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The Pure-Hearted Princess and the Kiss of Darkness novel Chapter 18


It’s complete silence down here…

Turning the corner, I head right to the back until she comes into view. Once again, I didn’t pick up her heartbeat.

For a second, I stop, freezing as a wave of nostalgia washes over me. The way she’s sitting brings back memories. Her knees are up, her arms wrapped around them and her head resting on her knees.

“Get up,” I command, my stomach twisting, but before I let my mind wander, I shut down the thoughts that threaten to creep into my mind.

She stands up gracefully, her eyes sparkling, and she smiles at me coyly.

Why the fuck does she look like she’s fine?

“Can I help you with something, Alpha?” She asks innocently, but fuck, there’s something about it that makes my dick twitch and I frown.

“Stop acting like I’m fucking visiting you at your home, although this is your home right now.” I smirk coldly, “But there is actually something you can help me with. But we both know you don’t really care to listen or obey, right?” I cock a brow, stepping closer to the bars.

Her plump lips part slightly, and I frown, thinking despite the lack of food… her lips aren’t dry… her skin still glows, and she even looks… clean… Was someone feeding her?

Carlos, Jose, or was it Hugo? Although that old man is rarely ever at the packhouse…

They are the only three people who would dare defy my orders, knowing they will probably live.

Well, I’m going to fucking find out who and punish them for it.

“If you tell me, maybe I might obey,” she says softly.

Wanna get down on your knees and take a cock like a good little girl?

Fuck, what?


I hate how she fucks with my head.

“What is it?” she asks, concerned, rubbing her arm shyly, but that only makes her breasts look even more enticing.

“I’m giving you the chance to change your mind… you won’t survive much longer without food. Even if you are powerful, will you really subject your wolf to such suffering over a stupid deal? What benefit are you getting from being down here?” I ask coldly.

Her smile vanishes, and this time she looks down, sighing heavily.

“Because I refuse to return to England without fixing things.”

My heart races and it takes my all not to react. I reach through the bars, grabbing her hair as I yank her closer, pressing her up against the bars, ignoring the way the bars burn my skin as I glare down at her.

“There is nothing to fix here, Princesa, and I don’t care if you see it as me breaking my word or not, because I don’t give a fuck what a Rossi thinks. I’m sending you home to your father. He needs to learn how to keep his precious little girl in check. He was a fool to send you out here alone! Anything can happen. You should know that more than anyone.”

She doesn’t say anything and that only fuels the fire within me, her dark eyes glittering with emotions.

“Tomorrow you’re off this island,” I say with finality.


My eyes blaze at her whispered defiance, not expecting it. A roar rips from my throat as I slam my other hand against the bars, making her flinch, the sound ricocheting off the walls and I yank her head closer.

“I will not fucking tolerate disrespect, and you are pushing me beyond my limit! This is not your kingdom, and unless you learn to control that tongue, it will be your dead body which will be returning to England!”

18. A Necklace 1

18. A Necklace 2


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