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The Rejected Hybrid novel Chapter 29

  Jason's POV,

  My gaze moved to the piece of paper she tore and I couldn't hold the silent growl, I was too angry and it was hard to hold myself, it was damn so difficult, was she stupid??

  She picked the drawing which fell from my bag and tore it without asking me any questions,

  "That girl Elena need to experience your torture maybe that would teach her a lesson, next time she isn't going to use her demonic powers on you!!!" She seethed with her expression exuding envy and hatred,

  I turned my gaze straight to the board as it was breaking over already, soon the teacher would come,

  "Can you please make the torture more intense and also tell her you to hate her with passion?" She whined holding my hand,

  I forced out a smile and nodded, the smiles couldn't last for few seconds before it vanished, I was tired of forcing those smiles, I was so angry at myself that I had to smile at her,

  She is just so bad at her young age, can't believe she is saying this for a girl like herself, I wonder why the deep hatred for Elena,

  "You shouldn't be telling me how to handle a situation concerned to me right?" I raised my brow and she nodded,

  "Yes, I trust my Alpha, he would deal with her very well!" She beamed and I buried my head into my palm taking deep sighs, I swear, I'm not feeling so well now, her presence around me is making my stomach grumble,

  Once in my life, I prayed for the teacher to come and teach, I badly want to teacher to come in so she would shut up!

  "Jason, how do I look?" She asked primping and I couldn't help yelping,

  "Huh?" I arched my brow staring at her from head to toe,

  She smiled and flashed a smile arranging her hair,

  "I look so beautiful right?" She repeated making me swallow nothing, I fluttered my eyes and breathed, it was so hard but I just have to say it,

  "Scarlett, you look so beautiful and that's what got my heart captured, I love every part of your body especially your lips" I beamed and she gasped blushing so hard,

  "Awnn, that is so romantic, can you kiss it?" She pouted her lips,

  "No" I snapped and she frowned,

  "Why?" She asked shaking my hand,

  "I can't kiss you, just forget that!" I gruffed feeling overly irritated and I swear, I'm regretting this decision, never knew I would have to pass through all this before I'd get to meet Elena with it...

  "Why??....are you shy?" She mumbled with a coy smile and the teacher walked in making me sigh in relief,

  Finally, after what seemed like an eternity for me, the bell rang for closure and I couldn't help the great feeling of joy that eloped me, the fact that I was going to see Elena was just making me go crazy...

  "Jason, you look so happy at the sound of that bell, you are so eager to meet my parents as my mate right?" She smirked making me frown instantly, I swear this girl knows how to annoy me with stupid words,

  I just had to clear the frown and smile at her,

  She held my hand as we head out to the garage, my heart was so heavy in rage and exasperation, I looked around and saw the students staring at us with their eyes dazzling in admiration, some were taking pictures, taking shots with their cameras and phone,

  I threw glares at them but it was like they were blind as more of them came out to stare at us and snap the scene, I wished it was Elena holding my palm, I badly wish she would be the one to take the shot with me,

  I will gladly pose and smile, but here I am torturing myself, but I guess it is worth it, I am craving to see her, I've been all restless since she didn't come to the garden today, I have to see those amazing smiles again,

  We got to the garage and at the same time, her brother walked out with shock all over his face as he stared at the both of us, it was so hard for him to believe his eyes, not when I slapped Scarlett for touching me, I had even headbutt him when he attacked me,

  "Scarlett, I'm I dreaming?" He arched his brow glancing at me then back to her, Scarlett was all smiled while I couldn't smile, instead, I took off my hand from her grip and slid into the car, today is just one of my worst days, I hated every single moment of all this,

  "Scarlett I don't understand..." Dorian exclaimed while she laughed and primped like she was the most beautiful girl, I used that opportunity in the car to spread my perfume all over my body, I want to have her cologne around me,

  "You are surprised my mate fell for me?" She giggled making me sneer at her, I hissed and rest my head on the headrest of the car, I shut my eyes and her image filled my head, it sent warmth all over me,


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