record. And behaviour too.” I praised her, but then another thought crossed my mind. Smirking, I turned her towards me and leaned down towards her. I wanted to see how far she would agree to go with me.


“You smell good little mate. Too bad you are a rank less wolf.” Still smirking, I eyed the cleavage that she had left for all eyes to see. Well her body isn’t bad.


“I’ll be frank. I want someone to be my personal assistant. I need some help with the paperwork and a little more personal help with something else.” I added. “Here in the office. Can you do that?”


“H..huh...sure..of course, alpha.”

Chapter 2 1

Chapter 2 2

Chapter 2 3


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