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The Remorseful Brothers novel Chapter 136

Chapter 136 

That was what often happened in the entertainment industrythe powerful would oppress the weak

Now, Yohannes was protecting his own people, so others naturally dared not ignore Madeline anymore

Fernando apologized, Sorry. There must have been a misunderstanding. Our staff were negligent and caused Ms. Larson to be wronged. It’s our 

Sella still hoped for luck to be on her and Fernando’s side. After all, artists had to make money to support so many people. If Yohannes quit, the company would have to pay for the breach of contract

Sorry, I shouldn’t have been so rigid about the procedure, I didn’t mean to make things difficult for you. I just wanted to help Ms. Larson apply for her work card..Stella still tried excasing herself

Stop making excusesYohannes tutted. “I know the truth. Even if she’s just an assistant, you shouldn’t bully her.” 

Stella looked up at Yohannes with an awkward expression 

Yohannesdemeanor was always cold and businesslike. He wasn’t a very easy going artist, yet he was extremely popular

“I didn’t bullyStella started

Seeing that Yohannes was adamant. Fernando hurriedly begged Madeline, Ms. Larson, please persuade Mr. Yandell. This partnership is very Important for us both…” 

Madeline glanced at Yohannes and suggested, Mr. Yandell, Let’s wait for the manager to come.” 

There’s no need.” After saying that, Yohannes picked up his clothes and walked out. After pacing a few steps, he looked back at Madeline. What are you waiting for! Follow me 

Madeline hurriedly followed Yohannes closely. She felt a little helpless. This was how the entertainment circle was. Anyway, when she was an extra, things were far worse

Stella grew anxious. They really left.” 

Fernando slapped Stella. You’re such a troublemaker!” 

Then, he gritted his teeth and spat. Our products are all selling like hotcakes only because they’re being sold in Yohannes name. What if he doesn’t work with us anymore and his fans return them! If the fans reject us and think we’re a scam. their returns alone will cause enough trouble for us.” 

Stella was so shocked. She dared not speak Ah. I regret picking on Ms. Larson. I thought she was weak. Now I know that even if she is weak, she’s Yohannesweakness. I didn’t have the right to do that,she realized internally and belatedly. I was wrong. I’m going to apologize!” 

Fernando sneered sarcastically. There’s no need to apologize anymore. You’re fired. You are far too professional to take on this position! Also, just wait and see. If Mr. Yandell breaks off the contract, we’ll have you take legal responsibility” 

Stella paled. Her lips trembled, and she couldn’t speak

In the elevator, Yohannes chided without bothering to look at Madeline, Are you stupid?Then, with an indifferent expression, he pursed his lips. The reflective and brightly illuminated elevator mirrored Yohannes slender figure, which stood at the corner furthest from Madeline

Hearing Yohannes words, Madeline glanced at his side profile confusedly, Huh?” 

The blue glow of the elevator’s advertisement board fell on his brow ridge. His slightly ruffled hair had covered his eyes, and Madeline couldn’t decipher the gaze within them

Why didn’t you just call me!Yohannesvoice was as calm as ever as if he were talking to someone without emotion. Yet, only he knew that beneath his facade of calmness was anger

Tm so angry. Why won’t Madeline come to me when she gets into trouble and needs help? She clearly wasnt like this before. Argh. Sometimes, I really want to grab her by the shoulders, shake her, and ask her why she’s changed he cursed internally

It’s not a big deal. Besides, I came here as an assistant. I’m supposed to run errands.Madeline didn’t take things to heart and shrugged. What else am I supposed to dojust sit there?” 

What else could you have done? retorted 


Madeline felt speechless at Yohanneswords. Who doesn’t want to sit around and do nothing! Could he really give me that freedom? P. Does he think only he can command me? she scoffed internally. Can I really sit around and do nothing? Can I be a wallflower and wait to be fed?” 

Chapter 136 

Hmph! Dream on Yohannes scoffed


The elevator doors opened to the underground parking, which was cooler in temperature. By then, Yohannes and Madeline had calmed down

Madeline watched Yohannes get in the car. His hands were welldefined and slender without any roughness. It was hard to imagine someone with such hands was actually one of Phantom Organization’s brothers

Admiring his hands, she felt absentminded. At times, she missed the past. They used to sleep on the same pillow, and he would pinch her cheeks and smile tenderly. No matter how heavy it snowed or how cold it got in winter, they used to always find solace and warmth in one another

Madeline set aside her thoughts and got into the car when she suddenly hit her head on the car roof. Ah,” she blurted out softly. However, the pain she expected to feel didn’t appear


As Madeline looked up, her forehead brushed against Yohannesfingers, and she saw him holding the car roof. Her head didn’t hurt because she bumped into his hand 

Yohannes and Madeline were so close she saw the necklace around his neck sway

Yohanneseyebrows furrowed, and there was concern in his eyes. When she saw him like this, Madeline’s eyelashes trembled, and she uttered with difficulty, Thank you” 


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