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The Rejected Hybrid novel Chapter 8

  I got myself up weakly and head straight to the window, I've just found out the room was mine, I looked out through the window and the fresh air slapped my skin sending a sweet sensation over me, I admire the whole environment, everything outside this prison was great and I long to go out...

  It doesn't seem possible, the guards are there to drag me back after multiple beatings, it would be more severe especially now they all concluded I was a demon

  I hope one day, they will all know who the true demon is, the sorcerer had plans with Elf, they planned on the lies, everyone believed the sorcerer without a doubt all because of their hatred for me

  I pulled off my cloth and rushed to take a quick bath, the time was close to the lunch period, I still need to make some food for the royal family

  After some minutes, I was done bathing and slipped into my pink gown, one of those clothes that were my best but has been outdated...

  I got out of my room with a short run, I could feel my internal wound get healed at a faster rate, the cuts from the whip were also being covered with skin...

  I ran through the hallway but found no one, not even the guards, the few guards weren't standing, they were all moving in a particular direction,

  I was quite confused, why was everyone going to the hall, the hall was a venue for important issues and celebrations,

  I made a shrug before going straight to the kitchen, they never invited me, I am an outcast so why would dad bring me out, he had even disowned me...

  Why was I still calling him father, I just feel so troubled about Elf, how could she be a demon and lived among the werewolves and no one was able to detect her presence, I am the only one who can see it but it was more like no one because I will only receive beating if I mention it to anyone...

  I got closer to the kitchen and yet there was no one,

  I won't fall for this trap, they would all request for their food immediately it is time,

  If I fail to provide it, then... another round of slaps and punch...

  Finally, I got to the kitchen and stepped in, I got to the cooler and saw different wines, I checked the cupboard and there was already cooked food and snacks...

  Really??..someone cooked for me or what??

  There was no one entering the kitchen except me, like who then did all these, I can't remember cooking it all...

  I looked around and there was no one to ask what was going on...

  "This can be a trap..." I heard my wolf say to me making me so confused, like what does that means??

  "Are you joking or what?" I asked looking around to even see the plates and cutleries all washed...

  "I sighed in relief, at least the stress of cooking for the whole Royal pack has been removed, I can go have a good sleep and rest, someone had cooked for the gathering that was going on in the hall, I'm not included and it pains but that it was better than having them around...

  Their presence alone makes me shiver in fear especially the demon Luna, dad is blind and I'm sure one day she would strike,

  A demon staying in the wolf pack means nothing but disaster, she might be a spy, she must be here for something disastrous, I pray they all find out before it is too late...

  Just then, my mind flashed to that dream I had when I was unconscious, fear gripped me...

  Could it be that she was the one to kill all my family and member of this pack??

  Could it be that she would make them all go into extinction when she strikes with her members...

  No, I won't let that happen!!

  I was breathing heavily as this fear took over me.

  Just then, the door of the kitchen sprang open and three guards stormed in...

  "So it is true??!" they all chorused with their eyes widened in shock...

  I stared at them without understanding a bit about what they are saying, for some minute, I concluded they must be drunk and would be the reason why they are talking gibberish.


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