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The Rejected Hybrid novel Chapter 28

  The person burst into a laughter as he saw I was damn afraid, the hood and scary mask was pulled off and I saw it was Dorian my brother..

  "I was planning to scare you in your room but...Scarlett!!!" My brother called out as he saw how disturbed I am, the tears made him confused,

  "What happened?" He asked and I sniffed,

  "Are you sure that Elena used magic on Jason or it is natural, like they found love in each other?" I asked with a meek voice sulking like a kid,

  "Hey, stop acting timid, don't listen to whatever she says, that's why she is the demon!!...listen, since she is bounded, you have to be happy, Jason would be caught in her sorcery again!" He said with a strong tone like he was so sure with what he was saying,

  "So you mean I can have Jason to myself?" I asked and he chuckled,

  "You know he hardly fall in love but since that witch is out of the way, you can make him fall for you, check your self in the mirror and see how beautiful you are, my friends had been a pain on my neck pleading to make you notice them" he smirked and I rolled my eyes playfully primping at the same time,

  "I hope you are telling them I already got a boyfriend" I pouted making him sneer at me,

  "Who?" He asked with an arched brow,

  "Jason!" I replied walking away swaying my hips side to side, I was just feeling happy now, Dorian just has a way of making me feel good while Elena is there to make me cry,

  I pray she gives up one day and gets away from the surface of this earth, i don't know why it is hard for dad to ban her away from his pack and turn her rogue, that would be the best thing that would happen to me...

  I got into my room and picked my backpack, I stepped out head to the sitting room,

  "Good morning Dad and Mom!" I greeted with a bright smile hugging them one after the other,

  "So when are you guys eating?" They asked I and Dorian and we glanced at each other, we both knew why we aren't eating, the food isn't so good,

  "We are late already, we can eat in the school cafeteria..." Dorian replied with a sheepish smile,

  "I would like to see you with Jason, he is one of the most powerful Alpha prince just like his father, I'll be confident if he stays beside you" Dad beamed and I giggled blushing so hard, at that moment I could see myself in his arms already,

  The thought alone made me go giddy, my heartbeat raced in happiness and crave,

  "Let's go!" Dorian took my hand as he saw I was lost already,

  The guards opened the car for us and I stepped in, the driver drove us out of the house and as soon as it got out of the gate, I sighed,

  I wished I was so sure about Elena using magic on him, the more I tried going for that, it seems queer and untrue, the words of Elena inflicted fears in me, the fear of him being her mate,

  Words can explain how much I love Jason, he is the first man I felt this way for, I'm yet to clock sixteen, it would be next year and I believe that is why he hadn't got my scent into his nostril, he is still blinded my his cold attitude,

  But what about his relationship with Elena??

  I asked myself and hissed with a deep sigh, they had been telling me it is magic and enchantment...

  Okay I should believe that...

  Finally, we got to school and the car was parked right beside the one owned by Jason, that alone made me smile sheepishly,

Chapter 28 1

Chapter 28 2

Chapter 28 3


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