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The Playboy Alpha is my Mate novel Chapter 6


Michael pov


I stormed back into my cabin and stomped over to my desk, not bothering to close the door. I was fuming. No one, not a single woman had ever shown me rejection to the extent my mate had. And my mate, who I regarded as a lowly wolf had the nerve to taunt me like that. She was someone who never really had much priority in life, yet she had proved to be the sassiest she wolf I had ever met.


This feisty mate of mine......I am fuming by what she had done to me. She was the only one who had managed to hit me twice in the same day and the same damned spot. I would blame my wolf and this stupid mate bond. Whenever I look into those deep brown eyes, I feel as though I am being pulled into a trance and then, I seem to get lost. It was as if I had no control over my emotions.


I feel as if I am taken into another world. As if I am intoxicated. Gah! This is such a shame! I was the alpha of this pack! The strongest wolf and the one with the best refluxes I never let anyone hit me twice. Never! But this little mate of mine. Grrrrr! Why am I the only one who is seemingly affected by this bond? She seems fine. I honestly wonder if she didn’t feel the same way. Well, she should. She was my mate after all.


“Damn it!” I growled. “Why the fuck am I mated to her? And why does she have to be so rebellious against me?”


I punched into the wall, making a hole in it. I didn’t care about the damage. Venting out like this felt good. I can just get it repaired any time. My company was the leading company of this region and that has placed me on the top of the list of the richest bachelors in northern America.




I was so busy venting out my frustration when I heard her clear her throat. Damn. Never in my life had I missed the scent of someone before they approached me. But this she wolf...I swear she will make me go insane. She has made me question my senses. Was I the flawless alpha whom I boasted that I was?


Gah! This she wolf!


Perhaps, I was so focused on my anger that I wasn’t able to detect her scent? I just couldn’t think of a better explanation. Now that I was aware of her presence, I realised the entire room was filled with her enchanting vanilla scent. I turned around to face her fighting hard against the urge to inhale deeply. Her scent was the most mesmerising smell, however, I felt irritated when my eyes landed on her mocking face. Why the fuck was she smirking at me and staring as if she had seen something funny?


“What do you want?” I growled, not making an effort to hide my frustration. Oh how wished I could wipe that damn smirk off her face.


Maybe I could just grab her and take those luscious lips in mine while making sure my hands did their job well and make her moan my name over and over....... No!!!! What in the world was I thinking. Shit! Focus! Stupid mate bond.


Her expression remained the same. The same taunting face was getting on my nerves. I watched her walk over, trying to show her how uninterested I was in her. Well, at least I could pretend that I wasn’t. I can put up a facade that the pull of the mate bond wasn’t affecting me at all just like it didn’t matter to her.


“I came here because these papers need your signature. But I think you are busy decorating your wall.” She mocked.


What. The. Hell.


“Keep those papers here and leave!” I ordered in a low growl, wanting her to leave me alone. The closer the distance between us, the harder it was for me to stay focused. How could her scent be so alluring?


“Don’t worry Mr Alpha, I am not interested in staying here.” She scoffed and rolled her eyes.


“I have a name and it is not Mr Alpha!” I sneered at her. It wasn’t an insult to call me Mr Alpha, but I just didn’t like it when she addressed me like that.


“I don’t give a damn what your name is.” Her response was just disrespectful and I wouldn’t have any of it.


Chapter 6 1

Chapter 6 2


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