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The President’s Mistake A Tale of Love and Regret novel Chapter 192

Chapter 192 The Unveiling Of The Thief 

Determined, he was set on unmasking the thief who had pilfered from the company

I’ve uncovered the truth, Mr. Morgan, Xavier announced, rising from his seat. He copied the relevant information and displayed it for Nathaniel’s perusal

Nathaniel’s gaze turned icy as he examined the evidence

Hudson’s eyes darted to Freya, who sat unmoving in the corner, as still as a statue. Didn’t she harbor even a shred of curiosity about the identity of the thief who had stolen their design draft, nearly landing her behind bars

Freya clutched her glass of milk, her head bowed low as she smirked to herself

She had known the culprit’s identity from the very beginning

After all, she was the one who had inadvertently given this person the opportunity to steal from her. Naturally, she would know who it was

Nathaniel’s expression was frosty. Hudson, summon Jenny Sternfield and George Sternfield.” 

Hudson promptly left to carry out the order, and shortly after, George and his niece Jenny arrived in 

the office

The pair already appeared uneasy as they entered

Upon seeing Freya nonchalantly sipping milk in the office, George’s heart skipped a beat

George was one of Omnilert Group’s longestserving employees, personally mentored by Killian

However, Killian had never been fully satisfied with George’s performance, which had hindered his advancement in the company despite his lengthy tenure

George had also played a significant role in Nathaniel’s acquisition of Omnilert

This thought brought a modicum of relief to George. He had contributed significantly to Nathaniel’s success, and he was confident that Nathaniel would be lenient with him

Moreover, he had earned Abigail’s trust. Once Abigail married Nathaniel, George was certain his future would be secure

Jenny, however, was not as composed as her uncle. One glance at Freya and the laptop in front of Nathaniel sent her heart racing

Did you need me for something, Mr. Morgan?George asked, offering Nathaniel a deferential bow

Nathaniel’s icy gaze was fixed on Jenny. Ignoring George’s greeting, he slowly swiveled the laptop 



1413 +3 

1 Coins 

  1. Pearls 

The video footage clearly depicted a figure clad in gloves

The figure was hunched over, evidently rummaging through the laptop

Despite their caution, donning gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints and a mask to conceal their identity, their eyes were still visible

The hidden camera had been strategically placed in the center of the laptop, capturing a clear view of the intruder’s eyes. It was unmistakably Jenny

Jenny recoiled in shock, stumbling backward as if she had just received the fright of her life


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