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The President’s Mistake A Tale of Love and Regret novel Chapter 92

Chapter 92 A Pact With Alexander 


A thin sheen of sweat glistened on Freya’s forehead as she approached Alexander, who examined her with a discerning cyc

Alexander’s lips curled into a faint smile, a subtle gesture that nonetheless radiated his inherent nobility. He reclined on the sofa, his gaze upon Freya taking on a playful edge

Ms. Gomez, if you’re aware of my history with Nathaniel, you might think twice about seeking me out.” 

Freya met his gaze unflinchingly. I have no regrets. If I’m not mistaken, you and Nathaniel share a deep- seated animosity. Nathaniel is currently investing in an artificial island project in East Sacville. Your return is rather timely to stir up trouble for him.” 

Alexander’s smirk gradually faded, his attention riveted on Freya. Ms. Gomez, what do you want from me

Freya replied. I propose a collaboration to make Nathaniel’s life difficult

Alexander’s fingers tightened around his coffee cup, but he took a sip with an air of nonchalance. Setting down the cup, he smiled

Intriguing! I never anticipated Nathaniel’s fiancée would propose a partnership. However, collaboration requires leverage. What’s your bargaining chip?” 

Freya rose slowly, her fingers fumbling at her neckline before unzipping her jacket

Alexander watched in silence as Freya shed her outer layer, his playful smile never wavering 

Once her jacket was off, revealing a vest underneath, she didn’t hesitate to remove that as well

Alexander’s playful demeanor shifted to one of surprise. Freya’s body was marred with scars, including distinctive cigarette burns on her waist. Such marks were difficult to erase and unsightly

This is the result of enduring three years in prison, with Nathaniel’s tacit approval.” 

Her voice was steady, as though she was recounting a story that bore no relation to her

Alexander’s gaze hardened, his tone laced with scorn. Nathaniel is heartless. He even subjected his own woman to such cruelty. It’s very much his modus operandi.” 

Alexander set his coffee cup on the table. If you’re proposing a partnership, what’s your endgame?” 

Freya replied, I want to get my mother and friend out of Saeville and relocate to Porejimo.” 

Alexander burst into laughter, an unusual reaction for someone typically so stoic

You expect a partnership without offering anything in return? You sought me out, yet you plan to leave. What use would I have for you? A partnership requires leverage, doesn’t it? What’s your leverage?” 

Freya slowly raised her left hand, removed her glove, and extended it. Nathaniel struck my hand with a golf club. This hand is the leverage for our partnership.” 

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Chapter 92 A Pact With Alexander 


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