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The Remorseful Brothers novel Chapter 146

Chapter 146 

Sharon frowned. The disfigurement of her face alone had already been a devastating blow. Now, Winslet was acting terrified, making it seem like she was mocking her injuries even more

She clenched her fists, wishing she could skin the timid Winslet right here and now

Winslet, I know you’re not truly part of the Larson family. This is something Thomas hid very well, so much so that even the Larson family in the capital doesn’t know your real identity,Sharon said

Winslet stiffened all over and said, II don’t know” 

Stop pretending. You definitely know.Sharon snorted coldly. But now, I’m going to let you completely replace Madeline. I’ll get rid of her, and 


will become the real and only daughter of the Larson family in Acocester. Are you willing?” 

Confused, Winslet asked, Aunt Sharon, what do you mean? Can you explain it more clearly?” 

Sharon glared at her and cursed her silently for being a fool. She said, I mean, I’ll end Madeline, and you will undergo surgery to look like her and take her place!” 

Aunt Sharon, I don’t get it. Even if you wanted to kill Madeline, it would be easy for you. So why go through all this trouble of making me look like her?Winslet asked

Her main concern was that Winslet thought she was much prettier than Madeline. Otherwise, why else would Madeline’s fiancé be so obsessed with her

Sharon was starting to lose her patience, but she said, I’ll tell you the truth. The youngest son of the Horton family, Nick, is engaged to the Larson family, and he hasn’t shown interest in anyone else but Madeline. Nick is from the Horton family, and the Horton family is on equal footing with the Larson family. They are one of the top ten prestigious families.” 

Sharon continued, Compared to the capital, Acocester is worlds apart. The marriage has already been arranged by the elder of the family. They don’t know about the affairs in Acocester. When the time comes, you will marry Nick in Madeline’s place, and Madeline will be considered dead under your name. This lie is unbreakable. We’re in this together now, and no one will be able to expose you.” 

After listening to Sharon, Winslet’s fear completely vanished. Compared to such great power, what was a little plastic surgery

Still, Winslet gritted her teeth. If Nick had chosen her from the start, she wouldn’t have to endure the pain of surgery

Aunt Sharon, why did such a great opportunity end up falling to me?she asked

Sharon sneered. She didn’t want to make things easy for them either. She hated the Larson family in Acocester

But if she had to choose between Madeline and Winslet marrying Nick, she would rather it be Winslet. At least she was easy to control and not very smart. As a trophy wife, she would be good enough

Sharon said, After all, you’re obedient. I’m not petty. I can tell the difference between you and Madeline. I won’t hold anything against you because of her. I’ve arranged the surgery. Tomorrow morning, someone will pick you up to go abroad. Do well and don’t disappoint me.” 

Winslet smiled and said, Thank you, Aunt Sharon.” 

She knew that flattering Sharon had been worth it. See? Some good fortune finally came her way. Winslet always believed that opportunities come to those who were prepared, and hard work would never go unrewarded

Winslet said, I will continue to work hard.” 

Sharon waved her hand and dismissed Winslet

Then, her face darkened as she asked, How close will the resemblance be after surgery?” 

Alfred replied hesitantly, In terms of appearance, at most seven out of ten. The rest will rely on training since their body shapes and temperaments are quite different. Luckily, Nick only briefly looked at the photos and chose randomly.” 

When the time comes, we can claim that her condition was affected by the accident or say the photos were retouched and don’t quite match her real look. As long as she mimics Madeline’s cold demeanor, it should be enough,” he added

Sharon frowned and said, Cold demeanor? Winslet acts like a puppy in front of rich men. Train her properly, or she’ll be sent back.” 

Alfred replied, Yes, Ms. Larson.” 

Night fell. Madeline looked at the script, already able to recite it by heart. She had read the adapted novel countless times, and every scene was ingrained in her memory


Chapter 146 

Gavin sat opposite to her, leaning on the table with his handsome face. In front of him was also a script, but he appeared emotionless. Christy, you can’t replace her,he said

Madeline was startled, her lips trembling slightly before tears fell. The tears, like pearls, gently rolled off her long lashes

So, was your occasional kindness to me all becauseI resemble her?she asked

Gavin crumpled the script in frustration. Then, he held Madeline’s face and said, Maddie, stop crying. This ridiculous plot isn’t worth your tears. Let’s stop acting. Don’t cry,he coaxed softly, rubbing her cheeks and patting her head


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