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The Pure-Hearted Princess and the Kiss of Darkness novel Chapter 13


My eyes sting with tears and I’m unable to stop myself from wrapping my arms around him and pull him against my chest as I do my best to calm him. I bend forward as he struggles, but in his weakened state, he is no match for me.

His hand digs into my back painfully, and he uses his wrist to try to push me away. It digs painfully into the side of my stomach, but I refuse to let go.

“Hush… it’s going to be alright.” I whisper as I begin rocking him, letting my aura gently waft around me. He continues to struggle, but after a few minutes I can feel his adamance waning. “I’m sorry…”

His body begins to relax, and I slowly rest his head back on the pillow before touching the first incision. My fingertips glow pink as I draw the darkness from him and, with my other hand, release it into the air.

Just like water kept under the moonlight, I am dispelling the darkness from his body, one section at a time. With each touch, his heartbeat calms, his body stilling, and soon his breathing is steady.

But it’s draining, the darkness has been manifested and each tug, each tendril of it weakens me.

Finally, after what feels like hours, although it was probably less than ten minutes, I sit back, feeling exhausted.

However, the relief is stifled by dread.

The darkness had spread far too quick inside of him… how many dark emotions is he harbouring? Once again, the drawing Jose had shown me returns to the forefront of my mind.

Was Enrique really falling into darkness? Have I arrived in time? Can I help him? Or did I take too long?

I caress his damp locks soothingly, looking at the black blood that stains the bed sheets.

“You’re hurting… I wish I could take it all away…” I whisper, my silent tears spilling from my eyes as I tenderly lift his right arm, looking at the end, there’s still a scar, it hadn’t healed right the first time so when it healed it still left a mark…

A soft sob escapes me, and I look down.

This is all my fault…

“I’m so sorry.” I sniffle, lowering my head and kissing the top of his wrist, right on the scar. “I’m so, so, so sorry.”

You are still perfect, still strong, still incredible.

This is a mark of your true nature, your kindness, and you didn’t deserve this.

I look at his face, observing his angled jaw, his stubble, his sharp strong nose, those lips… the faint scars that are barely noticeable unless you’re up close.

I’m unable to move, gazing down at the calm face of the god who sleeps on the bed.

He is beautiful…

For a moment, his face seems to morph until I’m looking at the boy who became my knight in the darkest hour.

I don’t care how harsh he is to me… I don’t care who he plans to marry… I don’t care how he hurts me…

I will cling to him like his shadow, until I see those dreamy eyes come to life with happiness, see the light ignite his smile, see the contentment in his sleep, and dispel the darkness from his soul. Only then, will I return to England.

Until then… I will stay here, one way or another, and vanquish the pain and suffering from his life.

That is my oath.

I feel my wolf shift, feel her approval, and I turn to the window, gazing at the moon. Before the next Blood Moon, I vow I will bring light to your life, Kiké. I will.

Because, although you will never know, you are my life.

My one goal…


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