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The Pure-Hearted Princess and the Kiss of Darkness novel Chapter 12


I sit there pondering on the words that Jose had spoken, the picture he had shown me… but I feel like I’ve seen it before… not exactly, but… there’s something.

A familiarity about it, but I don’t know where or how… I am sure I’ve not seen it but then my mind is saying something else.

I don’t know!

It’s… infuriating.

I sigh, pouting as I try to calm my mind, which is spinning.

Goddess… what am I missing?

I glance through the shaft out to the darkened sky. My impatience is partially because I have already concocted my plan to help him and although I asked Jose, he said he would not be able to defy his Alpha’s command. That’s alright because I plan to heal him, regardless.

The time to put my plan into action has come.

Ok, Kat, you have got this! You are going to get up there to the Stubborn Alpha’s bedroom and fix this. Yes, you will!

Ok, let’s do this.

Standing up, I take a slow, calming breath before I walk over to the door.

This is something that took time… but I learned to do it after observing a trick that Leo first showed me. I just added a little touch of my own. And it became even more convenient with the use of my powers.


I slip my hand through the bar, moving the chain slowly, the sound loud in the air. I flinch, praying no one is in hearing range. I grab the padlock in one hand, pressing myself closer to the bars. They’re made of silver too…

I slip my other hand through the bars, struggling a little as my arms don’t go too far out. My eyes blaze as my pink aura wraps around my fingertips, and I direct it into the keyhole.

Almost there…

I close my eyes, spreading the flames slowly inside the hole, feeling the mechanisms through my powers, forcing them the way they would turn until I hear the lock click as the padlock springs open.

Perfect! I did it!

Quickly removing the padlock, I unwrap the chain and slip out. Quickly snapping the padlock shut, I quietly make my way back the way I had been brought down here.

The reminder of Enrique’s hurtful words crushing me a little.

Did I really anger him that much?

Why… unless… unless he knows who I am, he can’t treat all women like this. I refuse to believe that. My Enrique wouldn’t.

But he isn’t mine… I have no right to think like that. I came to help him… nothing more.

Pushing the thoughts away, I remind myself that I knew he could be mated, in a relationship or more… regardless of my feelings.

I pause, as I hear two people walking somewhere close by and remain still. No one will sense me, but if they see me, that’s another story.

I quickly make my way up the stairs, and into the dark room that led to the cells.

Unlocking the door that leads out to the main pack house in the same way, I make sure to open the door as quietly as possible.

I tip-toe out, shutting and locking the door behind me before I head down the hall, stopping a few times before I reach the stairs, making sure no one walking in and around the pack house sees me.

But I also have to make sure I use my powers sparingly. The Crawlers will be close, and they know where I am now… and so will whoever sent them.

We’ve faced Apophis… who will be next?

I push the dark thoughts from my mind as I hurry up the steps. It’s not too hard to get through the halls with ease. The place is huge.

When I finally make my way up to the top floor, it’s even quieter than before. I guess because there is no one waiting outside the room I was in. I silently make my way down the hall. His scent is stronger here.


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