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The Pure-Hearted Princess and the Kiss of Darkness novel Chapter 19


The phone goes off several times, and soon I’ve lost count of how many times someone’s entered the fridge.

It’s actually shocking how many times the pack members eat. Maybe I should up their training, they eat like fucking animals. No wonder money is spent like water, they’re fucking gluttons.

I’m drifting off again when my phone chimes. I’m already sick of the damn tune.

I sit up, seeing the green glow light up around the edge of the screen. I almost ignore it, feeling far too comfortable in my seat, but glancing at the clock, it is past three in the morning now…

It must be the thief.

I sit up, unlocking my phone and check the camera.

“I got you,” I growl, seeing a hooded figure prowling my shelves. I can tell from that ass it’s a woman and what irks me is she’s picked up another one of my custards.


I stand up, and quickly and silently exit my office, heading down to the kitchen quietly. My eyes glimmer as the unsuspecting thief continues to eat MY food.

I cross the dark hall, frowning at my phone. Why are they even eating in there? It means they know they’re stealing from me. I pocket my phone when I reach the kitchen, quietly opening the door. To my surprise, the light has not been switched on.

Well, well, well… a thief who knows exactly what they’re fucking doing.

I make my way across the large kitchen, reach the fridge and take out my phone, glancing at the camera again. She’s hurrying to the corner of the room, sitting on the floor with a pot in her hand, her head down. I frown. Did she hear me? Impossible…

I pull open the door, my eyes on the phone. She’s on her feet again, clearly having changed her mind. She looks familiar but I can’t place which of the girls it is… I step inside, the sound of my footsteps loud in the silence. She suddenly stands up and grabs a bottle of milk before she tries to walk out past me, but I grab her arm, stopping her in her tracks.

“Na’a, not so fast now. You made the mistake of touching my food,” I growl menacingly, yanking her back into the fridge, and looking into the face of the thief.

To my surprise, it’s none other than –

My eyes fly open. “You!” I growl, unable to mask my surprise as I find myself staring into a pair of large, gorgeous dark eyes.

Gasping, she closes her eyes, as if that’s going to make her disappear.

“You fucking stole my food! How the fuck are you… How? How did you get out?” My mind is spinning as she stands there, her hands trembling as she clutches the jar of custard. “And stealing my fucking Natilla? Are you for real?”

She’s muttering to herself, and it takes me a second to understand the incoherent words.

“It’s a dream. It’s not real. Go away. Shoo, go away.”

Shoo? Is she really shooing me?

“I’m not going anywhere,” I growl, slamming her up against the nearest shelf, making the jars behind her rattle dangerously.

She gasps, her eyes widening and for a second, she looks fucking gorgeous and I almost want to forgive her. But then I remember she’s a fucking Rossi and I don’t give a fuck.

I tighten my grip on her arm as she looks down at the custard pot. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know they were only for you.” She whispers and holds it out to me, looking rather sad.

Cocking a brow, I knock it out of her hands, making it go flying to the ground. “I’m not eating anything you’ve touched,” I sneer. “Now tell me how the fuck you got out before I find the traitor who helped you and skin them alive.”

She shakes her head vigorously; the hoodie slipping off. “N-no one helped me!”

I scoff, “And am I supposed to believe that you escaped all by yourself? And… more than once?” I ask.

“Well… whether you believe it or not, it’s the truth,” she whispers with a pout, making me growl as I yank her close.

“So, you admit you have eaten my food before!”

“I-I didn’t mean more than once!”

19. A Thief 1

19. A Thief 2


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