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The Rejected Hybrid novel Chapter 10

  "How dare you feel pity for that girl??..how could you be concerned about the affair around here, have you forgotten so easily, you should never get soft or I may kill you for being useless!" He howled with his eyes glinting with pure rage...

  I was about mentioning about the mate pull but couldn't as he pushed me with great force that I hit my head on a rock on the ground causing blood to spurt out,

  He growled deeply and towered over me as I lay on the ground wincing in pain,

  "Do you know who you are??..the son of Javier the deadly Alpha, don't tell me you want to become a weakly, you aren't destined to have a mate because you have to be as dangerous as ever, kill without restrain, destroy lives and cause tears and anguish, that's what you should be, that is what Jason my son should turn into!!..a bloodthirsty monster!..." He growled and moved away, I sighed standing up from the ground.

  "But Dad why??...do we have to be cruel to everyone??...haven't we killed enough?" I asked and he arched his brow at me.

  "Jason, what is happening??..you have always been heartless and more like me, why do you care all of a sudden!" He howled grabbing my collar again, his bloodshot eyes piercing into mine.


  "Listen to me, the time is approaching, I've studied how that park is, we are attacking soon!" He yelled and walked away in frustration,

  I could see pure hatred in his eyes, he was surely going to be shocked to see me soft today but it was just because of my mate in there, she made my heart melt, but I don't know why he lied that I got no mate when I have one,

  I glanced back at the park and shrugged,

  "I pray we meet again..." I mumbled under my breath before walking away...

  Elena's POV...

  My whole body was full of sore, I had been flogged for a long time now while everyone jeered, laughed, and enjoy the show, none of them cared if I die, the hatred in their eyes was too much and that of Elf was making me feverish,

  I just learned that this was a birthday celebration, I heard it from someone here, the birthday of one of my step-siblings, it was so painful that I was used as a show...

  Right now, I'm in my room, it was locked, my head pound, my stomach grumbles, moving was so hard to me now, I was hungry yet there was no hope for me,

  "Would I be starved to death??" I asked myself and heard just the cry of my inner wolf, life was becoming worse and I can't tell how long I'll bear this before taking my life, the pain gets intense by the day, Elf wasn't relenting in killing me...

  Each time I remember who she is, I feel pain in me, everyone is blind, no one sees this lurking danger...

  I shut my eyes again to absorb the pain then someone image flashed in, it was the face of that man who believed me, the only man who didn't hate me, I felt like he is my mate but I don't think I have a mate, a devil-like me won't have a mate...


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