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The Rejected Hybrid novel Chapter 9

  Our eyes locked and I could swear I felt the strong pull that drew me to her, I felt so attracted to her that her pain was becoming my pain, the sadness in her eyes was hurting me and all I craved for was her happiness, I found myself getting so attached in a way that I couldn't just understand...

  Her scent filled my nostril making me shiver, the scent was so sweet, so heartwarming, it made me feel the way I have never felt before,

  I wished I could walk up to her and hug her close to my body, I just wished I can kiss and take her home, all those were mere wishes because I couldn't even stand up, Dad gaze was on me and it was eating me deeply, it was freaking me out, I don't need a soothsayer to know what would befall me if I got close to the daughter of Wolve.

  "We caught her in the kitchen just as Elf guessed, she was about putting the poison into the food," one of the guards said with a deep growl as they bowed,

  Everyone cringed in shock with both eyes widened, I was more shocked, I was more stunned at the news, what did the guard just say???

  My mate trying to poison everyone??

  I couldn't believe that,

  There was great anger and rage in the eyes of alpha Wolve and I could see all he wanted was to kill the young girl,

  "They are lying!..it's all lies, I swear, I can't kill, I've never killed, how would I want to kill my father and everyone here, I'm not a demon!" She cried pleading to everyone, I felt my heart twitch, I felt deep pain and sadness covered me

  She was pleading to everyone trying so hard to make them believe her as she could see them all angry and shocked at the same time, they were all glaring at her holding their self from pouncing on her, she was in real tears pleading...

  Her eyes got to mine again and I flinched, she also paused with her lips whimpering,

  "Sir, I hope you don't also believe their lies, I'm innocent and can't even hurt a fly" I heard her voice in me...

  My eyes widened with my mouth agape, she just made a mind link to me?

  I swear her voice was so sweet and soothing ...

  "I believe you, I know you are Innocent!" I replied in my mind and she smiled...

  "That's my mate!" I heard my wolf scream so loud that I almost got deaf, I could feel the happiness it had seen a mate after so many years, we were already losing hope and dad had told me I wasn't given a mate,

  I could also feel her wolf leap for joy too,

  Just then, a loud slap landed on her cheek and she fell flat on the floor...

  "She even got the time to smile at her crush??.. I can't believe this!" Everyone murmured as the guard hit her like she was a non-living thing, 


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